International Astrology Day

New Courses

Here we are on the threshold of spring! March is an exciting month for astrologers, because we have International Astrology Day, March 20th, the vernal equinox, when the Sun enters Aries. Folks around the world celebrate the vast and rich history of astrology, the art of turning to the night sky for celestial guidance and self-reflection. As above, so below! 

At the beginning of the month, Sun is still in Pisces, and at the FCEA, we are busy dreaming and imagining new Craftsperson courses. Similar to live programs Steven has done in past APs, these courses focus upon particular planets, exploring each in depth and through chart analysis. Steven is working day in and day out, creating new videos, where he reads a chart from an evolutionary perspective with a special emphasis on the chosen planet. For the Moon, we have Meryl Streep; Sun, it is Jackie Robinson. In each, Steven dives in and paints a picture of the planet’s dance in this soul’s incarnation.

If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there’s some way to do it.

 – Walt Disney

Let me provide a teaser of one of Steven’s new videos for the Craftsperson level of instruction. When we think of Pisces season in March, we think of Neptune, planet of imagination and divine inspiration, the vastness of the inner world. Co-ruler of the sign, Neptune is very strong now as the planet transits Pisces, starting in2012 exiting in 2025. In “Walt Disney, a Study in Neptune,” Steven develops our understanding of the evolutionary perspective of the planet, beyond the basic 101 level, to take FCEA students further into the journey of reading a chart holistically. 
Care as an astrological counselor requires realizing that not every client identifies with “religion” or “spirituality” in a positive way, and so to build rapport, we need to find a bridge of language to reach that client. Neptune is the ruler of filmmaking and what better example of creative, compassionate film than Bambi? Steven brings to life Walt’s chart by integrating Neptune into the bigger picture. Walt Disney’s Neptune in Cancer in the 10th house, close to his Gemini MC, suggests a need to open to the spaciousness and consciousness of a “spiritual teacher,” but in Walt’s case, we see an animation artist and storyteller. Steven asks the fundamental 10th house question of planets in this house of mission, “What part of our own nature needs to be developed to a radical degree?” Through Bambi, Walt Disney transformed our relationship with the natural kingdom. “Who after seeing Bambi, could feel good about shooting a deer?” His creative imagination created myths and symbols of our culture, symbols more nurturing and compassionate.
I hope this offers you a brief taste for Steven’s new video series. Planetary studies in depth to expand students’ skills in seeing the planet in a larger context of chart analysis. In our Piscean season this month, remember, “If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there’s some way to do it”, the wise words of Walt Disney, Neptunian storyteller with a compassionate heart.

Valentine’s Synastry

Astrology of Relationship

Greetings FCEA students,

This spring we are taking exciting steps in fine-tuning our classes at the Craftsperson Level. Steven has completed so many new videos covering advanced topics in evolutionary astrology. In February, a retrograde Mercury, plus Venus, meet up with Jupiter in Aquarius. We at the FCEA are using this cosmic dance to reflect and rework our Aquarian online classroom. Jupiter is helping us with the learning process. What are the best strategies for success and opportunity in creating the next generation of gifted evolutionary astrologers? Saturn continues to ask us to work hard in building a solid foundation for our students and for the FCEA.

February brings us Valentine’s Day. As love fills the air, we astrologers turn our attention to the sacred dance of souls, the art of reading how relationship unfolds through the insight of evolutionary astrology. We are thrilled to announce that advanced classes include Steven’s curriculum about synastry, the fine art of negotiation and building a positive rapport with our significant others. We explore relational themes through the charts of some of the greatest artistic and intellectual collaborations of the 20th century: F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Passionate hearts, passionate minds entwined in creative and dynamic synastry! 

Here are Steven’s words describing this essential skill in our evolutionary toolbox,

“No one exists without relationships of some sort. Humans are an interdependent species. Even a hermit in a cave probably has at least had a teacher in the past. Everyone has had a mother – and that is often yet another complicated relationship.  Committed monogamous bonds are perhaps the most transformative form of intimacy, but there is also the courtship dance that single folks do, and the life-changing romances which unfold in almost everyone’s life from time to time. Right at the heart of everything are those astonishing, magic-creating moments when souls touch and our faith in the Eternal Mysteries becomes as palpable as the force of gravity.

What light can astrology shed on these precious connections?”

I hope this gives you a small taste of what is to come down the road in courses at the FCEA. Wishing you love in ALL its forms and many springtime blessings! 

Code of Ethics

Dean's Code of Ethics

By Catie Cadge, Dean of Instruction


Welcome once again to the FCEA! We hope to build a loving and warm learning community, one that is based upon a solid foundation of good, honest hard work and effort. Every good school of padawans worthy of the name “council of wizards” needs a helpful code of conduct to follow.

“Character is tested when we are up against it. “

Please read these simple rules, follow them whenever and wherever possible, and we will be on our way to becoming a family of learners, apprentices and craftspeople, masters in training, of evolutionary astrology using the Steven Forrest Method!


  • Contribute to a positive, collaborative learning environment online by being open and receptive to the ideas and opinions of others.  It is ok to disagree with a concept, but please be respectful of the ideas of others.
  • Welcome one another to class and encourage others through supportive dialog. If you have critical insights into the work of another, offer positive feedback, if at all possible, as well.
  • Follow the Steven Forrest Method in ALL school discussions, assignments and activities. For example, use only the Mean node and Placidus house system.
  • Keep personal comments brief and make sure they are relevant to class content. Please be respectful of your privacy and the privacy of others. It is fine to refer to your own birthchart and/or personal experience, but please be aware of the trap of sharing too much. Be sensitive, as well, to the personal sharing of others.
  • Be prepared when responding to class discussions and assignments by completing assigned reading, handouts and/or watching videos and webinars. Readings complement the material we cover in class. 
  • Don’t cheat! This one is probably a given since apprentices want to learn. Still, ask for help rather than cut corners. We are here for you!
  • Please be kind, patient and supportive when working with any FCEA staff, the registrar, and administrators. We are all one tribe.
  • Have FUN while putting in the hard work and study. Embrace Jupiter as well as Saturn! The best learning happens when we dance between the two. Wisdom and knowledge take time, patience and commitment – and a whole lot of love!

Catie Template

Title of Post

Put some introduction text here.

All of the text that will wrap around the pic.

Put a cool quote here.

Finish up the post here.