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Scholarship Opportunities

at the FCEA

We at the FCEA strive to make education accessible and available to all. We believe everyone’s educational needs are best served by insuring our student body is well-rounded and diverse. With these goals in mind, we offer the following opportunities for financial aid.

The FCEA offers a limited number of full scholarships, providing a tuition waiver, to a select group of students, chosen once a year by our Scholarship Selection Committee. We also offer a number of positions as tutorial assistants each year. These work-study positions include a tuition waiver.

The number of students chosen will depend upon the school’s growth and financial position at the time of application. Please see scholarship application directions below. Work-study positions will be announced during the school year when necessary to support the school’s programs.

There are two types of scholarships at the FCEA: a needs-based award in response to a student’s financial hardship and a diversity scholarship intended to support students from historically marginalized and/or oppressed communities worldwide.

The FCEA Needs Based Scholarship

The FCEA recognizes that in order to create the best in an astrological education, a student body must be inclusive of those with limited resources or financial support. This full scholarship will be awarded to the person whom our scholarship committee deems to be the most promising aspiring student who is in need of financial assistance in covering tuition at the FCEA.

The FCEA Diversity Scholarship

The FCEA is committed to promoting diversity in our student body in terms of race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender preference, sexual orientation and the inclusion of other underrepresented groups in education and in the professional field of astrology. The scholarship committee seeks to award candidates with a full scholarship who contribute to a diverse student body and who help build a more inclusive learning experience at the FCEA.

Recipients of the awards will begin the tuition waiver once they are selected. The scholarship will continue until: a) the student completes the Master certification requirements or b) the student elects to suspend their studies. Recipients must maintain a good academic standing in their courses while receiving scholarship support.

Directions for Submitting a Scholarship Application

Applicants apply for the scholarships by submitting the following during the Open Period for Submission:

  1. A cover letter introducing the student’s level of engagement at the FCEA and current enrollment status
  2. A Personal Statement of maximum 700 words. The Personal Statement should include the following:
    • The student’s educational and professional accomplishments, goals and experience
    • Why the student wishes to practice and learn the Steven Forrest Method of evolutionary astrology
    • An explanation of why the student is an ideal candidate for this type of scholarship – financial need or in support of the school’s diversity goals

Open Period for Submission: June 15 to July 15. Selection by August 1st each year.

Scholarship Submission
Please specify your level of engagement at the FCEA and current enrollment status
Please include the following:
• Your educational and professional accomplishments, goals and experience.
• Why you wish to practice and learn the Steven Forrest Method of evolutionary astrology.
• An explanation of why you're an ideal candidate for this type of scholarship – financial need or in support of the school's diversity goals.