Learning About Lunar Phases

Learning About Lunar Phases in FCEA-301

Dean’s Update, May 2022

Catie Cadge
Each month, when I write the Dean’s Update, I take a moment to think ahead and look to see what is on the horizon for the FCEA. Once again, I have this summer’s 300-level Moon course on my mind. I am really looking forward to this particular course. It teaches some core techniques about lunar phases every astrologer needs to know. These are fundamental cards in our astrological hand that we include in every reading with our clients. Why have we waited so long to teach these critical tools we use in evolutionary astrology? Steven and I believe patience is required in order to absorb, reflect, and develop our skill sets. Our advanced students are now ready to take in the rich layer of meaning evident when we consider the lunar phase in chart analysis. And what a rich layer it is!

All aspects are about integration.” —Steven Forrest

But there is more to the lunar picture. In addition to learning about and applying interpretation of the phases of the Moon in the natal chart, students also practice working with the progressed lunation cycle, in FCEA 301, The Moon. How can we best speak to the client’s heart in a reading? Where in the progressed lunation cycle, almost three decades in length, is the soul in life’s long journey? The Moon phase by progression captures so well “the mood” of the life at the moment for a client. The sign and house location of the progressed Moon provides the emotional feeling, the core needs and values, while the lunar phase by progression helps us understand possible strategies, ones that are instinctual and attitudinal, for fulfilling these needs. Advanced students already studied the progressed lunar return in FCEA 203, The Biopsychic Script. Now we take on the progressed Moon in all her stages of lunar beauty! Building upon our 200-level curriculum, we hone our practical skills in analysis of the “current sky” to create a full, integrative chart reading.

Summer promises to be fun and engaging as we open our minds and hearts in FCEA 301: The Moon. We are excited to run this course on its maiden voyage. We also look forward to eventually sharing lunar wisdom and insight with all FCEA students at the appropriate level of advanced Craftsperson. What progressed lunar phase will you be in at that time? Let’s hope we all bask and shine in the moonlight!
Catie Cadge, PhD
May 2022

The Scoop on Study Groups

The Scoop on Study Groups

Dean’s Update, April 2022

Catie CadgeApril greetings, everyone! This month we move from fiery Aries into Taurus season. Here at the FCEA, our wonderful staff have been very busy, updating the school’s website with new features and helpful tools. We have taken our social media presence to a new level. Aries helps us put into action our strategies to build a bigger and better school. An exciting time for the FCEA!
Meanwhile, I’d like to share some positive thoughts I have about our fun and engaging study groups, our weekly gatherings where community and connection take place.
These are available for our students in the fully guided program. Under the springtime Taurus Sun, my focus turns to places I can find peace and calm, center myself and relax. Our study groups at the FCEA are the place where the “rubber meets the road.” Conversations provide a means to listen, to absorb, to reflect, to practice and to share what we have learned and how we are building our sacred craft as evolutionary astrologers. But they are also a source of relaxation. A place to connect.
For folks who have not yet joined a study group or for our loyal members, I’ll fill you in briefly about these practical – but fun! – educational group gatherings. Our study groups happen each Tuesday when classes are in session. We hold two study groups, one at 8:00 am and then another at 5:00 pm Pacific time. The 8:00 am time is designed to best reach our students based in Europe, 5:00 pm for our students in Asia. Each is led by two of our tutors or myself, with master wizard, Steven, joining us once a month. We use breakout rooms on the Zoom call to help students feel comfortable working in a small cohort of fellow astrologers enrolled in the same level of instruction. A “mystery chart” or two are shared.
The tutors and I make every effort to visit each and every breakout room and help the group talk through chart analysis. We end by meeting all together and revealing our insights, taking a guess at the mystery person’s identity. In sum, the study groups are a practice opportunity and a great place to just “be” with our work and colleagues, to do our craft, and sharpen our skills.
Steven often emphasizes his wise words, “All aspects are about integration.” Of course, he is describing best practices in evolutionary astrology in this quote. But the same advice applies beautifully to education, the ways in which we best learn, grow and develop our skill set. Integration involves not only sitting at the master’s feet and absorbing each lesson each step of the way. Integration of what we are learning takes active participation and loving engagement as we come together in dialog via the study groups. We get to know each other, listen and respond, and empower each person by mastering the ins and outs of reading a chart.
Catie Cadge presents the mystery chart of "John Cippolino"
Presenting the Mystery Chart of “John Cippolino” at the End of the Study Group Hour
The French use two different verbs “to know.” Savoir – to know a fact – and connaitre – to know through experience. The best education integrates both, ça je sais. This I know! Steven and I and the tutors feel blessed to get to really know each of you and to learn together every week in our study group meetups. Je connais ce sentiment. And I know and experience the feeling. We all work together to make our learning grounded and real.
I hope I provided a little taste of an important part of our school’s educational offerings. I thank the students and tutors who join our study groups each week. The study groups are a great advantage of registering for the fully guided program at the FCEA. It is a time of “rubber meets the road” for me as Dean as well. When we each use our minds, hearts and intuition and articulate aspects and interpretations we see most meaningful. A space we hold for each other. A place to learn and apply our gifts, our talents.
Catie Cadge, PhD
April 2022

Imagination & the Bigger FCEA Picture

Imagination & The Bigger Picture

Dean’s Update, March 2022

Catie CadgeToday’s third birthday of the FCEA is on my mind as I sit writing my monthly Dean’s Update on March 6th. Happy Solar Return, dear FCEA!
What a year it has been. Jupiter by transit is conjunct the school’s Sun and my ascendant at the moment. Lots of hope is in the air. But I must admit it feels as if there is a lot to meditate upon as well. Our Piscean school still seems fuzzy around the edges at moments. Time to get my Capricorn sleeves rolled up once again and reinforce the FCEA’s solid structure, the firm foundation in what it will take our students to reach completion. Does one ever become a “master”?


Strive for something real, a level of achievement, and let perfection be a lifetime journey.  
Capricorns are known to be the type to want a strategy, a goal, a clear mountain path to climb. I always tell my sea-goat clients that it might feel good to have a plan or an orderly approach. Get one’s “ducks in a row” so to speak. I think many of you know that Steven Forrest and I are both Capricorn Suns and we both have natal Mercury in Capricorn as well. From the very start of the FCEA, Steven and I worked to make a school curriculum with clear objectives and a structure that made sense. We were always so careful to not push students into material too advanced or confusing. We both have been trying to gradually open classes at one level at a time and to calculate growth in logical and realistic ways.


So what is the next step for the Dean in growing our school and supporting our students?


This spring, Steven and I are organizing our advanced courses at the 300 to 600-level into possible time frames for completion. In other words, we hope to move toward defining the Craftsperson and Master certification, along with developing electives so our students can choose their own best track of study.
Both Jupiter and Neptune, conjunct this spring by transit, are moving through the school’s 11th house and squaring the FCEA natal Jupiter in Sagittarius. We want a mystical school that honors our sacred craft! Some of those “fuzzy edges” have been a necessary part of dreaming our school into being. Imagining a picture of our changing goals and aspirations. Such Piscean windows into our imagination make the dream happen. But now we also need some Saturnian discipline and structure. The months ahead provide a step toward practical planning and building.
Steven and I will meet this April during the “big” conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in an exact square to our school’s Sagittarius Jupiter in the 7th house. Please wish us luck in creating the BEST degree program in evolutionary astrology—and keep an eye out for our 2022 Course Catalog and Calendar, to be posted by the end of this month!
Long live the FCEA! Happy International Astrology Day, March 20, and many blessings on the vernal equinox!
Catie Cadge, PhD
March 2022

The Wonders of Synastry


The Wonders of Synastry

Dean’s Update, February 2022

Greetings, FCEA community!
Love is in our hearts and minds this month of February, when folks in the northern hemisphere escape the cold, wintry winds by seeking a warm embrace on Valentine’s Day. To our students and members in parts of Asia, we wish you blessings on the Lunar New Year. Happy year of the Tiger to all! But turning back to February’s topic of love, I’d like to share with everyone a little bit of the excitement in my own heart for our next new course opening in early March. I’m working with Steven in the weeks ahead to fine-tune FCEA 204 and 205, our introduction to the sacred art of astrological counseling through synastry: chart comparison and the composite chart.
On one of our recent FCEA Zoom calls, some of us swapped stories about last month’s Venus retrograde in Capricorn. We shared the journey of reassessing and reimagining how we best flow with grace together and with our closest partners. Venus stationed direct conjunct my own south node in Capricorn. It was like the universe offered me a mirror to see my own faults and weaknesses, where I need to grow and change in the cosmic dance I do with others. Learning to balance love, trust and encouragement, while keeping my own boundaries and needs in check, is a challenging step in understanding synastry for this particular Dean. Let’s face it. Synastry is not purely all about romantic love and marriage. It touches every facet of our lives.
As we see throughout the FCEA curriculum, the individual birthchart is the fundamental foundation in all branches of evolutionary astrology. Synastry is no different. Please indulge me for a minute. I want to share one of the ways I have been coming to terms with the mirror of myself I see in those I work closely with, my one-on-one comrades in life’s sacred work. Two weeks ago, I adopted a very sweet and tiny little kitten I named “Vesta.” Vesta is the one who maintains the sacred flame in the temple; she carries a lineage forward into the future. The asteroid is currently conjunct my natal Sun by transit. We will learn about these asteroids later in the FCEA coursework. Let me use my own family dynamics to illustrate my point.
Fuzzy and black, playful and full of zest, Vesta is the “queen” of my home. I love how she bounces into the room with confidence and joy! I watch closely as she rubs up next to my older cat, Io (He is named after a moon of Jupiter). Much larger, Io is the boss in my eyes. I am careful to give him extra love and affection at the time of changing family dynamics. Despite his wisdom of age and maturity, Io, at first, feared Vesta and the little one chased my poor old cat around the house. What a lesson in synastry for me! Why does Io not see his own strength, his size? Claim his own right to be in this universe? Why does he project his own power onto this little, tiny kitten?
“When we observe the things we attribute to the other person, we see our own depth and meaning. Our gold goes first from us to them. Eventually it will come back to us. Projecting our inner gold offers us the best chance for an advance in consciousness.” —Robert Johnson, Inner Gold
Ok, well, I suppose I am anthropomorphizing my poor cats in my feeble attempts to grasp my own life dramas in synastry: How do I see myself in others? How can I grow and learn to assert and declare my own needs and potential, while opening my heart to listen, love and truly see those who, as Steven would say, “venusify” my life? 
This spring, at the FCEA, we venture into the broader territory of synastry in evolutionary astrology, building upon our work with the birthchart and the changing sky. Synastry is about any kind of relationship, not just romantic ones — although of course we’ll pay a lot of attention to those too. For those lucky students ready to dive in, pull your Skymates and Skymates 2 from your bookshelves, get ready to read, reflect, grow and change together in the sacred craft of loving counsel through comparing charts in synastry. Mother and child, lovers, co-workers, even bandmates and cats, form the complex web of astrological connection we all share and need. Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day everyone!

Catie Cadge, PhD
February 2022

The Blessings of Jupiter in Pisces

The Blessings of Jupiter in Pisces

Greetings FCEA community!
2022 has arrived and we usher in the new year with several new classes opening in January, along with some fun and engaging Zoom calls planned with Steven and the FCEA tutors. Jupiter in Pisces is moving through the 10th house of our school’s chart, headed towards the 11th house Sun and Moon. The FCEA was “born” on a New Moon in Pisces in 2019 and with this year’s Pisces New Moon in early March, Jupiter joins up as well. So much to aspire to! A time for us to set our goals as a community of learning and a community of friendship and love.
When discussing birthcharts of individuals, Steven so often describes 11th house planets as being “on a long fuse,” taking time to develop in the life. Does this useful aphorism apply to the FCEA’s stellium of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune, all in Pisces and the 11th? Where does transiting Jupiter ask us to take a chance on ourselves as a school and roll the dice in the months ahead? Certainly, it is time for a gradual expansion. But I would say perhaps the most meaningful growth we can do now is to build a compassionate community of support with a solid sense of what we can accomplish together, a generous Jupiterian spirit of “We CAN do this!” We are a family, a team. Do we need a Jupiter mascot?
We are thrilled to say we are ready to begin our next 100-level program with the opening of 101B, our guided introductory course. A brand-new cohort of students will become apprentices to Steven’s methods throughout the year! I want to offer them a heartfelt “welcome” as they embark on a new journey in evolutionary astrology. Throughout last year, I loved to watch and listen to each class of apprentices. It is so moving to see such love and camaraderie! May Jupiter in Pisces bring creative minds and open hearts as our new 100-level apprentices form a bond together as fellow students in our sacred craft. Please greet them and welcome them when you meet them on a Zoom call!



On New Year’s Eve, Teal Rowe, one of the FCEA tutors, and I were discussing the changing night sky and how Jupiter, with the planet’s faster speed, is pulling away now from its sacred dance with Saturn, a constant theme in 2021. Jupiter so often presents a picture of a glass half full, to envision possibilities. Earlier I mentioned a Jupiter mascot. Is it time to find creative ways to expand our collective spirit as a school? Let’s plant some seeds in the month ahead together by sharing ideas and dreams of how we might make our school the BEST in learning and applying Steven’s masterful skills as wizard. A Hogwarts we can be proud of; compassionate and loving “winners” on the Quidditch field of the FCEA.

“There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.” —Robin Williams

Perhaps finding that team spirit, the mutual love we share for Steven’s approach and for evolutionary astrology, is what we most need when taking on Saturn in 2022. You might recall Steven wrote in his Master’s Musings last month about Saturn transiting the school’s 10th house following Jupiter’s recent path. Obstacles and hard work are part of the journey. It helps me to think of the words of the late, great comedian Robin Williams, “There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.” Robin’s natal Pisces Moon speaks of a passion for life’s possibilities, that glass half full. Sensitive, emotional, and intuitive, Robin also deeply felt all that engulfed him. His natal Moon in the 4th house longed for the caring and compassionate bonds of family. I am hoping 2022 opens our school to such a longing, such a joy in the FCEA “team,” and a powerful shared dream of “family.” And, yes, it will undoubtedly include some mistakes!
Catie Cadge, PhD
January 2022

Looking Ahead to 2022

Capricorn Holiday Ornament

Looking Ahead to 2022

Solstice Greetings, everyone!
Ah, the Sun enters Capricorn…Winter is a time for turning inward as we all reflect upon the past year. We find some peace and quiet time, and imagine the next steps in our soul’s journey up the mountain. And we all need hope, faith and love for the New Year.
In his “Master’s Musings” this month, Steven faces head-on the Saturn times ahead for us at the FCEA. Jupiter may bless our school, too, but only if we “roll up our sleeves” and embrace the hard work, so we can reach for the stars. Let’s build the BEST school we can for evolutionary astrology. Please join us in celebrating the path ahead!

“You can make a wish, but then you have to do the wish. It doesn’t just happen.” –Anonymous, a nine-year-old Capricorn kid

Congratulations to our students in their successful completion of FCEA 202, the Practicum in Transits, Progressions and Solar Arcs. We were so impressed by the level of engagement and the love all you showed to one another in class discussions. Such an honor for me to work with such talented evolutionary astrologers! Such a gift for me…I wish to give a shout out to tutors Marie, Joey and Teal in thanks for their constant help and support in moving FCEA 202 to a successful finish. I could not do this work as dean without them! Just before solstice, our current FCEA 103 section will be coming to a close, so I also wish them the best of luck in their final submissions and a big thank you to Karen, Sarrah, Bryan, Ryan, and Allison for such stellar work in guiding our students through FCEA 103. What a busy fall term it has been here at the school.
I want to share with you some exciting news: we have hired three new employees to help the FCEA with the structural needs and difficult tasks of Saturn in the months ahead. We are thrilled to have Paula Wansley as our chief financial operator to guide us through the school’s anticipated growth in 2022 (“Knock on wood”… As Steven says, Jupiter wants us to take a chance!). Paula comes to us after years of experience working for Steven and Ingrid Coffin planning and helping to coordinate many Apprenticeship Programs, Steven’s live teaching sessions formerly held outside of San Diego. I have known Paula, myself, for seven years now. I always feel immediately at ease with Paula; a great trait when it comes to handling financial discussions. Thank you, Paula! I love that we will be working with her in the years ahead.
I am extremely grateful to announce we have a new communications coordinator, Penelope Love. Penelope is gifted in so many skills it is difficult to know where to begin! Holding an MA in Mass Communication, Penelope is a successful author, editor and publisher. She will be handling our newsletter, helping with Zoom calls and organizing our events, and contributing much-needed revisions to our website. As the FCEA grows, Penelope will be helping us reach a wide audience through social media platforms as well. Some of you may know Penelope from our current 100-level classes. Please welcome her as staff when you see her on a Zoom call! We are so thankful and thrilled to work with such a talented soul. I am confident Penelope will be critical to the school’s success in 2022.
A third new staff member to the FCEA is Carlos Velazquez, our Technical Support “Jack-of-all-trades.” Carlos comes to us with experience in web development, systems administration, and information technology. He will be working with Penelope to ease students successfully through enrollment and then register our students into Moodle, our Learning Management System. Carlos will be a critical link in the chain, helping us to update and improve the website, as well as successfully getting new classes up in Moodle and ready for instruction. Thank you, Carlos! We are so grateful for your many talents. And a big thank you to Jeff Parrett for training Carlos and Penelope in these essential tasks. Carlos is a current 100-level FCEA student. Please congratulate him when you see him on Zoom!


Catie Cadge, PhD
December 2021

Happy Holiday

Happy Holidays

The holiday season is quickly approaching and our final classes of 2021 are coming to end soon. We are all looking forward to celebrating the beginning of a new year at the FCEA, our school’s second year of operation. I am so proud of the job everyone is doing in both the 100-level and 200-level instruction! To me, the quality of analysis and interpretation demonstrated by FCEA students suggests so much more than their hard work and effort. It reflects a kind and caring collaboration, the gifts we receive from a shared community of love, support and encouragement.

This is a community that the students and FCEA staff have built together, one worth celebrating and cherishing. We could not do this school without you! In this month of giving thanks, let’s appreciate ALL the voices we have gathered and recognize the feast we have at our FCEA table. 
There is much to look forward to in 2022 as well. We are excited to roll out another new course in January, FCEA 203, The Biopsychic Script. This is a big one for me, personally, because I will experience my own Second Saturn Return next year. I remember singing along to Joni Mitchell’s The Circle Game when I was just a small child back during the late 1960s. If you recall the song, you may remember Joni’s lyrics were about the passage of time and the rhythms of life’s cycles, as if we were riding a carousel horse through each changing year. 
Something seemed so authentic to me back then when I first heard Joni Mitchell’s words, even though my own life in this incarnation had barely gotten started. Over the years, wisdom seemed to grow within my understanding of her song’s poetry. Was I getting a better sense about life’s stages of maturity? Was this developing self-awareness evident in the planetary cycles and rhythms of evolutionary astrology? 

“And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We’re captive on the carousel of time
We can’t return, we can only look
Behind, from where we came
And go round and round and round, in the circle game”

– Joni Mitchell

Perhaps the answers to these questions are best summed up by Steven’s definition of the biopsychic script as we will study it in FCEA 203, “As we mature, our consciousness – and our circumstances – change in somewhat predictable and rather universal ways. Within limits, everyone experiences these maturational developments similarly. Astrology can take us beyond the realm of what is immediately obvious, sensitizing us to the subtleties of these life-chapters in very illuminating ways. We call this particular area of astrological study the biopsychic script.”
In FCEA 203, we will continue to rely upon the birthchart as root prediction and set these commonly experienced life events, such as the Saturn Return, the Uranus Opposition, the Jupiter Return, to name just a few, into the biographical stories of specific individuals, individuals undoubtedly experiencing other important transits, progressions or solar arcs simultaneously in unique ways. And we will return again to Wilma’s chart, our fictional client, with whom we have been developing a counseling rapport. How will her fiery primal triad and her stellium in Gemini and her 10th house work with the rhythms of the lunar nodes and her Nodal Return?
We will also consider some key events of the biopsychic script, such as the Saturn Return, within the context of the client’s age. Can we see certain themes during the first Saturn Return in a person’s late 20s that change with advancing age when a soul reaches the late 50s? What lessons or questions do we encounter when Saturn again returns to its natal position? Thinking back to my first Saturn Return and comparing that time to my current reality in 2021, as Saturn again travels through Aquarius, I notice some similarities of experience; the universe sets up the carousel horses once again in ways I must mature into and work through with patience and discipline. Ah, Saturn, you really do remind me of ‘father time.’ And what is it Steven always tells us about Saturn? “How bad do you want it”? No doubt in my mind that FCEA students will meet the challenge!

Faith and Hard Work

Faith and Hard Work

At the FCEA, we have been watching Jupiter and Saturn dance in the night sky all year. Last December, they were so close, then a bit apart, then even farther apart, and soon Jupiter will re-enter Pisces for a very quick passage (for Jupiter!)  through the zodiacal sign. I have been thinking a lot about hard work and opportunity, how one often follows or accompanies the other. I often hear from FCEA students about how they are frustrated by the steep learning curve, the amount of detail, all the calculations to figure out, the nuts and bolts of software, counseling skills, synthesis and integration, all the pieces of the Steven Forrest method to master. This seems like a higher and higher mountain to climb.  Saturn times can be so tough. I personally find it helpful to remember Steven’s now-famous saying, “Saturn helps us to do what we don’t feel like doing.” Boy, isn’t that the truth?! Then, who knows, maybe we can put our hope in Jupiter, when we might, just might, be able to sweep up all the goodies after Lord Task Master Saturn has done his work.
Going through the program here at the FCEA takes a little bit of Jupiter’s faith and hope. With time, effort and discipline, mastery, or maybe getting just one step closer to being a “master,” will eventually come down the road. I am writing to you this morning on the eve of a New Moon in Libra. One heart and soul to another, I say go easy on yourselves, calm down, allow the art and joy of practicing evolutionary astrology slowly bloom within you. We can’t grasp the skills and Steven’s abilities to integrate all the pieces of a chart reading over night! Ease into it and let it sink in. I just want to encourage you and let you know I understand, I get it. I’m in my own Saturn time at the moment and plodding through all I have on my plate overwhelms me each day.But anything worth learning and accomplishing takes time.

Patience is the art of hoping.
– Luc de Clapiers

It takes a desire to keep going, keep trying and to keep your goals always in sight.

Remember we have Jupiter somewhere out there in the sky. In the spring of 2022, Jupiter will join together with Neptune in Pisces.We all need to dream BIG and have faith in our imaginations and hope for a better future. Both planets will trine the north node of the Moon in Cancer, 3rd house, in the FCEA school’s natal chart, while squaring the school’s Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 7th. Let’s support each other in this cosmic dance, have faith in what we all can do as evolutionary astrologers, and spread healing wisdom with the passion for this sacred craft we all share.
As we continue through 2021, we need to apply ourselves and work hard, but remember to be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day! 
In the meantime, I hope we all can cultivate some Piscean compassion for one another. I am so impressed by how kind and loving FCEA students are in replying to each other’s posts. A true spirit of camaraderie! For those that feel overwhelmed, slow down, listen to one another. A community is here for you. May Jupiter and Neptune in the year ahead expand our intuitive gifts, our visions for the future and build dreams upon all this hard work and effort.
I hope to see many of you at our first annual FCEA summit on November 13th!

Happy Equinox

Happy Equinox

Happy equinox to our FCEA community 

September 22nd begins fall here in the northern hemisphere. In the U.S., September usually signifies “back-to-school” time. For me, it is the leaves changing color that brings to mind the schoolhouse and the start of a new academic year. Friends and fellow astrologers “down under” in Oz please have patience with me. I know you have the warmer months to look forward to. But there is something about September and early October – Libra time – that makes me feel I want a fresh start with my classmates, peers and colleagues. 

One thing the FCEA staff has been pondering is what topics are missing in our school curriculum and how do we best engage students in learning these topics, while not distracting them from the core foundation of evolutionary astrology. What about Chiron? What is an “Out-Of-Bounds” Moon? Now wait a minute, we need to know what a Progressed “Out-Of-Bounds” Moon is too?!? Well, we all know Libra season is about negotiation, finding a balance with paradox. Let me see if I can start anew with you all, briefly address the astrological features “missing in action,” and, at the same time, get you excited for what is down the road in more Craftsperson coursework.

When we wrote the curriculum for the 100-level, we felt we needed an “unknown” chart. For 101B, we chose “Wilma” (some may recall working with good ol’ Wilma’s chart). Lots of fire and a fun 5th house, not to mention a somewhat challenging nodal axis – cool! But, central to an understanding of this client’s evolutionary journey included, of course, her 9th house Aries Sun conjunct her Chiron, sitting right on the cusp. Chiron. We had not yet dived into the significance of the “Wounded Healer.” What to do? Students in the guided program then saw Steven’s own Aries Moon jumping into action. In hardworking Capricorn spirit, Steven came up right away with a useful handout and Wilma was saved. 

Well, almost! I want to offer some hope that Chiron is going to reenter the stage in the 300-level program, sharing a class, called Emerging Planets, with recently discovered Eris. We will have videos, sample chart analysis and on-line discussions, so we can develop skills in using Chiron in an in-depth fashion and add the “Wounded Healer” to our growing astrological toolbox.

“The road to success is always under construction.”

– Lily Tomlin

Part of our mission is to lay the foundation for the time-tested and methodical approach to evolutionary astrology Steven practices and teaches. First and foremost, the basic concepts of the Primal Triad, along with eight core planets in our solar system, and the fundamental vocabulary of houses, angles and major aspects, must be thoroughly understood in order to integrate all into a clear and concise reading. How easy it is to get sidestepped in this process, when Chiron becomes the popular astrology trend or Eris, all of a sudden, appears to make the picture even more convoluted and complex. I must say I enjoy reading student posts and insights into these rich topics we have barely introduced at all. Thank you! But I also encourage you to embrace the fundamentals. The ABCs are key to making this kind of astrology work and our jobs a success. I know some of you already know about Chiron or “Out-Of-Bounds” planets, but please hold back on sharing that kind of thing — we don’t want to undercut the confidence of the relative beginners who might start feeling bad about themselves because they think they missed something.

We are saving a number of astrological insights of a “lunar kind,” for inclusion in our 300-level Moon course. You may already be familiar with these subjects from reading Steven’s The Book of the Moon, the textbook we will use in this exciting class. So many juicy details we can see when playing with these techniques, most of which we have not even mentioned yet in class! In the FCEA courses so far, many sample charts, such as Wilma’s, include a grid showing declination and a number of students have ventured into interpretation of a planet “Out of Bounds.” Yup, it was Wilma, herself, our favorite made-up client, with that 5th house “Sadge” Moon, conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn, that made a number of students chime in with creative renditions of what exactly is happening with Wilma’s sense of self expression and what brings her joy

I know some felt lost when hearing the phrase, “Out Of Bounds,” a.k.a “OOB,” when working with Wilma’s chart. Astrology as a discipline is filled with such lingo. And the “OOB” phenomenon is quite recent in its popular usage. Please be patient with yourselves! Again, it is easy to let these tools in the wizard’s kit overwhelm the foundational skills necessary for our sacred profession.

In the 300-level Moon course, we investigate in much more depth the “OOB” status of the Moon, while we also introduce “OOB” planets in our other 300 courses covering key planetary players. These classes are structured in a focused way through advanced coursework. The 300-level, (following the 200-level changing sky, biopsychic script and synastry courses), provides opportunities to more fully understand each planet better in terms of transit, progression and solar arc, while also catching any missing gaps from the Apprentice-level program. There is a lot to look forward to in the months ahead.

Wishing you all a great Libra season!

Virgo Season

Virgo Season

Looking Ahead to Virgo Season: Planning for Our First Annual Summit  

Greetings, everyone! Summer is moving quickly along and fall seems right around the corner. We are about to begin Virgo season. We are excited to join many of you as we continue to hone our skills in evolutionary astrology with 100- and 200-level instruction in late summer and fall. FCEA now has over one hundred active students! We celebrate all of you in helping us make our school a great success. Part of the Virgo polishing of our efforts for mastery in this sacred craft is feeling confident when working with the tools of the trade – how to cast a chart properly and how best to utilize the ins-and-outs of astrological software. We want to help! 

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

– Maya Angelou

We are happy to announce the FCEA will hold its 1st Annual Summit on November 13th, 2021, starting at 8am PST. We want to welcome all students and members to embark with us on our maiden flight. The FCEA Summit: A Community Gathering will include presentations on the benefits (and pitfalls) of various software, how to use an ephemeris and other helpful topics. And, of course, plenty of time for breakout rooms, astro dice, chart sharing and just having fun and a chance to connect. 

The morning of November 13th, the transiting Moon will conjunct the Sun and Neptune in Pisces in the natal chart of the FCEA. Transiting Mars and Mercury in Scorpio, 6th house, will oppose the FCEA’s natal Mars and transiting Uranus in Taurus, 12th house. We put our wizard caps on in Scorpio fashion as we share ideas and insights in a spirit of service and mentorship. Let’s work on making Mars about taking action in learning together and supporting a compassionate Piscean community. With this approach in mind, I ask everyone to feel free to send ideas or suggestions using the popup form by clicking the “Suggestions” button. The summit is a brand-new endeavor for the FCEA staff. We would love any feedback while in the planning stages of this very exciting new gathering.

In Neptune fashion, we are also using our creative imaginations to dream new ways of building bridges of connection in the FCEA, while still preserving confidentiality. We are hopeful that we will be able to eventually return to live gatherings, where perhaps advanced students might present or engage in more in-depth chart analysis, together with Steven and the FCEA teachers and tutors. By November’s summit, Jupiter will be marching forward again in Aquarius in the FCEA’s 10th house. Let’s seize the opportunity to set the stage with this maiden trip, a community gathering. This first summit is just a start. 

Please look for upcoming mailings regarding sign up and/or a link to participate in the 1st annual FCEA Summit: A Community Gathering. We hope to see you on board!