Imagination & The Bigger Picture
Dean’s Update, March 2022
Today’s third birthday of the FCEA is on my mind as I sit writing my monthly Dean’s Update on March 6th. Happy Solar Return, dear FCEA!
What a year it has been. Jupiter by transit is conjunct the school’s Sun and my ascendant at the moment. Lots of hope is in the air. But I must admit it feels as if there is a lot to meditate upon as well. Our Piscean school still seems fuzzy around the edges at moments. Time to get my Capricorn sleeves rolled up once again and reinforce the FCEA’s solid structure, the firm foundation in what it will take our students to reach completion. Does one ever become a “master”?
Strive for something real, a level of achievement, and let perfection be a lifetime journey.
Capricorns are known to be the type to want a strategy, a goal, a clear mountain path to climb. I always tell my sea-goat clients that it might feel good to have a plan or an orderly approach. Get one’s “ducks in a row” so to speak. I think many of you know that Steven Forrest and I are both Capricorn Suns and we both have natal Mercury in Capricorn as well. From the very start of the FCEA, Steven and I worked to make a school curriculum with clear objectives and a structure that made sense. We were always so careful to not push students into material too advanced or confusing. We both have been trying to gradually open classes at one level at a time and to calculate growth in logical and realistic ways.
So what is the next step for the Dean in growing our school and supporting our students?