Jupiter and Uranus in the FCEA’s 12th House

Jupiter and Uranus in the FCEA's 12th House

Dean’s Update, April 2024

Jupiter and Uranus in the FCEA’s 12th House

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Dean's Update
This month, I am happy to announce the FCEA is still growing at a healthy pace. Following the equinox in March, we opened a number of new classes at the school and we are in the process of training and hiring six new tutors in the months ahead. Wow! We have a lot to celebrate. But April began in a reflective mood Mercury turned retrograde in Aries. I have been spending some time turning inward since the month began. I wanted to give some deep thought to where, as Dean, I need courage to lead and take the school into its next chapter of development.
There are so many possibilities. I am looking ahead to Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini when the “king of the gods” crosses the FCEA’s Ascendant. Where do we need fresh perspectives? How might we adapt and be flexible in seeing what opportunities could unfold for our school? We also were in eclipse season with a total solar eclipse in Aries happening April 8th. Steven always stresses the power of a New Moon at such a time. What’s in store for us to initiate in fiery Aries fashion? How can we boldly go where no one has gone before and move deeper into our study of evolutionary astrology? These are questions for all of us to ponder. I hope some of you were fortunate to catch a view of the eclipse, and if you were lucky enough to be close to the eclipse path, that the clouds obeyed!
When I consider our FCEA Gemini rising sign, I am thankful to have such a diverse and talented group of teachers and tutors. Each one brings a unique skill set. All together, we are blessed with a multiplicity of tutor voices and teaching strategies sharing the same methods of our beloved master teacher, Steven Forrest. In this newsletter article, I wish to briefly share with you just a thought, an inner reflection to hold in your heart, during Mercury retrograde now.
The FCEA’s growth always seems to be accompanied with our fair share of adjustments and challenges. We know that sometimes students wrestle with our Moodle platform, stumble through the necessary changes in our scheduling, or express disappointment with the assignment of a particular tutor. I am so grateful to all of you for your patience and commitment, especially when it comes to the slow process of addressing your concerns as best as we can. I also want to thank our phenomenal staff, teachers and tutors for working overtime in getting the work done! Please realize we listen to you when you reach out. Every question and every concern helps to steer our school in a better direction.
So here is what I am asking of you all. On April 20th, we experienced the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, an event I know many of you had been anticipating for months. For a quick look at Steven’s insights into how to best use the conjunction, have a look at his current website newsletter at forrestastrology.com. I also wrote a longer reflection about the conjunction you can read at caraevolutionaryastrology.com. The coming together of the two planets fell in the FCEA’s 12th house and formed a lovely trine to the school’s Saturn, Pluto and south node conjunction in Capricorn, 9th house. The element of Earth speaks to making something real and grounded about our higher learning and knowledge that builds off a compassionate awakening to what we truly value as a mystical school of wizards. What helps us calm down, be at peace and put in the necessary hours of study? Hard work requires discipline, effort, and, well, constructive criticism too. I hear mostly rave reviews of our tutors from students. Again, I am so thankful for our team! But I also know some are sensitive to the critical comments of a tutor in class. In such times, please remember that in each FCEA course, you will be guided by different tutors, different FCEA voices. So, dear students, members and staff, when a task or an assignment seems too long, a tutor’s comments too harsh, or feedback too demanding, certainly communicate to us your concerns! But let’s also see such moments as one step in a long Capricorn 9th house climb to being the best evolutionary astrologers we can be. Critical insight and correction can be good things!

Oh, no, am I offering you too much Saturn, and not enough Jupiter and Uranus perhaps?


Remember, Jupiter and Uranus can be about “ah-ha” moments too. How might we claim opportunities to grow and learn through the 12th house realm of mystical compassion? How might our Taurus values need to shift when doing the difficult work of practicing our sacred skills and, yes, at times, listening to some tough feedback and correction? It is all part of one long journey, one long Capricorn climb, toward being a topnotch evolutionary astrologer I know all of you can be!
Catie Cadge, PhD
April 2024

Introducing Our First Master-Certified Graduates

Introducing Our First Master-Certified Graduates

Dean’s Update, March 2024

Introducing Our First Master-Certified Graduates

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Dean's Update
Greetings, FCEA community. March is always a special month for me, because it marks the anniversary of so many important Piscean moments in my life’s journey. Bear with me as I explain my deeply personal connection to this watery, mystical time of year. I promise I will connect all of this back to the school! But first and foremost, I hold in my heart my dear Mom, Anne. Her birthday falls in the first week of March. Unquestionably, she was the most important Pisces soul in my life, always loving, always playful and always compassionate in supporting her Capricorn daughter’s ambitions, imagination and dreams. I miss her so. 
My mother passed away just four months prior to my meeting in person Steven Forrest, whom I met for the first time on my Mom’s solar return, March 7th, in 2014.  I had studied Steven’s writings since I was a young woman in the 1980s, and even though I had heard him speak in person prior, I never actually spoke with him directly, until the transformative year of my Chiron Return, when Pluto by transit formed a conjunction with my south node and transiting Jupiter my north node. How appropriate I should meet Steven on my Mom’s birthday, when in spirit she was so close and near to me.
About this time every year, the Sun at mid-Pisces lines up with my Ascendant. March 6th and 7th seem to be two days that carry a lot of emotion and meaning for me. As many of you may know, March 6th is the day we first officially started planning the FCEA in 2019 and so we consider it the school’s birthday. Now this year, in 2024, Saturn by transit conjuncts my 12th house Chiron and my Ascendant as the FCEA turns five (we opened for instruction early 2021, so we count three years of actual live classes). How fitting a time for the FCEA as we plan for the very first graduating class this March 6, 2024. How ever Saturn is asking me to “mature” as a Piscean Dean, I do hope sincerely I “get it right.”
But enough about me. Let me say how thrilled Steven and I and our wonderful FCEA team are about the successful completion of our program of fifteen highly talented and gifted evolutionary astrologers. We are so proud of their accomplishment! The word “impressed” does not fully capture what I feel, when I hear our master grads speak the archetypes and dive deeply into carefully-crafted chart analysis with loving, caring words and guidance. 


I want to congratulate our newly master-certified evolutionary astrologers: Kimberly Blanchette, Paula Crall, Alan Egge, Jackie Johansen, Sharon Kruger, Teema Loeffeholz, Barb McNemar, Lauren Neubauer, Cezary Piskorz, Lidia Ranieri, Sophie Salaniat, Karla Smith, Lelia Thell, and Linda Walker.


It has been such a blessing to get to know each one of these amazing human beings over the past three years. I want to thank all of them for their commitment and hard work. Taking the initial plunge into our FCEA curriculum, these graduates are our very first cohort of students. They constantly demonstrated patience and love during the maiden voyage of the FCEA. And they kept us afloat and on our toes as we tried to give them the very best education we could. We are forever grateful for their help in making our school what it is today. I always feel students are the best “teachers,” and this group certainly fits the bill!
To acknowledge the many talents and accomplishments of our graduates, we are sending them diplomas signed in person by Steven and myself. We are also most excited to announce that we are in the process of creating a directory listing each master-certified FCEA graduate by name, contact information and personal statement describing their work and passion for evolutionary astrology. The directory will be linked to Steven’s main website, undoubtedly serving as a gateway for our grads to meet potential clientele and expand their professional connections. We are certain the directory will be a critical stepping stone to building a successful practice in evolutionary astrology. May Vesta, the asteroid of sacred lineage, help them carry the torch!
But first, a graduation ceremony is in order and what better day than March 6th to celebrate our initial cohort’s graduation? For those curious about chart details, we recognize February 14th, at 1:00 pm Pacific time, as the official time of graduation for the “class of 2024.” But given the special significance of March 6th for the FCEA and for Steven and myself, we are holding a celebration on Zoom at 10 am Pacific time that day. The event is open to the public —please access the FCEA Birthday & Graduation Party Zoom link on the FCEA School Calendar. Please mark your calendars and join us as we honor each graduate and hear briefly about their journeys in their own words. Steven and I will also speak briefly about the FCEA birthday and the charts of these truly special occasions. What an exciting day! I know for certain my Mom will be there. She was a mystic that always told me to “follow my heart.” I offer her words for each and every one of our graduates. May your heart hold the torch and may you follow it always. Many blessings!
Catie Cadge, PhD
March 2024

Class Is in Session — Here’s What’s Next

Class is in Session—Here's What's Next

Dean’s Update, January 2024

Class is in Session—Here’s What’s Next

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Dean's Update
I always find January to be such a busy month at the FCEA. Students are slowly returning to class after the holidays. Our tutors and staff are all abuzz with new classes opening every week. We have eleven new classes opening just this month! I am thrilled to see a lot of student interest in our 101Z and 201Z classes. Please take a look at our new catalog entries for them on our website. These two Zoom-based offerings add another way for us to build community and address student needs. I hope everyone is enjoying their return to school and that you all are excited about the topics covered in your next FCEA course.
Joey Paynter
Joey Paynter, PhD
I personally feel a sense of accomplishment as I have been working with Steven on fine-tuning our new counseling course this winter with the support of the class teacher, Joey Paynter. Holding two master degrees in Clinical Psychology and Depth Psychology and a PhD in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Joey brings a wealth of constructive and creative insight into FCEA 401: Sacred Counsel. Joey was one of the very first tutors on the FCEA staff. I’m so happy to see her return to teach this important course. 
FCEA 401: Sacred Counsel marks the completion of the master certificate program, six years of curriculum development for Steven and me. It’s been a lot of work and I am proud of what we have created! But the day-to-day workings of the school continue to change and expand in fresh directions. Let me share with you some of these new developments.

To better build community in our courses, we’ve lengthened the two course Zoom calls, the orientation and the Q and A call, to 90 minutes. I am thrilled about this change. It will allow us to do more chart analysis and spend time reviewing class material together in a live classroom. And, of course, the calls will be recorded so you can catch them later if you can’t attend. We encourage you to submit questions ahead of time to your tutor if you can’t meet on Zoom. We’ll make sure everyone’s questions get addressed.


Another positive project we are implementing is making course reading lists and requirements available to students in advance through an expansion of our Student Resources tab on our website. Right now, you can use the Student Resources page to access links and information about student calls and join the 103 waiting list for those who have completed 101 and 102. We are compiling information from each course, so that you will be able to look ahead and plan the time needed for your studies before the class opens. Of course, all of our courses clearly state course completion criteria in the course, as well, at the top of the Moodle course and, if an exam is part of the requirements, at the end of the Moodle course. Please read the course material closely. But this new forthcoming feature on our website will also help you look ahead and consider the work in store for your next FCEA course. We hope to have these new additional resources up for you soon.
The last exciting piece of news I’d like to share is our plans for the expansion of course electives, now in the developmental phase. Early in the first few years of the FCEA’s planning stages, Steven and I worked on preliminary course structures for a number of FCEA electives. Topics include electional astrology, chart rectification, the asteroids, and astromapping. I know many of our advanced students have been waiting patiently for these electives to open. However, we had to fully develop the certificate program first. Over the last few years, fine-tuning each course for the FCEA program was accompanied with the many tasks of running a growing school and what seemed to be endless administrative tasks. It was necessary for us to put these elective courses on the sidelines. In the months ahead, I finally see some windows of time opening, making it possible for Steven and I to finish writing these more focused, advanced courses. Fingers crossed we are able to do so! As with everything at the FCEA, one step at a time.
Catie Cadge, PhD
January 2024

Expansive FCEA Plans for 2024

Expansive FCEA Plans for 2024

Dean’s Update, December 2023

Expansive FCEA Plans for 2024

Solstice is upon us! For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we enter the season of increasing light. I can’t help but think of Jupiter and the hope the planet brings us as we look ahead into 2024. Steven’s recent lecture about the upcoming Jupiter and Uranus conjunction next spring reminded us to “think big” but also not “TOO big.” In other words, we need to claim Jupiter’s gumption but use logic and strategy as well. One never knows when Uranus is involved! It was a pleasure to see so many of you on our recent holiday gathering on Zoom, when Steven spoke about the conjunction. With this timing in mind, let me share with you our FCEA dreams for growth in the year ahead. And, of course, some of the perpetual growing pains we anticipate too.
We have two new projects we will be starting after the New Year:


First, we are initiating an online “library” of chart readings by Steven in honor of the master’s seventy-fifth birthday.

What an honor to sit at Steven’s feet and listen to him dive deep into his work as he reads for a client. We plan to offer one reading a month to our FCEA 200, 300 and 400-level students and graduates. We know many have been waiting for this opportunity to reinforce all the techniques and insights of their FCEA coursework through a chance to listen to Steven in action. In order to make this project successful, we need the help of those in the FCEA community who have received a reading from him in the past and who may be willing to lend a hand by sharing the recording. Do remember it is 100% voluntary! All of Steven’s private work is strictly confidential unless you decide to share it. Please read Steven’s “Master’s Musings” for more information. We would love your help!


The second exciting new project is our Circle platform. Many of you have heard about this endeavor through the FCEA grapevine. Shortly after the New Year, we will take our maiden voyage on Circle, expanding in Jupiter fashion by sharing our experiences with evolutionary astrology in a new social online space.


On Circle, we can engage in lively chat in discussions, explore charts together, and review questions from our classes, all in a process of building a strong community of sharing and learning together. And, once in a while, Steven will join in the Circle conversation. Circle will also be the place where advanced students will find that online library of chart readings once a month, as I mentioned above. Eventually there will be other resources there as the school expands. I’m excited to see Circle in action!

Moving Beyond Study Group Calls

I have other great news to announce: we are growing leaps and bounds! We anticipate a large cohort of new students entering FCEA 103 after completion of the self-guided 101 and 102 courses. We’re proud and excited to have such a large group of future FCEA Apprentices. I will be training new tutors in the spring to help cover our needs as we grow. Please welcome our new students on our course calls and Q&A time with Steven. On a more ambivalent note, in order to accommodate so many new souls into the FCEA, we simply need to move beyond the format of the Zoom study group calls. I know that some of you really love the study group calls, but we just can’t support the expanding enrollment within the space restrictions of the study groups. For those who are sad to see these calls go, I ask you to keep perspective – remember that only about ten percent of our students actually attended these calls in 2023. We want the FCEA to be more supportive of all our students in the learning process and we think that Circle will fill the void in a way that works better for the majority of you. 
To assist in this transition, we have several methods of instruction we hope will fill the gap of the missing study group calls. Here’s the most important one – in addition to the new library of readings by Steven and the space with shared conversation on Circle, we are moving ahead with developing further the 101Z and 201Z courses. You might recall we piloted these classes in early 2023. We will be rolling them out as an official part of our course and package offerings via our website after the New Year. I am so pleased to be replacing the study group calls, in response to so many of you who have asked us to improve the outdated structure. The Z classes are designed to include review of 100- and 200- curriculum AND chart analysis, so that all the fun activities of the study group calls will be available, but now with much more tutor involvement and attention. 
No longer will we see 100-level students on the same Zoom study group call with the more advanced folks at the 200-level. 101Z and 201Z class size will be limited to a maximum of eight students with an emphasis placed upon tutor support in an intimate, small Zoom classroom. We will require tuition for the Z classes to allow us to provide a better classroom experience and more focused tutor attention. For those who love our community on Zoom, just think about how much 101Z and 201Z can open the door to a loving, nurturing learning environment with a small group of fellow students at your level of understanding! Please look for these courses in our online schedule in the months ahead.
Wishing everyone a beautiful solstice and holiday blessings to all!
Catie Cadge, PhD
November 2023

Tending to Wisdom’s Sacred Flame

Tending to Wisdom’s Sacred Flame

Dean’s Update, November 2023

Tending to Wisdom’s Sacred Flame

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Dean's Update
Greetings, FCEA community! The holidays are here and solstice is almost upon us. 2024 is just around the corner. We are excited for a new year of growth and expansion of the FCEA program in the year ahead. I feel so blessed to have all of you as my friends and colleagues. What a pleasure to work each day with fellow passionate evolutionary astrologers, learning and practicing Steven’s methods and sharing wisdom. 
Next year, we will see our very first graduating class finish their studies and receive master certification. Congratulations for all your hard work, master practicum students! It has been a pleasure to join you in your educational journey these past three years. I learned so much from you every step of the way! I am confident your skills and gifts as evolutionary astrologers will help many souls discover the fine nuances of their birthchart and that you will offer precious words of counsel in the years ahead.
We are excited to open FCEA 401: Sacred Counsel in January. This counseling course will complete the FCEA degree program, providing critical assistance in perhaps the most important aspects of our jobs as evolutionary astrologers. How best do we work one-on-one with clients, how do we lay the foundation for a strong rapport and how do we resolve potential conflicts or wrestle with obstacles inevitable in the counseling room? How do we best honor diversity, recognize and respect each individual coming to us for guidance? And then how do we care for ourselves while doing this critical work of service? We developed a series of modules to help you reflect upon these important topics. We see FCEA 401 as a final step, an essential one, in bringing the FCEA educational journey to certification to completion. 
Hold tight! More 400-level classes addressing various advanced topics will be available in the near future as course electives as well. We have been growing slowly with care under Saturn’s practical limits (the ringed planet is in the FCEA’s 10th house by transit as I write, soon to enter the 11th next year), while we plan for Jupiter crossing the school’s ascendant in late May.

As we grow in size, Steven and I have high hopes for expanding the richness and diversity of course offerings in the year ahead. The journey continues. We are excited! We hope you are too.


As the year comes to a close, I have one sad announcement. After two years of work with us, Tutor Bryan Colter will be leaving us in order to pursue some of his own independent projects as an evolutionary astrologer. Bryan has played a critical role as tutor and mentor for our 300-level students, leading a much-loved Saturday Zoom class. Bryan has been so committed and supportive of our whole community, gracing us with his wisdom, kindness and love. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors! Thank you, Bryan, for all your hard work and talents. We will miss you so much.


We close down the FCEA doors for the holiday season from December 1st through January 10th. Last study group call is November 21st. Registration is still open during the holiday break and self-paced courses remain in full swing.
Before I end, let me share with you our excitement over our upcoming Holiday Celebration on November 30th at 5:00 pm Pacific time. Steven will address the upcoming Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus next spring. Such a rich topic! How do we have faith and hope in 2024 and yet contemplate the Uranian surprises undoubtedly in the works for all of us? We will open the conversation up for questions and sharing in a holiday spirit of love and community. Please join us! Happy Holidays to all!
Catie Cadge, PhD
November 2023

Questions Touching on Shadow Work

Questions Touching on Shadow Work

Dean’s Update, October 2023

Questions Touching on Shadow Work

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Dean's Update
We are just about in the middle of our fall semester here at the FCEA. Always around this time, we have our mid-course Q&A Zoom calls. I love getting a chance to connect and touch base with so many of you! This fall, I am glad to hear our courses are going so well. But we are at the start of Scorpio season now, so I am going to dive into the truth, even if it involves a little “shadow work.” You see I’d like to encourage more students to take an active interest in attending our class orientation and Q&A calls. Sometimes students mention they want more Zoom interaction at the FCEA. These calls are a PERFECT way to do just that! Hmmm…why do students say they want more Zoom, but then not follow up with attending?
We typically have a good attendance for the mid-course Q&A calls, but still we often miss a good third of our class enrollment. Why is this so? Students often love our Zoom calls, where everyone gets to meet the teacher and tutors, as well as fellow classmates. So I am giving a big “shout out” – please try to attend our course calls. The calls are always recorded, but having a live conversation with the teacher or a tutor is so helpful. We are here to answer questions and share chart analysis together. The opportunity is always there.
On a similar note, we have created new courses: 101Z and 201Z, composed entirely of Zoom interaction with a tutor and a small group of classmates. We listened to your request for more Zoom learning experiences. However, again, enrollment needs a boost. The class enrollment is limited to five students and we need four to make them run. We have yet to see many students following through on enrollment and taking an active interest in these new classes. Please consider them an option in 2024!
I also want to share with everyone that the structure of the FCEA curriculum has a really clear mission and design. We start off with Zoom interaction through the orientation and Q&A calls for the new folks working through the 100-level and continue this basic approach into the 200-intermediate level. Steven and I chose to make most of the student contact occur in written format at these early stages, because we believe learning best takes place when students actively apply what they are learning.
Now don’t get me wrong – I do see the value of our course Zoom calls and also our popular study group calls on Zoom. But such methods of instruction emphasize passive learning, when many students sit back and listen and less time is involved with putting both our mind and heart to applying our skills in chart analysis. Just pay attention to these calls – mostly the same students speak up and, well, some students simply remain quiet, while a tutor takes center stage. In FCEA 103 and 200-level FCEA classes, students must take an active interest in posting in discussions and completing written assignments. And it is hard work! First and foremost, we hope to train talented and skilled evolutionary astrologers who can do the work. But it just takes patience to see it unfold.
Recently, I had an email exchange with one of our advanced 300-level students currently taking the 306 Master Practicum with Steven and myself (she humbly asked to remain anonymous). She shared with me how impressed she was by the sheer talent and thorough work her classmates demonstrated. Steven and I totally agree! It is truly a gift to listen to them explain chart analysis in our 306 Practicum class. Their comments are clear, concise, and beautifully spoken. In response to our discussion about how well the 306 students were doing this fall, this advanced student shared with me:
“I was reflecting yesterday on how impressive my fellow 306 classmates’ interpretations have been, and I can look back and see it is a result of the program slowly becoming more complex over the last 3 years! It seems to me that a student who doesn’t participate fully would have a very hard time in the 300 levels, so I’m happy that you have set this standard.” 


Please try to see the beauty of participating and working diligently to learn our sacred craft. Realize homework and written analysis in forums are invaluable as learning tools. I am confident you too will feel eventually like this 306 student does today!
In the 300-level classes, you enter the next stage in the FCEA “ladder” of learning. It is worth the wait. Once doing the difficult tasks of thinking, writing and applying your skills through forums and assignments, advanced students hone their skills through class presentations and Zoom dialog with a tutor in conjunction with written work. And we are improving these 300-level courses each time we offer them. We are fine-tuning our course scheduling in advance to better assist students to find times the Zoom sessions will work for them. In 2024, we anticipate offering meeting times and days in advance as best as possible to help smooth this transition from 200- to 300-level class participation. We listen to you and we are making strides to improve our classes each step of the way.


Catie Cadge, PhD
October 2023

Meet Our Four New Tutors

Meet Our Four New Tutors

Dean’s Update, September 2023

Meet Our Four New Tutors

Catie Cadge
Greetings, FCEA family! I write to you on equinox, the start of our fall season here in California. The Sun’s ingress into Libra sets the stage for us to work closely one on one and help each other calm down and find peace in learning our sacred craft. The south node in Libra and north node in Aries ask us to move beyond superficial pleasantries and have the courage to take the initiative in forging our path. In this spirit of both collaboration and stepping into new frontiers in bold Aries fashion, I am thrilled to announce that we have hired four new outstanding tutors to join our growing FCEA team. We welcome Fern Vuchinich, Lisa Jones, Harry Farmer and Vernon Robinson. They began serving as tutors at the end of June. This month, they officially come on board, so expect to see them in several classes this fall and in 2024.

Let me take a moment to briefly introduce them to you.


Fern Vuchinich

Fern Vuchinich and I met through the Southern California apprenticeship program (AP) with Steven prior to the opening of the FCEA. I am so happy to have her working for us. Fern began walking the “astrological path” over 30 years ago after receiving her first professional astrology reading in college. Around this time she also met and started learning from her first mentor Asata Gabriel. Artist, astrologer and all-around wise woman, Gabriel taught Fern over the course of 25 years about astrology, intuition, technology, plant medicine and so much more. In 2006 Fern joined Steven Forrest’s Southern California AP, which she returned to several years in a row. She received Forrest certification as a Master Astrologer in 2018. Fern has been a practicing counseling astrologer and teacher since 2003. She has published widely, specializing in Ancestral Astrology work. Fern has also received advanced training and degrees in many modalities of healing including: acupressure, essential oils, energy healing, flower essences and bodywork (eastern and western). She has been a teacher for all ages and holds an M.A. from Sonoma State University and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University. As a Virgo Sun, Libra Rising with Venus in Cancer she enjoys gardening, making herbal remedies and nesting. She resides with her partner and dog family in the mountains of Northern New Mexico.


Harry Farmer

I learned about Harry Farmer’s skills from our tutor, Ryan Evans, who knew Harry from the Northern California AP with Steven. A lifetime resident of California, astrology entered Harry Farmer’s life in his mid-late 20’s, soon becoming a source of deep understanding of his life’s journey, as well as providing support and clarity during very challenging times.  And while for many years he had a quite active astrology practice, serving clients, writing columns and articles, and doing a daily radio cosmic weather forecast, other professional opportunities have needed to be addressed over the years, from working in a mental hospital for the criminally insane, to many successful years as a disc jockey/interview host, gardener and environmentalist, to currently serving on the Board of Directors of the local Water and Sewer Services District. He also shares daily walks in nature with his current special canine companion Chiron. His first love continues to be astrology, assisting others in having a greater awareness of themselves and their own unique life purpose, providing insight, encouragement, and healing energy, especially in redefining times of crisis as opportunity.  He also has very fond memories of many years attending Steven’s Apprentice Workshop in Calistoga, California, sharing joyful and enriching times with fellow astrology students while learning from Steven. Harry is an 11th house Leo, a Capricorn Moon and has strong Virgo placements. A hardworking and passionate teacher, I look forward to working with him.


Vernon Robinson


Vernon Robinson and I have crossed paths over the years first through Steven’s AP, then at numerous conferences. I am excited to have Vernon sharing his many skills with our students. He has been studying astrology for over 30 years and involved in Evolutionary Astrology for the past 20 years.  Vernon has been counseling clients for 15 years. He has a Masters Certification in Evolutionary Astrology from Steven Forrest. He attended the last public class taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green in Boulder, Colorado in April, 2004.  Vernon has presented at Rocky Mountain Astrology (ROMA), Denver Astrology Group, Northwest Astrology Conference (NORWAC) and the San Francisco Astrology Society (SFAS). He is currently working on research for a book about the astrology chart of the First African Slave Ship coming to Hampton, Virginia in 1619. Vernon is an 8th house Capricorn Sun with a Pisces Moon in the 11th and Taurus ascendant. Surely, he will take FCEA students to a deeper level in their studies with his hard work and caring soul.


Lisa Jones


Lisa Jones is last to be introduced, but certainly not least! Lisa and I met “down under” in the Australian AP in 2016 and I immediately sensed Lisa’s passion for evolutionary astrology and Steven’s methods. She shared with me that “she is really thrilled to be part of FCEA world; it is a real honor and is super exciting to be supporting and sharing astrology wisdom with everyone.”
Lisa met Steven over 15 years ago as a modern astrologer. She was fortunate enough to facilitate 20 apprenticeship programs (AP) both in Australia and Europe. Completing master level certification with Steven as well as various studies, including Astrosynthesis certification, a diploma in counseling and group work, and her other love, working with Australian bush flower essences with advanced certification, Lisa creatively nurtures these skills in conjunction with evolutionary astrology. Lisa is presently completing her OPA certification and she is the OPA Australian Satellite. With the Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Capricorn, both in the 11th house, Lisa feels it was mapped out to be working with groups of people, doing something different! 
Very family orientated, with five children and six grandchildren (some of her greatest teachers!) and with a deep appreciation for music, the water and nature, Lisa’s other love of travel has her creating wonderful astrology retreats in various destinations. When at home, her practice is on the east coast of Australia. 
Please join us in welcoming Fern, Harry,Vernon and Lisa when you meet them on our Zoom calls or in the classroom online. We are so lucky to have them share with us their astrological wisdom and many talents at the FCEA. 
Catie Cadge, PhD
September 2023

Late Summer Transits of Transition

Late Summer Transits of Transition

Dean’s Update, August 2023

Late Summer Transits of Transition

Catie Cadge

We are on the threshold of our first FCEA “summer” break. I hope everyone enjoys a little rest and relaxation before classes resume in September. I put the word, summer, in quotes, because, of course, we have FCEA students and members all around the world and, for some down in the southern hemisphere, I wish them a joy-filled winter recess.

Here in my home in California, it feels as if summer has zoomed by in a wink of an eye. Busy transitions are in place at our growing school. Let me welcome our many new members and students! I look forward to the new cohort of students joining our 100-level guided program beginning September 20th. There’s still room if you find yourself, or perhaps a friend, eager now to learn our sacred craft. But I have other news to share as well, some sad, some more like a Saturn time in feel, other announcements align more with Jupiter. Let’s start with Saturn challenges first.

One of the hardest tasks I find I face as FCEA Dean is keeping our tutors happy, motivated and eager to share their wisdom. But we all know Saturn can bring endings and a process of maturation involving difficult effort for a soul (Or in this case, our school. I am thinking of Saturn’s transit in the FCEA’s 10th house, moving retrograde now). Saturn’s call to task was evident in my summertime work to train and guide seven new tutor trainees. I will provide a formal introduction to our new tutors in September, when the hiring process is confirmed. I am thrilled to be working with this new talented group! But as one could expect, there have been some ups and downs and a learning curve for everyone, especially in light of the distinctive tutoring environment of Moodle, our learning platform. I’m including this Saturnian roller coaster of roadblocks and challenges, because I want to thank FCEA students and staff for your patience and love you have shown our new trainees. All are top-notch evolutionary astrologers; it just takes some hurdles to get the nuts and bolts of working in our classes down.

Marie O'Neill

On another Saturn note, we say goodbye to our tutor and teacher, Marie O’Neill. Marie is stepping into new endeavors and taking her flourishing career as an astrologer and writer in fresh directions. We want to wish her all the best in her soul’s journey! And, of course, we support her in any way we can. Marie has been an outstanding staff member of the FCEA. We are so grateful for her constant care and dedication she always showed her students. Marie’s astrological wisdom and insight has been a great gift of service, especially in her tutor role in our advanced, 300-level classes. Marie was a “founding tutor” at the school; one of three who made the plunge with us when we first opened our doors. Her wise guidance and initial contributions to building the school played a critical role in making the FCEA happen. I am personally so grateful for her love and support over the last three years. I will miss her greatly.


I’d like to end with some positive news, a little Jupiter opportunity and faith.



In late July, our Scholarship Selection Committee convened to discuss the many student applications we received for our two scholarship opportunities: the FCEA Diversity and Financial Need Scholarships. It was a very difficult selection process, because we had so many thoughtful essays and very strong interest. Steven and I wished we could help all our applicants, but of course our school has very limited resources to do so. We successfully chose four recipients (two in each category). We are excited for our scholarship funding to begin in September. We encourage students to seek out our next opportunity for scholarships June 15th through July 15th, 2024.

I share one last Jupiter-inspired hope and dream. Steven’s Omega Program in Rhinebeck, New York, came off with flying colors in early August. If the angels allow, from what he shares with me, he will return to Omega next summer. With Jupiter faith, let’s open our hearts to in-person possibilities with Steven in the future. Perhaps an FCEA event? We shall see.


Catie Cadge, PhD
August 2023


Our Community Is Our Family

Our Community Is Our Family

Dean’s Update, July 2023

Our Community Is Our Family

Catie Cadge
Greetings, FCEA family! August is around the corner and Venus is slowing down and about to turn retrograde. The obvious message we might glean from this introspective Venusian time is a reevaluation of our closest partnerships. Are we fully cherished for the gifts of love we bring to the table? Or do we strive too much to be seen or go overboard in our need for applause and approval? There are many ways to contemplate Venus’s backward dance through Leo. But one way we might consider this transit as FCEA students and staff is the all-important role we play as counselors, always in that delicate dance of Venusian rapport we develop with our clients. How can we best creatively express a generous Leo heart, letting our soul shine as “leader,” in the counseling room as we work one-on-one with our clients in Venusian fashion?
As we all know, in evolutionary astrology, we use the perceived backward motion of retrograde planets to reassess or reconsider how we work with the planetary archetypes. What Venusian questions of a Leo-like nature do we ask of ourselves now? Of course, in order to make the strongest response to Venus’s placement at the moment, we look to the planet’s placement in the natal chart. Moving through the 6th house of my own chart, I ask myself how can I reconcile the need to be of service, both as “mentor” and as “mentee” (I am Steven’s apprentice myself) and step into the leadership role I find myself playing as Dean. How can I revel in the joy and playfulness of Leo in all the dimensions of my 6th house? 


Bear with me here. I mention Venus’s retrograde passage through my own chart only as a means to dive into the topic of the FCEA’s next step in curriculum development.
In the months ahead, Steven and I will create the master practicum and counseling courses. Both classes are so critical in honing our skills and supporting a successful astrological practice, one that honors every client in a respectful and professional manner. In part, Leo is about taking center stage, but Venus is about negotiation, about relating to one another and about collaboration. How do we shine as evolutionary astrologers, letting our inspiration, creativity and intuition flow in practicing our sacred craft, while using care and discernment in choosing our words and guiding our clients through a positively affirming and choice-centered reading? 
 In true 6th house fashion, I want to be of service in writing the FCEA 300-level counseling course. In this spirit, I ask FCEA students and staff to please feel free to share resources, topics, or useful strategies we might add to the counseling course in the months ahead. If you have particular strengths in this area, reach out to me when you have a moment by emailing interest@forrestastrology.center. I have been serving as a faculty member in higher education for over thirty years and one of my own strengths lies in support of student diversity and equity. My “door” is open and I appreciate the wisdom you are willing to share. Venus is traveling through the FCEA’s 4th house this month. Our community is our family. We all bring unique gifts to our school. I cherish each of you and I’ll listen with an open heart.


Catie Cadge, PhD
July 2023

Our Evolving FCEA Curriculum

Our Evolving FCEA Curriculum

Dean’s Update, June 2023

Our Evolving FCEA Curriculum

Catie Cadge
Greetings, FCEA community! During the long days of June, I have been working with Steven to put the final touches on a new course we are opening mid-month. FCEA 305: Chiron and Eris is the last 300-level class prior to the masters-level practicum. I have to admit it is a bittersweet moment for me as FCEA Dean. I have enjoyed working alongside Steven, slowly writing our curriculum, one course at a time. We started back in 2019, continued through the pandemic and then kept going, even as the FCEA was growing as a new school. It has been such an enriching experience for me.
There is something about the learning that takes place when writing class content that is hard to replace as a method for polishing one’s own skills as an astrologer. Now that most of the classes are written and the school is flourishing, I can look back and take stock of what we have created. I sincerely hope it provides a good, solid education in evolutionary astrology. We tried our best and I think we succeeded!
My ever-curious and inquisitive Gemini Moon recognizes the FCEA curricular projects may never quite end. Curriculum development is always on-going and certainly other topics will surface. But at least the main foundation of the FCEA masters program is now in place.
We end the 300-level in-depth focused study of the planets with little comet-like Chiron and mysterious, slow-moving Eris, just barely a newborn in our expanding concept of our solar system.
Expanded Image of the Solar System
Image by Pablo Carlos Budassi, Wikimedia Commons
 Why cover Chiron, the wounded healer, in the FCEA program, when so many asteroids compete for our attention? Steven argues Chiron’s popularity might be partly a product of current trends, but the little rock in the sky does seem to carry a punch. Personally, I feel we are always creating and expanding our astrological language, simply through our usage of the archetypes that then become part of our shared collective consciousness. We will them into being through our creative minds and hearts. Either way you look at it, Chiron is definitely a valid player and worthy of addition to our astrological toolboxes. 
Why not add Chariklo, the wife of Chiron in Greek mythology and a planetary object larger than Chiron? Many astrologers do add Chariklo to chart analysis. Nothing wrong with that. But we decided to focus upon what Steven’s experience merits our attention and study. And Steven and I wish our students all the best in doing their own investigations and research into what astrological frontiers lay ahead.
Here again I ask, will writing new classes and the growth in our curriculum ever stop? I don’t think so!
Some of you may recall Steven’s special solstice presentation last year addressing Eris and how best to wrestle with the planet’s presence as an archetype and by location in the birth chart. What could be the high road to take with the Goddess of strife and discord? Steven stresses the gifts of talent and innovation intense competition can bring. Eris adds a particular challenge in that all the charts we see in our practice have Eris in the fiery Mars-ruled sign of Aries. The planet won’t even get close to entering Taurus for over another twenty years. We tried to make some interesting “food for thought” by bringing in the chart of famous artist Pablo Picasso, born in 1881, years before Eris’ ingress into Aries. A little Eris in Pisces anyone? Eris is so new to our awareness. Much of our interpretation (for all of us) is a work in progress!
On a final note, I hope to see many of you at our community gathering on Zoom for this year’s solstice celebration and the start of Cancer season on June 21st at 5 pm Pacific time. Steven will talk with us about the nodal shift into Aries and Libra along with Pluto’s recent return to Capricorn. Please join us! Wishing everyone a joyful and blessed season and happy solstice to all.
Catie Cadge, PhD
June 2023