Growing Through Changes at the FCEA

Growing Through Changes

Dean’s Update, February 2023

We’re Growing Through Changes at the FCEA

Current Students — Please Take the Study Group Call Survey (See details below)


Catie Cadge
February greetings to our FCEA community! It is a bright, clear Valentine’s Day morning here in Santa Cruz, California, and, of course, in the spirit of the day, I have relationships on my mind. On a recent FCEA Member Q&A call, Steven mentioned how having the sign Virgo on the cusp of the 7th house gives a soul ample opportunity to critically work on herself through interactions with others. Yup, well, that’s me. I have Pluto on my Virgo descendant. And the FCEA is providing plenty of chances to learn and grow for me through the good, bad and ugly (well, let’s say challenging) sides of so many souls. Let me give this a positive spin and explain some of the relationship dynamics and changes we are going through as a school.
First, some news about our tutors and tutorial assistants. The FCEA is blessed to have a great group of highly talented and loving staff! As I write, transiting Mercury is conjunct our 9th house Venus in Aquarius in the FCEA birthchart. We have been so fortunate to have not only master evolutionary astrologers as teachers and mentors, but also folks with open Aquarian minds and a willingness to embrace the online learning experience of the FCEA curriculum. We could not do any of our courses without them! We are so grateful.
With a heavy heart, I start by mentioning one of our very best tutors, Joey Paynter, is leaving us at the beginning of March. Joey has been instrumental in helping us get the FCEA up and running. She was with us from the very day our doors opened. Joey’s insights and feedback played a key role in helping us establish the student and tutor relationship via online learning the very heart of what we do at the FCEA. So supportive and always loving, Joey gave us a penetrating and passionate Scorpionic lens into how to make the FCEA tick and grow as a school. But we realize our tutors have busy lives and growing astrological practices of their own, and the time has come for Joey to leave us. We are forever thankful for all the hard work Joey has done for us and, most importantly, all the care and commitment she showed our students. Joey, you will be sorely missed. We wish you many blessings in all you do, Joey!
From L to R: Joey Paynter, Marie O’Neill, Catie Cadge, Steven Forrest, and Teal Rowe at the first FCEA Staff Retreat in 2021.
On a hopeful note, we recruited two new work study students, Linda Walker and Andre Arellano, to our team. Linda is one of our students from our very first cohort and has been studying with us since 2021. A fine astrologer, Linda has the gift of the storyteller, a true evolutionary bard, in the style of Steven Forrest. Linda will be helping to oversee tutor involvement in all our courses, making sure discussions get properly posted and that weekly interaction between tutor and student occurs. Andre, a student also at the advanced level, brings to the table a number of tech-related skills as well as being a gifted evolutionary astrologer. We look forward to working with Andre to grow our social media presence and to help develop a social platform for student engagement. Welcome Linda and Andre!
Another area of growth and change, in terms of how we relate to each other, learn and teach evolutionary astrology and the Steven Forrest method, has been our study group calls. With Saturn by transit in Aquarius in the school’s 10th house and the transiting Sun conjunct as a trigger this week, we are working on improving the format of these weekly Zoom calls. We hear your feedback! We are also sending out a survey soon to gather ideas on improving this part of the FCEA experience to make it more user-friendly and supportive.
However, a little history of the study group calls might be instructive. When we developed the FCEA curriculum, we never intended to have live Zoom instruction on a weekly basis. We designed the school to be asynchronous, the teaching and learning occurring online in written discussion forums and assignments. There are a number of advantages to this format:
    • Students and tutors can post anytime their schedules allow, providing a flexibility needed by so many in our learning community
    • Proactive learning by the student – students must think and be engaged in the material rather than a passive Zoom experience led primarily by a tutor
    • A cost structure that allows us to keep tuition low
In our initial year of instruction, we wanted to add social Zoom calls for students to share ideas and to grow community. These calls were never intended to replace online written instruction nor to be lectures by our tutors. We consider them study group calls for student interaction. Master teaching occurs once a month via Zoom with Steven. This is a Zoom classroom, not the study group calls each week.
We look forward to the results of the FCEA Study Group Feedback Survey we are currently conducting, however we are considering replacing the study group calls altogether with an online student social platform. To take the survey: Log in to your FCEA account and find it under Community > Home.
With all this said, please know we are open to possible change.
But remember the Zoom Q&A calls with Steven and the online discussion forums and assignments are the primary modes of learning at the FCEA. Saturn by transit provides challenges and hard work for all of us at the school. I welcome the growing relationship pains (and new pleasures!) in store for the FCEA community in the months ahead.


Catie Cadge, PhD
February 2023

One Step Back to Go Forward

One Step Back to Go Forward

Dean’s Update, January 2023

One Step Back to Go Forward — Plus a Peek at the Master-Level Practicum​

Welcome to the 2023 FCEA school year! We are off to a great start with several new classes opening this week and next. We have a brand-new cohort of 101B students embarking on their studies of evolutionary astrology and the Steven Forrest method. Please greet them if you meet them on our calls and welcome them on board!
As Steven celebrated his 74th solar return last week, we took stock of the year past and then the year ahead at the FCEA. I would like to share some good news of what is in the works. But remember, with Mercury and Mars in retrograde motion for much of January, we have been reworking and reconfiguring some of our curricular goals without any set formulations just yet…
But fasten your seatbelts because we have a great year ahead! 
I think most students and members know I am a Capricorn, like Steven, and part of my stellium in the sign of the sea goat falls in the 11th house. I often think of Steven’s 11th house mantra, “Be there then” and 2023 is no different. While Mercury, the planet of perception and ideas, was appearing to move backward in the sky in Capricorn, I found myself reflecting upon the strength of the sign to piece together a strategy, to work methodically in climbing the proverbial mountain. I love to take in the slow evolutionary progress we make as a collective, not just at the FCEA, and to watch the big picture unfold. Let me give a quick example of what I mean.
Over the years, I have seen how common notions about astrology have changed. Just recall the many social media posts about Mercury retrograde in years past, showing us some kind of inevitable fall into miscommunication and mayhem. I even remember not long ago a popular Facebook meme of a poor soul wrapped tightly from head-to-toe in a large, cumbersome pink sweater suit geared to protect her from the perils of Mercury moving backward! I think the great astronomer and astrologer Johannes Kepler, also a Capricorn, who first accurately explained retrograde motion, would be rolling over in his grave. 
But the Capricorn strides we all make to reveal a more life-affirming evolutionary perspective of Mercury (and Mars) retrograde have paid off.
Notice how we see much less defeatist, fatalistic rhetoric on the social media “airwaves” now and much more positive takes on astrological transits in support of personal growth, choice and change. I even read an essay recently sharing Vedic insights into the current celestial moment, and was shocked to read in essence an evolutionary spin on Mercury retrograde! In general, Vedic or Indian astrology is about fate and prediction, but even this type of astrology is subtly changing. Our work is paying off. I personally see all of us in the FCEA community as part of this revolution in consciousness, in bringing evolutionary practice of our sacred craft to the front and center of the collective’s notion of what astrology is and can be.
So how about the year ahead at the FCEA? Most exciting is Steven stepping in to work closely with our advanced students in preparation of their master certification. We are working on the development of our Craftsperson program to include a course, FCEA 306, Chart Reading Practicum, opening in September. Steven and I discussed co-teaching a seminar-like class on Zoom where students actively work with the master fine-tuning and sharing chart insights to best hone their skills.

FCEA 306 will offer a unique opportunity to work in dialog with Steven. Students can apply the evolutionary astrological methods they have been developing for months as Craftspeople in our advanced 300 series. Here they study directly with the master. How exciting! And what a nice follow up to Steven’s return to live teaching at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, during the first week of August. Please see their website,, for registration information.
I can’t help but think this coming summer, with the shift of the nodes, north into Aries and south into Libra, that we will be forging ahead into new educational territory with the pioneer spirit of Aries and, well, hopefully a little Libran grace and balance. But don’t forget; Mercury and Mars are retrograde right now in January, 2023. One step in planning forward, one step back, as we reevaluate, reflect and make the most of this cosmic moment. Blessings for all in 2023!
Catie Cadge, PhD
January 2023

Zelenskyy, Putin, and a Taste of Local Space Astrology

A Taste of Local Space

Master’s Musings, January 2023

Zelenskyy, Putin, and a Taste of Local Space Astrology


Steven Forrest
Unique and powerful lines of planetary energy run all over specific places on the Earth for every one of us. Who would fail to be intrigued to know that they had a Jupiter line running straight down the Champs de Elysee – or not be dismayed to learn that their strongest Venus energies seemed to lie in the cold, deep waters fifty miles off the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego?
Naturally, in the FCEA we would view any “obvious” good/bad or lucky/unlucky readings of such lines with suspicion. Even in this branch of geographical astrology – called astro-mapping or astrolocality – we leave plenty of room for freedom, choice, and imagination, not to mention personal responsibility. Still, it’s a fascinating, fun, and powerful subdivision of our craft – one you’ll have a chance to learn all about when you get to FCEA 404. Here, I just want to give you a quick taste of one part of it.
Many of us have seen “Astrocartography” charts – maps of the world with planetary lines mysteriously criss-crossing them. This was a technique created by an astrologer named Jim Lewis back in the 1970s. He was a casual friend of mine back then, and a generous spirit.  Sadly, he passed away from an aggressive brain tumor at the age of only 53.
Essentially Jim Lewis’s insights started with the bedrock astrological understanding that people born with Mercury conjunct their Ascendants are always very obviously “mercurial.” His brilliance lay in adding a second fact: that whatever house, sign, and degree your natal Mercury might occupy in your chart, it was rising somewhere on the Earth at the moment of your birth – somewhere, in other words, Mercury was conjunct the Ascendant.
His next step was the one that created Astrocartography – he wondered if you would become more mercurial yourself if you moved to that place where Mercury was rising when you were born.
And he was right.
Add a couple more steps and you’ll have the whole picture of Astrocartography. Think about sunrise – at any given moment, it’s always happening somewhere, but not just in one single place. There’s always a line that divides night and day sweeping more or less from pole to pole across the Earth. Where did that line run at the instant of your birth? In Astrocartography, that’s your “sunrise” line. Jim added your Sun’s setting line too, plus its noon and midnight positions. Ditto for the rest of the planets. He put those lines all on a map of the world, and Astrocartography was born.
Again, you’ll learn all about it in FCEA 404.




There’s another astrolocality technique that’s just as powerful, but not nearly so well known. It’s called Local Space, and that’s what I want to write about in this newsletter. Here’s how you’ll see the subject introduced when you start studying astro-mapping later in the program.

The basic idea is very simple. Maybe when you were born, Mars was rising. That means Mars was more or less in the East. Let’s state that idea precisely – Mars bore 97 degrees East, True. That was its azimuth at the instant of your birth – which really just means its “direction.” The word “True” means we’re relating Mars to the actual north pole – true north – not to the magnetic compass “north” which is a little different.
Of course a planet may not actually be on the horizon at your birth. If it’s high in the sky, then we drop it straight down to the horizon, as if it were actually there – and that’s its azimuth. Same thing if the planet is below the horizon – we just bring it straight up. So everything is projected onto the local horizon – hence the term, “Local Space.”
In essence you are standing there at your birth place at your birth moment looking out toward a big, clear, wrap-around 360 degree true horizon. All the planets are brought down or up to that horizon and you see in what direction they lie. Maybe Mars was to the east, Saturn to the northwest, whatever. Then the idea is that whenever you move eastward in your life, you are inviting Mars energy. Whenever you move northwest, you are inviting Saturn energy.
It’s a bit like the Celtic and Native American notions of the “Four Directions” except it’s much more personal and individual – my Mars direction might be your Neptune direction.
If you take a map and plot those directional lines connecting you outward to the planets on the far horizon, what would you see? Lines radiating out in every direction from your birthplace.
That, by the way, is how you know you are looking at Local Space lines rather than Astrocartography lines – the LS lines radiate out from your birthplace, while the Astrocartography lines don’t. They’re all over the map.
One more point: if you shoot a magic arrow to the west and it keeps traveling westward around the earth, eventually it will hit the back of your head – an unpleasant metaphor, but a useful idea for our purposes. All Local Space lines do exactly that – that’s why you’ll see that Mars line heading East, but you’ll also see another Mars line heading west – it’s really the same line, coming back around.
Here’s how it all works in practice:


When for example a client is retiring and wide-open about where he or she will move, I’ll set up both Astrocartographic and Local Space lines, all on a single map. In other words, I don’t really make much distinction between them – they’re all just lines of energy.
We’re evolutionary astrologers, and so in becoming skilled with these techniques, it is essential to avoid simplistic notions such as “moving to a Jupiter line is good and moving to a Pluto line is bad.” I lived happily on my Local Space (LS) Pluto line for forty years in North Carolina. My life there was definitely “plutonian,” but much of that extremity revolved around me helping other people through their own “descents into the underworld.” I definitely became far more “plutonian,” but it wasn’t a bad thing – although naturally I did earn a “PG” rating on a few occasions.
You’ll learn more in 404, but here’s another piece of the puzzle. In my own chart, Pluto is in the 9th house. Education, travel, and publishing are common associations with that house – and of course all of them were underscored in my life while I lived on my Pluto line. (If my Pluto had been in a different house, different areas of life would have been in the spotlight.)
In 2008, I  moved west, down a Jupiter line. I’ve prospered here, but I’ve also been chronically  overextended – plus I’d love to lose about 25 pounds. Lord Jupiter giveth and Lord Jupiter taketh away!
We can enter deep waters with these astrolocality techniques just as we can with the rest of astrology. But there’s a very simple, straightforward quality to them as well. Along a Saturn line, you’ll underscore Saturnian possibilities in your life. Will you be lonely? Or will you write a book or earn your doctorate? As ever, there are many possibilities, and much of what happens depends on choices you make.
I’m no fortune-teller and that’s not what the FCEA is all about . . . but just to make this real for you, take a peek at Volodymyr Zelkenskyy’s LS map:


Running north-northeast from Zelkenskyy’s birthplace are three LS lines. They pass through the Moscow area. One of them is Venus, but it’s a bit to the west and thus the least relevant when it comes to understanding Zelenskyy’s energetic relationship with the Russian capital. Mars and the Sun are the ones that really tell the story – notice how Moscow is squeezed in right between them.
What does Zelenskyy “see” when he looks toward Moscow? What energies and experiences can he expect to emanate from that direction? Rage, danger, and attack are of course distinctly “Martial” possibilities. The Sun can represent potentially overwhelming force.
The rest is history, as they say.
How’s about Vladimir Putin’s Local Space lines? Do they cast any light on Ukraine? Have a look:


What does Vladimir Putin see as he looks toward Kyiv? His LS Pluto line runs just west of the Ukrainian capital. As he turned his attention south, he was faced with his worst nightmares – history has borne that notion out in obvious ways, of course. More deeply, what unresolved psychological and karmic issues did he trigger into manifestation as he “moved in that direction?” What fear inside himself was he actually attacking – and what fear attacked him back again?
Naturally, we could dive far more deeply into the charts of these two men, making the personal meaning of Putin’s Pluto and Zelenskyy’s Mars much clearer. As ever, in the spirit of the FCEA, our questions would revolve around how we might counsel them rather than how we might predict their futures. In FCEA 404, we will learn how to do all of that. Here in this brief newsletter, I just want to give you a taste of how this branch of astrology promises to empower you with a new set of skills. Even at the simplest level, it’s pretty astonishing – Zelenskyy looks to Moscow and sees Mars and the Sun, while Putin looks to Kyiv and sees Pluto.
As they say, you can’t make this stuff up.
Steven Forrest
January 2023



A Yultide Blessing

A Yuletide Blessing

Dean’s Update, December 2022

Yuletide blessings, everyone! Happy Solstice to all. December is a month when I so often reflect upon the friendships in my life and the joy of family and loved ones. For this holiday newsletter, I want to comment upon the sign Capricorn in light of the FCEA family and our development as a school. I will share with you some of our community’s insights on a remarkable bi-wheel chart, natal chart of author Charles Dickens, and the date of his publication of A Christmas Carol.

As many readers know, we use “mystery charts” during our Study Group calls with our students, tutors, and tutorial assistants.  It is often a lively Zoom affair and the highlight of my week when I am able to attend. We all join in the analysis of the chosen charts of the day, getting to know how each of us think as evolutionary astrologers. The magic of our collective intuition works to build a fun conversation, a chance to get to know each other as colleagues and friends. 
A few weeks ago, in the spirit of the holiday season, I shared with our Study Group the bi-wheel chart you see below. It shows the transits (in the outer wheel), set for noon, on the day of publication of Charles Dickens’ most famous holiday story. Immediately students started seeing the obvious meetups of Mercury, ruler of his north node, and Saturn in an interesting exchange between the birthchart and the transits of December 19th, 1843. Touching both the 4th and the 5th houses, the solitary creative time of writing for Dickens was coming to a head as the “great work” of Capricorn, as Steven would tell us, of his lifetime. Dickens wrote many classics, of course, but A Christmas Carol has had an enduring impact upon our collective understanding of the true meaning of the season. Goodwill, love, and a shared compassion for all. One of our students noted how Dickens’ natal Aquarius 5th house Sun had progressed into Pisces and was “rising” into the 7th house in this fateful year, while transiting Neptune, in turn, formed a conjunction with Dickens’ natal Sun. 
The highlight of working together on our Zoom Study Group call was to hear everyone discuss Charles Dickens’ 10th house Jupiter in Gemini. We all saw the potential his voice held for reaching and changing the hearts of many. I have to admit why I loved this part of our class analysis. You see the students so clearly applied an evolutionary perspective.

How can he make his ideas heard and how does he need to claim the power and potential of his public voice?


They were asking questions, questions that we all know are at the heart of what we do as evolutionary astrologers. And then some synchronicity stepped in. I was reviewing videos that day for our upcoming FCEA 303: Jupiter and Saturn course, and had just listened to Steven’s beautiful description of Jupiter in the natal chart of famous Jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald. It included the 10th house potential of her natal Jupiter and what it took for her to step up to her soul’s authentic journey. Perfect.
I always learn so much from Steven, my students, fellow tutors, and the FCEA staff. What a blessing. And Charles Dickens’ bi-wheel chart gives me hope in knowing that Saturnian discipline pays off. His 3rd house Sagittarius Moon certainly makes Dickens a “teacher” and master storyteller for me! Our Study Group calls will resume after the New year on January 17th. They are held on Tuesdays each week at 8 am and 5 pm Pacific time. Steven joins us once a month. Fun for everyone! Wishing many blessings to all in 2023!
Catie Cadge, PhD
December 2022

Snowflakes & Birthcharts

Snowflakes & Birthcharts


Master’s Musings, December 2022

Apologies to our Australian compatriots, but for most of us in the FCEA community, winter weather is now upon us, and that means snow. Even here in the western Sonoran desert where Michelle and I live, we’ll soon be seeing it covering the mountains. Here’s a picture to prove it:


I’ll admit to gloating a bit – I was standing just outside my front door when I snapped this shot, but I was probably just wearing a tee-shirt. The top of the mountain you see is about 8000’ higher than our house. It’s a lot colder up there! We never see snow on the ground here at home. 
Personally, I’m fine not dealing with ice and snow – but even with my more tropical disposition, every year we do love driving up to the high ground and soaking up the winter wonderland.
The reason I am saying all of this is that snow actually has a powerful lesson for us as astrologers. It’s often said that every snowflake is different and unique. Yet they’re all built out of exactly the same stuff – water. On top of it, all of them have roughly the same beautiful form: a six-armed mandala. From an astrological perspective, snowflakes are just like us, in other words. Like them, we are all different and yet we are all alike
Every human being is built out of the same handful of signs, planets, houses, and aspects – and yet our variations are effectively infinite. Depending on how you count them, astrology is based on a vocabulary of maybe forty “words” – Taurus, the 3rd house, sextiles, and so on –  and yet their possible combinations keep ramifying in a fractal way, producing the Vladimir Putins of this world, along with the Christine McVies, the Greta Thunbergs, the Oprahs and the Ram Dasses. 
Snowflakes and us – the parallels continue, and here’s where everything gets truly miraculous. Every snowflake that has ever fallen has a certain geometrical feature in common. As I mentioned a few lines ago, all of them have six arms, like an asterisk. It’s the very symbol we astrologers use for the sextile aspect – and if you pie-slice a chart into a series of sextiles, you’ve got the map of a snowflake.
Think carefully about this basic hexagonal snowflake plan. You can say it has six arms – but here’s another way of saying it: you wouldn’t know an arm was there unless there were empty spaces on either side of it. Otherwise it would just be solid. So we could say that actually the basic design of a snowflake involves twelve iterations rather than six – a positive space, followed by a negative space, followed by another positive space, and so on around the circle, just like Yin and Yang in the Taoist model. 
Meanwhile in astrology, without forcing anything, we can easily relate the Earth and Water signs to Yin and the Fire and Air signs to Yang – and of course in the zodiac, they alternate too. That means that, just like a snowflake, every chart that has ever existed or could ever exist is based on that same twelve-fold pattern of alternating Yin and Yang energies.
Next time it’s snowing, have a look out your window. It’s snowing zillions and zillions of little birthcharts. If you could study each of them through an ice-cold microscope, you would always see that same fundamental structure. But of course you would also see something else – that each one was beautiful in its own unique way. That’s the part that puts tears of joy and wonder in our eyes – and the part that, in remembering it, we become better astrologers.

Earth’s population just reached eight billion. That’s scary in a lot of ways, but it’s also kind of awe-inspiring to know that underlying each one of those people’s individual psyches, there is a little snowflake-like structure. It’s one that has never existed before in that exact form. It’s called their birthchart.

Want to know why snowflakes all have six arms? I’m not going to dive into the science of it here – that’s not what this newsletter is about. The science is actually easy to understand though – if you want to understand it, just Google “why do snowflakes have six arms?” It’s all based on water being composed of three atoms – two hydrogens and one oxygen – and how those molecules form chains when they reach the freezing point. 
Here, though, I’m trying to think more like an astrologer and less like a scientist. That always leads us back to the most fundamental statement of astrological theory – four words that go back to Hermes Trismegistus in long-ago Egypt: as above, so below. In practical astrology, the obvious manifestation of that principle is the way the heavens above are mirrored in the human psyche here below. But the principle is really far broader – it’s about how certain fundamental structures keep echoing each other on different scales in the universe. 
Snowflakes and astrological charts are one illustration of that idea. Here’s another: stand up, spread your feet apart and hold your arms up and out at an angle. Two legs, two arms, your head, and your genitals – you’re a little snowflake too. Or a little birthchart.
Let me point you down the science-road again if you feel like traveling it – read about carbon atoms and diamonds, and you’ll soon encounter more esoteric expressions of the same principles. (And from a scientific point of view, what could be more human than a mixture of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?) Then there’s the color wheel and the musical scale – all reflect the same unifying, underlying principles. You can read about all of it in my book The Night Speaks if you’re interested.
Back to snowflakes and birthcharts. The deeper point is that the principles of astrology are profoundly woven into the fabric of nature. Unlike so many psychological theories, everything we practice and believe is organic, integral to the actual structure of the cosmos, and present before our eyes.
Most importantly, each snowflake – and each birthchart – teaches us one profoundly spiritual lesson, and that is that, while each one of us is unique, we are all made out of exactly the same stuff. We are all different and we are all the same. 
One world, one people – if you can feel it, then this book is dedicated to you – that was the dedication that opened The Inner Sky, and that’s basically the message of all those snowflakes that are falling around you this winter. 
Happy holidays!
Steven Forrest
December 2022



Our “Aspirational” Planets Course

Our "Aspirational" Planets Course

Dean’s Update, November 2022

Welcome to the holiday season, everyone! I must say I look with anticipation to the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius. I can just hear the collective sigh, followed by a little excitement and release. It’s time to celebrate the closure of 2022, enjoy the company of old friends, mix and mingle and have some fun. Hopefully, we all have been doing our Saturn work, so let’s embrace Jupiter. The planet turns direct, November 23rd, right when we have a New Moon at one degree Sagittarius. Let’s be like the centaur and shoot an arrow of hope and joy to the stars!
As the year comes to an end, I mention two powerhouses, Jupiter and Saturn, what Steven and I call the “aspirational” planets. This is because we are fine-tuning our next 300-level course, focusing upon these very same planets. The advanced 300 series has been a mix of both Jupiter gumption, by rolling the dice in curricular experimentation, and Saturn hard work and discipline to take each challenge one step at a time. Steven is the master curriculum writer but we work together as a team, so I will share here some of my own work as co-writer in the FCEA journey. And we could not do this critical teaching without the blessing of feedback and support from our master 300-level tutors – Bryan Colter, Ryan Evans, and Marie O’Neill – who have been so patient with the ways I have experimented in course design. How best to create an upper-level curriculum that engages students in a deeper, more personal way, and still keep a handle on the size and scope of the course? 
In our 300-level classes, I took some Jupiter chances by implementing creative solutions to the learning process and expanded what I hope were community-building strategies into each course. And they seem to have worked. Meanwhile, Saturn still beckons me to reassess and give structure to the courses yet to come.
Throughout this past year, I relied on student and tutor feedback to make adjustments, corrections and tweak each course format. Most importantly, our weekly tutor-student Zoom meetings at this higher level have opened up a whole new student-centered approach that seems to work well with our advanced community of learners. At this advanced Craftsperson level, student presentations offer each person a chance to share their talent and skills, while also letting peers and tutors develop a bond of love and community. 
In other courses, I made sure to have discussions based upon students’ own charts or the charts of those they love, in addition to fictitious client charts, each a creative space for open dialog and loving support. At one point, I even went into FCEA 302 and added a discussion about “your Venus” by progression or solar arc, in light of popular demand! Who can study Venus without a chance for some Venusian heart-to-heart sharing? 


FCEA 303, Aspirational Planets Jupiter and Saturn, opens the end of January, just a few weeks shy of my own 1st house Jupiter return. I am excited to expand and develop this course with some of these innovative methods once again, but I also know challenges need to be met and stubborn determination of the “great taskmaster” is a “course requirement.” This December, I will experience the third and final hit of my Second Saturn Return. And Saturn by transit continues to move in the 10th house of the FCEA birth chart. As Steven would tell us, on top of listening to my “inner child,” where do I need to listen to my inner Saturnian “tough old bird?” 
I’ll end on a Jupiter note. With the jovial vibe of this celebratory season, I look forward to birthing the next step in our FCEA educational journey, FCEA 303, and I congratulate all of our hardworking students who clearly demonstrate the efforts needed of a Saturnian “great work” and a Jupiterian passion for learning. Our 2023 Course Catalog dates are now available on our website and I encourage you to take a look at what lies ahead in the coming year. I hope to see many of you on our Holiday Celebration and Community Q&A call, December 8th. Blessings for the start of a great festive season!


Catie Cadge, PhD
November 2022

Two Events—and One is Live

Two Events—and One is Live

Master’s Musings, November 2022

Steven Forrest
I want to talk about two upcoming events, one on December 8 and the other one during the first week of next August.
On December 8, at 8:00 a.m. PST, we’ll do one of our four-times-a-year Community Member calls. Penelope Love and I have been hard at work promoting FCEA Community Membership lately. It’s been working well too – we’ve welcomed about fifty new members since early August. As you know, these folks aren’t all actively enrolled as FCEA students, but they are fans of evolutionary astrology and we are happy to have them joining us in any capacity. We realize that there are lots of people out there who are drawn to this kind of inner work, but they’re just too busy with jobs or kids or school to make a full-time commitment to studying with us. Others just don’t have the money – something most of us can relate to!
Anyway, we really want to put out the welcome mat to as many people as possible – that’s what “community” is all about. We also hope that many of them can someday join us as students too. These seasonal “Community Member” Zoom sessions are really the heart of this dimension of the FCEA’s outreach. They’re a lot like the monthly Student Q&A sessions – I respond to questions in the same sort of way, and hopefully we all surf the good vibrations and feel connected and supported. On December 8th, we’ll begin with a different approach – for one thing, this will be our annual holiday celebration, so everyone is invited, both students and members. I’ll also start by presenting a short program about a happy astronomical “coincidence” that’s about to happen in a sky near you.

We’re heading toward the Solstice on December 21st – happy summer to our southern hemisphere members and students! For the rest of us, it’s the longest, darkest night of the year, marking the beginning of winter. In The Book of the Moon, I relate the Winter Solstice to the “dark of the Moon” – the New Moon phase. Both the Winter Solstice and the New Moon mark the subtle stirrings of new beginnings. Like seeds freshly germinated, these new beginnings are vulnerable and tentative, and need to be nurtured. On December 8th, I want to help us get ready to set some synchronistic wheels turning. Magic is afoot on the Solstice on December 21st and, as well, on the New Moon that follows close on its heels, just two days later. The close alignment of these two events is the unusual piece of the puzzle. It means that each one reinforces the other – and when it comes to magical wallop, that combination of “power-moments” is the toast of Hogwart’s Academy.


Saturnalia by Antoine Callet
During that talk, I also want to remind us all of something modern astrologers have often forgotten regarding Capricorn season – that the Romans celebrated it wildly with their zany feast of Saturnalia, and that actually modern humans have continued many of those same traditions with the feasting, gift-giving, and general excesses of the holiday season. Has the public remembered something fundamental about Capricorn which the astrologers have overlooked? Maybe it’s not “all business?”
“Yes” is the short answer – and you’ll hear a longer one on December 8. I want to weave Saturnalia, magic, the New Moon, and the Solstice together into one integrated tapestry. But I’ll need to do it pretty quickly, so we have time for questions and comments – and then we hope to have as close to a Solstice party as people can in Zoomworld.

If you're not yet an FCEA Member or student, learn how you can join us with an FCEA Membership.

Here at the FCEA, we’ve always had an ambition to eventually do some live conferences where we can actually meet each other. Most of us miss the warmth of those direct human connections. The combo platter of Zoom and Covid have of course changed the world – many of you are starting to feel like familiar friends to me, despite our never having been in physical proximity to each other. Compounding those realities, we also have the complicating factor that our FCEA tribe is international. If we were to meet in person, where could we do it? California? Shanghai? Berlin? Obviously there is no possible answer that works fairly for everybody.
The bottom line is that I will be doing a five-day astrological intensive in the US state of New York this (northern!) summer, and you’re all invited. I understand that for some of you, attending would simply not be feasible. I’m truly sorry about that. I do hope that at least a few of you can come. It’s something I am doing anyway, and smiled when I realized how nicely it might fit into one of my favorite dreams for the school – that at least some of us could meet in person.
Omega Institute ( is a fabulous place, and I’m honored to be invited to speak there. The first time I did was way back in 1984, and I’ve taught there several times since. The Institute is both prestigious and unpretentious, which is a hard balancing act to sustain. “Everybody who’s anybody” in the world of cutting edge, body-mind-spirit thinking has spoken there – Gloria Steinem, Eckhart Tolle, Pema Chödrön, Deepak Chopra, Jane Fonda, Van Morrison, Bobby McFerrin, Paul Hawken, Maya Angelou, and Ram Dass to name a few. But I still feel right in characterizing Omega as “a hippie summer camp.” That’s what it feels like. The campus is spacious and way out among the forests and farmlands in the deep upstate New York countryside. There’s a lake. People can swim. Everyone dresses casually. We stay in simple cabins. Mostly-vegetarian food is served in a gigantic mess hall, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Best of all, the attendees are generally terrific – I’ve often felt, looking at the faces around me there, that if the entire world were full of exactly these kinds of humans, we’d be living in paradise.
My Omega class will officially go on sale in early January. It’s not yet listed on their website since it’s still many months away. I do want to emphasize that this is not an “official” FCEA event – I’m under contract to Omega, and the class is open to the public. The last time I taught there, I had around fifty students. Their faces reminded me of your faces, and vice versa. I’d anticipate a seamless social integration, in other words. In teaching, I’ll downplay any FCEA angle to make sure that everyone feels welcome. But I would love to see as many of you there as can make it happen!
The title of the class is Cutting Through to the Heart of the Birthchart. Here’s the course description:
Why do you have the astrological chart that you have? As soon as we ask that question, we leave the dreary world of merely cataloging “personality traits” and enter the dynamic world of evolutionary astrology. In this system, it is your fate to face certain questions and certain possibilities in this lifetime. Beyond that, we have no use for the word “fate” at all. Instead, the power of your magic, your choices, and your intentions takes over, and they are pitted against old karmic reflexes that might otherwise imprison you in looping, dead-end patterns of behavior rooted in unresolved hurts from prior lifetimes. Anyone who has internalized the basic language of astrology –  for example, by reading Steven’s book, The Inner Sky – will be able to benefit from this five-day workshop. Our aim will be to cut through the confusion that naturally arises as we contemplate the myriad of signs and planets and make a bee-line for the holy grail of any astrological counselor – the healing wizard-words that go straight to the client’s heart and ring of pure, liberating truth.
As you can see, it’s a fairly generic description of evolutionary astrology. There is always some spontaneous improvisation in classes such as this as I assess the skill-level of the students. I anticipate it will run deep, and that we will spend most of the time diving deeply into the analysis of specific charts – probably some famous people, and certainly some class members. Five days gives us a lot of breathing room. I’d also say that Omega’s schedule is gentle – long lunches and there’s one half-day in the middle.
My apologies to those of you who are too far away for attendance to be feasible. I certainly understand. There will be no “FCEA credits” given to attendees or anything like that – anything else would be unfair to students who cannot be there. But it will be deep and magical – and I hope I finally have a chance to hug a few of you!
There’s a bit of controversy brewing in the world of traditional astrology. All of this is many miles from how we practice in FCEA, but it may be of some interest to a few of you. Over the past few decades, a lot of interest has arisen in “traditional astrology,” which is a catch-all term for everything practiced from about 200 B.C.E. up through the European Renaissance. Its earliest Greek expressions have been alleged to employ Whole Sign Houses — which means that if Gemini is your Ascendant, then anything in Gemini is in your 1st house, anything in Cancer is your 2nd house, and so on. The system has been popularized and has attracted many younger astrologers.
Along comes Deborah Houlding, a respected traditional astrologer in England. She was the editor of The Traditional Astrologer magazine and is the principal of the School of Traditional Horary Astrology. She’s delivered a talk that’s stirred up a hornet’s nest in the “trad astrology” camp. She alleges that no astrologers actually ever used Whole Sign Houses until these past few decades and that the whole thing is based on a mistranslation of an ancient text.
You can imagine the hoor-rah of a tempest that’s brewing in those teapots! None of this has any relevance to the timed-Ascendant system we employ in evolutionary astrology, but for those of you who are interested in the historical bigger picture, you are invited to read her article, “The Problems of House Division”:
And here’s a link to her actual talk, which runs about an hour (cost is £5.00):
As you’ll see, she is quite a scholar. I wrote to her to congratulate her for her courage. She wrote back that “I never felt so good as I did the moment after that talk was delivered.”
Steven Forrest
November 2022


Meet Our New Tutors

Meet Our New Tutors

Dean’s Update, October 2022

Greetings FCEA community! Mars is moving retrograde through Gemini soon. The passionate planet of action will be in reflective mode. We turn inward to consider how we might bring fresh perspectives to the ways we touch one another, through our voices and our words. Some FCEA students know that I love to think of Gemini like a Cubist painting; each side of the subject is shown simultaneously as we open our minds and hearts to our natural curiosity and learning! Late this month, when stationing retrograde, Mars sits on the FCEA 2nd house cusp and the journey backward into our 1st house makes me think we need to refresh our teaching pool, open up to some new 1st house Gemini leadership in the FCEA classroom. How timely! So, I am thrilled to announce that we have hired three new outstanding tutors to join our growing FCEA team.


Patty Morris-Stebbins, Aubrey Thorne Carey and Ricky Williams began serving as tutors at the end of August. This month, they officially come on board, so expect to see them in several classes in 2023. Let me take a moment to briefly introduce them to you.


Patty Morris-Stebbins

Patty Morris-StebbinsPatty and I have been blessed to share the love of deep family bonding through Steven’s AP program for many years, so I am thrilled to work closely with her in helping to bring about our educational mission. Patty shared the following brief biography with me. “Patty Morris-Stebbins is New England born and raised, with a deep love of teaching and learning. Having completed two Master’s Degrees, (one in Public Policy and one in Transpersonal Counseling,) twenty years of astrological study, (including almost ten years with Mr. Forrest himself), and 15 years counseling clients, she is excited to bring her knowledge and skills to the FCEA to support others’ connection with the deep material of evolutionary astrology, and is even more excited to learn from students’ own wisdom and knowledge. When not studying/tutoring/counseling astrology, she works full-time as a cancer research administrator and mama to two amazing children, and is perennially seeking ways to connect with spirit through meditation, music, and nature.” Welcome, Patty!


Aubrey Thorne Carey

Aubrey Thorne CareyAubrey and I have been friends and colleagues for many years as well, learning together and sharing our passion for evolutionary astrology at Steven’s AP over the years. I am so excited to have Aubrey join our team. Here is her brief introduction so you can get to know her. “Aubrey Thorne Carey fell in love with Evolutionary Astrology in 2011 and began Steven Forrest’s Apprentice Program in 2012, completing his Master Certification in 2016. She has a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and was an acupuncturist for over a decade before transitioning (with many small detours) to her astrological practice. In her parallel life, Aubrey was with the Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles for eight years, wearing lots of wigs and doing improv weekly, and surprisingly, these improv and comedic skills come in handy regularly while doing astrology consultations! She also trained with Michael Neill in his Supercoach program in 2020, which was life-changing, getting certified as a Transformational Coach, working with a perspective known as “The Three Principles.” When not working with astrology and coaching, Aubrey is doing one of these activities: studying yoga, walking her adorable Potcake (look it up), WhatsApp-ing her 21-year old daughter, having tacos with her husband, needlepointing and listening to audiobooks, or planning one of a hundred possible creative projects.” So multi-talented, Aubrey!


Ricky Williams

Ricky WilliamsAnd last – but certainly not least! – is Ricky Williams. Ricky and I also met through Steven’s AP and I cherish the times I have gotten to know him better and his lovely wife, Linnea, who is also former AP family. I am super happy to see Ricky join our team of tutors because he seems to be a natural at sharing his love and skills of our most sacred craft. Ricky shared this brief biography so you can get to know him better, “Upon the completion of a successful professional football career, Ricky Williams turned his attention to spiritual exploration and development. A Gemini fueled by a passion for learning, he studies and practices yoga, meditation, astrology, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing and Ayurvedic medicine. During Ricky’s 16 years studying astrology and interpreting birthcharts for his clients, he discovered a teacher in world-renowned evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest. In 2020, Ricky, Steven and Linnea founded LILA (Sanskrit for “divine play”), a relationship and self-discovery app powered by the spiritual insights offered by an empowering, choice-based form of astrology. Ricky’s greatest love is building transformative businesses with his wife and other like-minded people.” Yay Ricky!
Please join me in welcoming all three wonderful and talented tutors to our FCEA family. Let’s all work together to make this Mars retrograde period in our school’s 1st house unfold into fresh educational perspectives, new ideas and new energy and passion in teaching and learning. Thank you, Patty, Aubrey and Ricky. And thank you to all our tutors, teachers, students and staff for making our FCEA the best online school possible!


Catie Cadge, PhD
October 2022

An Astrologically Busy Autumn for the FCEA

An Astrologically Busy Autumn

Master’s Musings, October 2022

Steven Forrest
Here’s one you’ve heard before:
If only pigs could sing…
Here’s another one, cut from the same cloth…if only God would appear in a flash of light and say, “Here’s the plan…”  
Then we would know what to do. Then we would always know where to put our foot next. Then we would never make any more mistakes.
It’s a beautiful, unreachable dream. We’re human, so we’re left to just muddle through as best we can. Perhaps we can avoid the most grievous moral blunders and spare ourselves the problem of creating further karmic entanglement. But even doing that much is a lot to ask of a bunch of monkeys such as ourselves. 
Beyond those karmic pitfalls, what about people making simple, honest mistakes? Choosing the flight that’s going to turn out to be diverted to Peoria, minus all the luggage? Or buying the one car on the lot that’s a lemon? No one can foresee those kinds of errors.
Well, almost no one . . .
We astrologers, of course, have a superpower. It is not infallible. Astrology is hard to read sometimes. Plus our own fears and desires are constantly getting in the way. But still, via a knowledge of transits, progressions, and solar arcs, your chart does map out what you are trying to learn – and how you can learn it. It can even warn you that this is not the day to book that flight or to buy that car. All we have to do is to remember to pay attention to the personal messages – direct from God to us – that are written in the sky. 
All that is true of you and me – but it’s also true of anything that came into existence at a definable moment. Businesses have charts. So do marriages. One example of that principle is our school. We’ve looked at its chart before. For those of you who are new to our community, here it is again. This chart is set for the moment that Catie Cadge and I sat down with Jeff Parrett and began to seriously plan the FCEA. That’s the moment that the die was cast. What you see here also includes a progression, a solar arc, and a couple of transits which I’d like to put in the spotlight in this newsletter. I’ve arbitrarily set them all for the middle of October.
A lot is going on astrologically for the school this (northern!) Autumn. Let’s look at a few of the highlights. Let’s see, in other words, what the universe’s advice for us might look like. Maybe as a school we can walk our talk and let the planets light up the path that lies before us. I’ve picked out a few configurations to consider in this newsletter. I’m going to explore them one at a time and quickly sketch them out for us.
The school was “born” with the Moon in Pisces and so via progression it stayed in that sign by progression until entering Aries a year or so later, on April 12, 2020. An important point to remember is that we didn’t “open our doors” until December 21, 2020, so the Moon has “always” been in Aries – at least since we really got launched publicly. 
As befits the sign of the Warrior, for all the excitement, it has been a stressful couple of years! Aries always tests our courage and our resolve. It invites us to face risk. It wants us to roll the dice. What a wild ride it has been! Jeff Parrett needing to leave back toward the end of 2021 was stressful – for the FCEA to remain afloat, we had to quickly hire three people just to fill his shoes. And our plans for the school depended on hiring (and training) tutors as well. Where would the money to pay everyone come from? Could we do it? There were times when we didn’t know the answer. All we could do was to keep banging away.
What about the sheer number of hours we’ve all needed to put in? That’s been stressful too. Our tutors are hardworking people – all our students can attest to that! Our tech wizard, Carlos Velazquez, and our financial lighthouse, Paula Wansley, have come through for us every time. If our Communications Coordinator, Penelope Love, were a voodoo goddess, she’d be called The Slayer of Deadlines. Thank you, Penelope! For myself, I’ve made about 250 videos, half of which no students have yet seen. That’s a lot of videos!
Let me offer a particular “hats off” to our Dean, Catie Cadge – her commitment to making the school actually work in a competent and loving way has required absolutely relentless effort on her part. We’ve all been working hard, but she gets the “above and beyond the call of duty” award, along with a “Purple Heart” or two.  
Does all of that sound a bit military? Hey, we’re talking about Aries the Warrior!
Last but not least, here’s a Progressed Aries Moon shout-out to you students. You know better than anyone how hard you’ve been working. On top of the rigors of the courses themselves, you’ve had to deal with the FCEA’s “shakedown cruise” and all its inevitable glitches. Thanks for hanging in there, and for keeping your criticisms kind and constructive. 
I am happy to say that now that we’re a month into our well-deserved Taurus season, we can confidently foresee that the emotional tone of the times is easing. The switch has flipped on all of that endless Arian challenge and intensity. That switch happened just three weeks or so ago, so we’re barely aware of it yet.  With the progressed Moon now in Taurus, we can anticipate calmer weather. It’s time to take a breath and let it out. There’s a groove waiting for us out there, and it’s time to find it and settle into it. 
As befits an Earth sign, we’ve also entered a period of solidification. Taurus turns our attention in practical directions – getting our finances in more predictable order, getting the new crop of tutors launched, and – we hope – taking some of the weight off poor Catie’s and poor Penelope’s shoulders. 
We’ve got time – the Moon will be progressing through Taurus until January 31, 2025. Now that we’re not constantly putting out fires, we can attend to some more long-term plans. We’ve been committed, for one example, to creating a scholarship program for the school. I can almost guarantee that will be happening during this lunar progression.


With the Moon in Aries, we “had to win the war.” Now, with the Moon in Taurus, it’s time to see if we can win the peace.

Given that planets only move about one degree per year by solar arc, it’s fair to say that Venus is already conjuncting the FCEA Midheaven. Being nominated for the Favorite Astrology School in the awards ceremony at the big ISAR conference in Denver in late August certainly gave us a taste of it! Since our school hadn’t even been open for two years yet, Catie and I were surprised to see us in the running. We didn’t win, but it was still a victory – not to mention good publicity! If we were a movie, it was like being “nominated for Best Picture.” You don’t always need to win for it to be a feather in your cap.
As evolutionary astrologers, we do more than revel in “astrology working.” It always works, at least once we understand how to decipher its messages. You get used to it “working” and you begin to focus on higher concerns. Astrology’s real aim is to help guide people in making better choices – aligning their lives with their higher purposes. That kind of thinking applies to the school too. In this case, with solar arc Venus on the MC in the mix, might it mean that the FCEA will be cooperating with other schools or programs before long? While we certainly will not be “merging” with any other institutions, Venus in the MC suggests that allies will be appearing.
Here’s another part of that Venus/Midheaven event: we are working hard on expanding and publicizing “Community Membership,” welcoming a wider, more diverse world to our tribe.  Maybe some of you have seen the new video I made about it?
Community Membership is an outreach program aimed at providing an inexpensive way for people to become involved with the school without actually enrolling as students. That’s because some people just don’t have the time or the money. Others might just want a taste of the school before committing to being students. For US$99 per year, Community Members get four two-hour Q&A sessions each year, plus access to the video recordings of all the previous ones. It’s a good deal, and with solar arc Venus on our Midheaven, it’s a good time for us to bang the drums about it. What could be more “Venus-on-the-Midheaven” than putting out a welcome mat to the world?
The FCEA is about as Piscean as Pisces can go, and Jupiter passing through that sign has been really good for us. It first entered Pisces on May 13, 2021, so those positive Jovial winds have been on our backs for a while now.
Jupiter crossed into Aries on May 10 of this year, but really soon – on October 27 – it retrogrades back into Pisces for one final seven-week stand. It’ll remain there until December 20th, giving us another evolutionary opportunity to “never underestimate ourselves” and generally to “keep the faith” – something we’ve been doing all along with good results!
I’m no fortune-teller, but I do suspect that keeping the faith will be easier now that the Moon has progressed into Taurus. This final pulse of Jupiter energy coincides with us expanding our team of tutors by 50% – and, Jupiter-fashion, the school has grown enough that we need them. A big welcome to Aubrey, Patty, and Ricky! I’d say more about them myself, except that Dean Cadge will introduce them in her report in this same newsletter. We’re so lucky to have all three of them on the team!
Remember how Jupiter returns to Pisces on October 27? On exactly that same day, the transiting north node of the Moon makes a conjunction with Mars. The two events are linked in time – and that means that because of the laws of synchronicity, they are linked in meaning as well. “Keeping the faith,” Jupiter’s specialty, will be tied to a need to ally our evolutionary intentions with some spunky Mars energy.
The school’s natal Mars is a gentle one, being in Taurus and the 12th house. We’re not fundamentally a competitive entity. Our courage is directed more at inward challenges than at outward ones, as befits a Piscean creature. Still, with our natal north node in Cancer and the 3rd house, we’re on a healing-and-teaching mission in this world, and boldly exercising that commitment is what this nodal transit is all about. Since Mars and Aries are so intertwined, we can say that we’re done with the progressed Moon’s long passage through Aries, but during October and November, we seem to be faced with a bit of a “final exam.”
One challenging bottom line is that the school has a lot of mouths to feed now, especially with our three new tutors coming on board. We’ve got a big monthly “nut to crack,” and so far, so good. But we do need to grow a little bit more in order to have some Taurean breathing room. I think the financial stress was soul-food for us during the Aries time, but now that we’re in Taurus, our souls are better served with an easier situation – one where we can take a longer view of things. To that end, we’d love to have another ten or twenty students, and we’re really wanting to expand our Community Membership too.
So if you happen to know anyone … you know the rest.
Thanks for hanging in there with us, and for helping us make a bit of astrological history.
Steven Forrest
October 2022



Fall Into Expansion

Fall into Expansion

Dean’s Update, September 2022

Happy Autumnal Equinox everyone! Mabon is the Celtic holiday marking this time of year. Here on the West Coast of the United States, we have been experiencing quite a hot September. We welcome the arrival of fall, the turning of the leaves and the cooler nights under the stars. Mabon is a Welsh god, the son of the Earth Mother, but using it as the title for the Fall Equinox is a new development, the original name of the holiday having been lost. In The Book of the Moon, Steven calls the last quarter lunar phase, “Mabon,” where we experience a sense of longing and recognize the impermanence of our lives. The year seems to be slipping away, but we look back to see we have made steady progress in some positive new directions. We had a number of changes this summer, along with ongoing growth at the FCEA. Let me share some of our great news!
In late August, Steven and I were sitting at the banquet of the ISAR conference in Westminster, Colorado, when they projected onto the screen that the FCEA was nominated as “Most Favorite Astrology School” by ISAR members and attendees.
ISAR is the International Society for Astrological Research. What an honor for the FCEA! We were not expecting this recognition at all. What a nice surprise while transiting Uranus and the north node in Taurus formed a lovely trine to Saturn in Capricorn on the 9th house cusp in the school’s birthchart. We were thrilled to be acknowledged by colleagues and the professional astrological community. Congrats FCEA!
In September, we are excited to open FCEA 302, our next advanced course at the Craftsperson level. A deeper dive into the study of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in our evolutionary toolbox. We look at the progressed moving Sun, Mercury out of bounds, the Venus pentangle and much more. So many juicy topics! In FCEA 301, we piloted new weekly Zoom sessions at this advanced level of instruction, introducing student presentations as a learning tool. Everyone seems to love this new format. We will continue with live, engaging tutor-led Zoom meetups. Then student presentations will be re-introduced in FCEA 303 after the New Year. Lots to look forward to in 2023 in our expanding curriculum.
We are also piloting a new Zoom lab, 101Z, for students first entering the FCEA, who may need additional basic support in the fundamentals of astrology. We recognize some students come to the FCEA brand new to our complex archetypal language. We want to make sure they are supported. These small sessions will be led by one of our outstanding tutors and limited to five students per session maximum. 101Z is designed to be a place for total newbies of astrology to relax, take it slow and work through the A, B, Cs of how to look at and read a birthchart. Another exciting change!
Our staff at the FCEA is also growing. This summer I trained three new tutors: Ricky Williams, Patty Morris-Stebbins and Aubrey Thorne. I am so thankful for their hard work serving as tutors in our current 102B cohort. Such great work! Please welcome them if you see them on one of our many Zoom calls. This fall we will more formally introduce Ricky, Patty and Aubrey once we move into the hiring process. Look for them as tutors in our upcoming fall courses. I am sad to announce we had one of our beloved tutors, Sarrah Christensen, leave our team. Sarrah has been very helpful in expanding our 100-level course offerings and she will be sorely missed. We wish her all the best in her new creative endeavors. One last final shout out of thanks to ALL our hard working staff, tutors, teachers and, of course, to Steven, our beloved master teacher.
We are all so grateful. Equinox blessings!
Catie Cadge, PhD
September 2022