Our “Aspirational” Planets Course

Our "Aspirational" Planets Course

Dean’s Update, November 2022

Welcome to the holiday season, everyone! I must say I look with anticipation to the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius. I can just hear the collective sigh, followed by a little excitement and release. It’s time to celebrate the closure of 2022, enjoy the company of old friends, mix and mingle and have some fun. Hopefully, we all have been doing our Saturn work, so let’s embrace Jupiter. The planet turns direct, November 23rd, right when we have a New Moon at one degree Sagittarius. Let’s be like the centaur and shoot an arrow of hope and joy to the stars!
As the year comes to an end, I mention two powerhouses, Jupiter and Saturn, what Steven and I call the “aspirational” planets. This is because we are fine-tuning our next 300-level course, focusing upon these very same planets. The advanced 300 series has been a mix of both Jupiter gumption, by rolling the dice in curricular experimentation, and Saturn hard work and discipline to take each challenge one step at a time. Steven is the master curriculum writer but we work together as a team, so I will share here some of my own work as co-writer in the FCEA journey. And we could not do this critical teaching without the blessing of feedback and support from our master 300-level tutors – Bryan Colter, Ryan Evans, and Marie O’Neill – who have been so patient with the ways I have experimented in course design. How best to create an upper-level curriculum that engages students in a deeper, more personal way, and still keep a handle on the size and scope of the course? 
In our 300-level classes, I took some Jupiter chances by implementing creative solutions to the learning process and expanded what I hope were community-building strategies into each course. And they seem to have worked. Meanwhile, Saturn still beckons me to reassess and give structure to the courses yet to come.
Throughout this past year, I relied on student and tutor feedback to make adjustments, corrections and tweak each course format. Most importantly, our weekly tutor-student Zoom meetings at this higher level have opened up a whole new student-centered approach that seems to work well with our advanced community of learners. At this advanced Craftsperson level, student presentations offer each person a chance to share their talent and skills, while also letting peers and tutors develop a bond of love and community. 
In other courses, I made sure to have discussions based upon students’ own charts or the charts of those they love, in addition to fictitious client charts, each a creative space for open dialog and loving support. At one point, I even went into FCEA 302 and added a discussion about “your Venus” by progression or solar arc, in light of popular demand! Who can study Venus without a chance for some Venusian heart-to-heart sharing? 


FCEA 303, Aspirational Planets Jupiter and Saturn, opens the end of January, just a few weeks shy of my own 1st house Jupiter return. I am excited to expand and develop this course with some of these innovative methods once again, but I also know challenges need to be met and stubborn determination of the “great taskmaster” is a “course requirement.” This December, I will experience the third and final hit of my Second Saturn Return. And Saturn by transit continues to move in the 10th house of the FCEA birth chart. As Steven would tell us, on top of listening to my “inner child,” where do I need to listen to my inner Saturnian “tough old bird?” 
I’ll end on a Jupiter note. With the jovial vibe of this celebratory season, I look forward to birthing the next step in our FCEA educational journey, FCEA 303, and I congratulate all of our hardworking students who clearly demonstrate the efforts needed of a Saturnian “great work” and a Jupiterian passion for learning. Our 2023 Course Catalog dates are now available on our website and I encourage you to take a look at what lies ahead in the coming year. I hope to see many of you on our Holiday Celebration and Community Q&A call, December 8th. Blessings for the start of a great festive season!


Catie Cadge, PhD
November 2022

Meet Our New Tutors

Meet Our New Tutors

Dean’s Update, October 2022

Greetings FCEA community! Mars is moving retrograde through Gemini soon. The passionate planet of action will be in reflective mode. We turn inward to consider how we might bring fresh perspectives to the ways we touch one another, through our voices and our words. Some FCEA students know that I love to think of Gemini like a Cubist painting; each side of the subject is shown simultaneously as we open our minds and hearts to our natural curiosity and learning! Late this month, when stationing retrograde, Mars sits on the FCEA 2nd house cusp and the journey backward into our 1st house makes me think we need to refresh our teaching pool, open up to some new 1st house Gemini leadership in the FCEA classroom. How timely! So, I am thrilled to announce that we have hired three new outstanding tutors to join our growing FCEA team.


Patty Morris-Stebbins, Aubrey Thorne Carey and Ricky Williams began serving as tutors at the end of August. This month, they officially come on board, so expect to see them in several classes in 2023. Let me take a moment to briefly introduce them to you.


Patty Morris-Stebbins

Patty Morris-StebbinsPatty and I have been blessed to share the love of deep family bonding through Steven’s AP program for many years, so I am thrilled to work closely with her in helping to bring about our educational mission. Patty shared the following brief biography with me. “Patty Morris-Stebbins is New England born and raised, with a deep love of teaching and learning. Having completed two Master’s Degrees, (one in Public Policy and one in Transpersonal Counseling,) twenty years of astrological study, (including almost ten years with Mr. Forrest himself), and 15 years counseling clients, she is excited to bring her knowledge and skills to the FCEA to support others’ connection with the deep material of evolutionary astrology, and is even more excited to learn from students’ own wisdom and knowledge. When not studying/tutoring/counseling astrology, she works full-time as a cancer research administrator and mama to two amazing children, and is perennially seeking ways to connect with spirit through meditation, music, and nature.” Welcome, Patty!


Aubrey Thorne Carey

Aubrey Thorne CareyAubrey and I have been friends and colleagues for many years as well, learning together and sharing our passion for evolutionary astrology at Steven’s AP over the years. I am so excited to have Aubrey join our team. Here is her brief introduction so you can get to know her. “Aubrey Thorne Carey fell in love with Evolutionary Astrology in 2011 and began Steven Forrest’s Apprentice Program in 2012, completing his Master Certification in 2016. She has a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and was an acupuncturist for over a decade before transitioning (with many small detours) to her astrological practice. In her parallel life, Aubrey was with the Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles for eight years, wearing lots of wigs and doing improv weekly, and surprisingly, these improv and comedic skills come in handy regularly while doing astrology consultations! She also trained with Michael Neill in his Supercoach program in 2020, which was life-changing, getting certified as a Transformational Coach, working with a perspective known as “The Three Principles.” When not working with astrology and coaching, Aubrey is doing one of these activities: studying yoga, walking her adorable Potcake (look it up), WhatsApp-ing her 21-year old daughter, having tacos with her husband, needlepointing and listening to audiobooks, or planning one of a hundred possible creative projects.” So multi-talented, Aubrey!


Ricky Williams

Ricky WilliamsAnd last – but certainly not least! – is Ricky Williams. Ricky and I also met through Steven’s AP and I cherish the times I have gotten to know him better and his lovely wife, Linnea, who is also former AP family. I am super happy to see Ricky join our team of tutors because he seems to be a natural at sharing his love and skills of our most sacred craft. Ricky shared this brief biography so you can get to know him better, “Upon the completion of a successful professional football career, Ricky Williams turned his attention to spiritual exploration and development. A Gemini fueled by a passion for learning, he studies and practices yoga, meditation, astrology, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing and Ayurvedic medicine. During Ricky’s 16 years studying astrology and interpreting birthcharts for his clients, he discovered a teacher in world-renowned evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest. In 2020, Ricky, Steven and Linnea founded LILA (Sanskrit for “divine play”), a relationship and self-discovery app powered by the spiritual insights offered by an empowering, choice-based form of astrology. Ricky’s greatest love is building transformative businesses with his wife and other like-minded people.” Yay Ricky!
Please join me in welcoming all three wonderful and talented tutors to our FCEA family. Let’s all work together to make this Mars retrograde period in our school’s 1st house unfold into fresh educational perspectives, new ideas and new energy and passion in teaching and learning. Thank you, Patty, Aubrey and Ricky. And thank you to all our tutors, teachers, students and staff for making our FCEA the best online school possible!


Catie Cadge, PhD
October 2022

Fall Into Expansion

Fall into Expansion

Dean’s Update, September 2022

Happy Autumnal Equinox everyone! Mabon is the Celtic holiday marking this time of year. Here on the West Coast of the United States, we have been experiencing quite a hot September. We welcome the arrival of fall, the turning of the leaves and the cooler nights under the stars. Mabon is a Welsh god, the son of the Earth Mother, but using it as the title for the Fall Equinox is a new development, the original name of the holiday having been lost. In The Book of the Moon, Steven calls the last quarter lunar phase, “Mabon,” where we experience a sense of longing and recognize the impermanence of our lives. The year seems to be slipping away, but we look back to see we have made steady progress in some positive new directions. We had a number of changes this summer, along with ongoing growth at the FCEA. Let me share some of our great news!
In late August, Steven and I were sitting at the banquet of the ISAR conference in Westminster, Colorado, when they projected onto the screen that the FCEA was nominated as “Most Favorite Astrology School” by ISAR members and attendees.
ISAR is the International Society for Astrological Research. What an honor for the FCEA! We were not expecting this recognition at all. What a nice surprise while transiting Uranus and the north node in Taurus formed a lovely trine to Saturn in Capricorn on the 9th house cusp in the school’s birthchart. We were thrilled to be acknowledged by colleagues and the professional astrological community. Congrats FCEA!
In September, we are excited to open FCEA 302, our next advanced course at the Craftsperson level. A deeper dive into the study of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in our evolutionary toolbox. We look at the progressed moving Sun, Mercury out of bounds, the Venus pentangle and much more. So many juicy topics! In FCEA 301, we piloted new weekly Zoom sessions at this advanced level of instruction, introducing student presentations as a learning tool. Everyone seems to love this new format. We will continue with live, engaging tutor-led Zoom meetups. Then student presentations will be re-introduced in FCEA 303 after the New Year. Lots to look forward to in 2023 in our expanding curriculum.
We are also piloting a new Zoom lab, 101Z, for students first entering the FCEA, who may need additional basic support in the fundamentals of astrology. We recognize some students come to the FCEA brand new to our complex archetypal language. We want to make sure they are supported. These small sessions will be led by one of our outstanding tutors and limited to five students per session maximum. 101Z is designed to be a place for total newbies of astrology to relax, take it slow and work through the A, B, Cs of how to look at and read a birthchart. Another exciting change!
Our staff at the FCEA is also growing. This summer I trained three new tutors: Ricky Williams, Patty Morris-Stebbins and Aubrey Thorne. I am so thankful for their hard work serving as tutors in our current 102B cohort. Such great work! Please welcome them if you see them on one of our many Zoom calls. This fall we will more formally introduce Ricky, Patty and Aubrey once we move into the hiring process. Look for them as tutors in our upcoming fall courses. I am sad to announce we had one of our beloved tutors, Sarrah Christensen, leave our team. Sarrah has been very helpful in expanding our 100-level course offerings and she will be sorely missed. We wish her all the best in her new creative endeavors. One last final shout out of thanks to ALL our hard working staff, tutors, teachers and, of course, to Steven, our beloved master teacher.
We are all so grateful. Equinox blessings!
Catie Cadge, PhD
September 2022

Summertime Goals

Summertime Goals

Dean’s Update, August 2022

August greetings everyone! One of my summertime goals this year was to sketch out an FCEA course calendar for 2023. The draft is now finished.
New student cohorts and more advanced-level classes await us in the months ahead! But we are about to begin Virgo season and how perfect as I fine-tune the FCEA course landscape. I can’t help but think, “It’s all in the details!” So, I am working with our staff to provide a schedule that will enable us to grow at a steady pace, and yet still provide the breathing room students, staff and tutors need.
This past year, we planned a tight, rigorous calendar of courses that I know at times caused a few people to voice concern for some rest, a chance to absorb and review. As I write, Uranus, Mars and the north node sit together in the sky in the sign of Taurus.


How can we spark change and fresh insights, so we can better take care of ourselves and find relaxation and peace, while studying and learning with commitment and passion?
One immediate fix that comes to mind is making sure to increase the number of weeks between each course offering. In 2023, the FCEA calendar includes a break of at least two weeks before students start the next course. We know many are enthusiastic to jump into the next stage of studies with Steven and the tutors. But we also know sometimes the workload seems heavy and the material is a lot to process in a short time. Extra time offers all of us a chance to pace ourselves. Nothing wrong with taking stock of where we are at! After all, we are evolutionary astrologers, right? The FCEA staff can use this additional time too. It allows for more efficient transitions between classes and time to complete course preparation and registration.

I also frequently hear from students wanting a summer and holiday recess. Of course! Many take holidays and breaks on their own from classes when needed. But official holiday time is also doable and it makes sense. Since the FCEA opened in 2021, we recognized a break in December and January is a must! This year, final assignments and exams in most fall classes end by late November. Our last course to finish in 2022 will be FCEA 202, ending on December 1st. We will have a Solstice gathering and the last Member Q and A call of the year in early December, so we can wind down the school year by December 9th. The first week of January is Steven’s birthday, so we extended the holiday season through to January 11th. There will be plenty of time for a family vacation, even after New Year’s Day. At the end of 2023, we have built into the calendar a similar break to enjoy the yuletide season and New Year celebrations.
In spring of 2023, we continue with a robust schedule to get everyone working hard for that well-earned summer break end of August! No classes will be in session after August 24th until mid-September. Three weeks of self-study, reflection and time away from the online classroom will give all of us at the FCEA a moment to stop, breathe, and reconnect with what our goals and desires are for our education and where we are going as astrologers and counselors. In order to accommodate these changes and to schedule our growing number of student cohorts, 300-level orientation calls will be scheduled on Fridays beginning in 2023.
I am so excited for these new adjustments to our busy school calendar. I wish everyone a richly rewarding Virgo “Back-to-School.” I look forward to seeing many of you in our five FCEA course openings in the weeks ahead. Yes, five! And please take the time to welcome (on one of our Zoom calls, perhaps in the chatroom!), our next new student cohort joining us at the 100-level in early September. Blessings!
Catie Cadge, PhD
August 2022

The Collective Awakening: Playing Our Part

The Collective Awakening: Playing Our Part

Dean’s Update, July 2022

July greetings to my dear FCEA community! I hope those in the northern hemisphere are enjoying pleasant weather and some time for rest and relaxation. For our students and members “down under,” wishing you warm and comfortable winter days. I just returned from a few days “off grid,” at a beautiful, hot springs in the Pacific northwest. Healing waters, warm sunshine, a cool mountain river and nothing to do, but bathe in the forest and under a carpet of many, many stars at night. The Milky Way was in her full glory! 
Most memorable for me was meeting a woman, while we soaked in the mineral waters, and bonding with her through passionate conversation about evolutionary astrology and the FCEA. In the midst of her Uranian opposition and a big Jupiter time for her, “Annie” was just awakening to the potential power of astrology as a tool for life’s journey. Such a joy to see her eyes light up and to feel her enthusiasm and open heart. So often we have these encounters when we meet a soul who now “gets it,” who makes the cosmic connections and sees what a sacred gift understanding our natal chart can be.



To me, the main mission of our work at the FCEA is to bring these very kinds of awakenings to not only our clients, through our job as professional astrologers, but to those special souls we meet in our daily lives who are ready to learn, evolve and share. This is how we can contribute, as a school, to a world sorely in need of change and healing.

How can we best play a part in this collective awakening? This potential for astrology to reach a bigger audience, to touch the hearts of people like “Annie”?

Not all will choose a professional path. Some may integrate evolutionary astrology into other healing modalities or perhaps a counseling career. When Steven and I wrote the course curriculum together in 2020, we began with the very basics, anticipating some students would be “newbies,” just starting out with little knowledge, but a passionate drive to learn. We hoped to serve our “Annie”s. But running a school day in and day out, I have come to realize the FCEA is like a living, breathing entity, morphing in form and composition from one group of students entering the program to the next. 
Summertime here in California always provides me a time to take stock of the bigger picture of what I am working and striving for; a good time to reassess where our school is headed and what structural changes we may need to make in the months ahead. The FCEA is growing. I am in the process of training three new tutors this summer. We look forward to welcoming a brand-new cohort of 100-level students in the fall. What needs to change to best accommodate our growing student body, diverse in levels of knowledge and practical skills? 
First up for reevaluation is our study group calls. How can we work harder and make the road smoother for “Annie”? These are the questions I am wrestling with addressing this summer, as I work with our tutors and staff. In the 300-level advanced course, FCEA 301, we will have a trial run this month testing weekly Zoom meetups with tutors. I am excited to see this new development in course structure unfold! If successful, we will explore similar options in our courses in the months ahead. Meanwhile, gradual change and modification will occur with our study group format.
What an exciting time! I ask you all for patience as we fine-tune and work through the best possible avenues for comprehensive learning for everyone. In the meantime, please do share feedback through our course evaluations. We want to hear your suggestions! We are also planning more added features for members in the months ahead, along with our on-going expansion, visual makeover and improvement of our website. Expect more changes! I am so thankful for the hard work and effort of our FCEA staff for the care and love they have given to building a better website, a better school and a top-notch learning experience. And a huge thank you to our students and members for your constant love and commitment. Let’s open the heart of every “Annie” and make evolutionary astrology a household word! I don’t feel it is too bold to say this. I believe that the world needs us. Blessings, everyone!
Catie Cadge, PhD
July 2022

Solstice Reflections & Our FCEA Family

Summer Solstice Reflections

Dean’s Update ~ June 2022

Catie Cadge

Summer Solstice Reflections
& Our FCEA Family

Solstice is right around the corner and I am savoring the long days of summer here in the northern hemisphere. The warmth of the sun feels good and there seems to be hope in the air. I am happy to report the FCEA community is growing strong. Four classes are up and running this summer! I hope all our students are enjoying their new classes that just opened in early June. We are planning a solstice celebration as a part of our student Q and A call this month with a special conversation with Steven at 8 am Pacific time on June 21st. Steven will be giving us a little taste of his thoughts about the planet Eris, a new topic in recent astrology, guiding us in our understanding of the evolutionary meaning of the “planet of discord.” Please join us! Look for our FCEA announcement about the call in mid-June. 



Solstice always reminds me of the seasonal gatherings at Stonehenge. As the sun rises and lights up the majestic sarsen stones, the celebratory rituals seem like such magical times of shared sacred space. In some ways, I see our community at the FCEA in a similar way.


We come together to learn and share our passion in a sacred celestial art based upon the sky and the changing seasons. We are also a solstice community, a circle, a family. Before I dive into the main topic of my Dean’s update this month, I want to thank Teal Rowe, our dear tutor and friend, who is leaving our solstice circle, our FCEA community. Like we so often hear, running a school really does “take a village,” and I am so grateful for Teal’s love, hard work and commitment to help birth the FCEA.  Teal has been a constant source of emotional support and guidance through recent years of developing the FCEA. We could not have done this work without her. She will be sorely missed. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors! 

Returning to what I have called our solstice family, our circle, I wanted to share with you a few recent reflections I had after attending a popular in-person astrology conference, NORWAC (Northwest Astrological Conference) in Seattle, Washington, this past May. The NORWAC conference always stimulates my mind and curiosity. I must say my Gemini Moon thoroughly enjoys the diversity of approaches and techniques, a true smorgasbord of methodologies! Oh, my, there is always so much to digest and ponder. Astrology conferences offer us fresh perspectives and a wealth of astrological knowledge that can be so rewarding, not to mention the joy and love of the downtime when we come together during the after-hour parties and gatherings. Like our own solstice circle, the NORWAC tribe is a family and I am grateful for all the connections I have made over the years at the conference. We hope to meet some of you at the ISAR conference in Westminister, Colorado, this summer (August 25 through 29th, visit https://isar2022.org/ for more information). Steven will be a presenter. Let’s gather together those who can attend.

For me, one of the topics that seems to come up each year when attending NORWAC is how and in what ways I might use my new insights. I must admit my Capricorn Sun loves strategy and working through rules and the many technical details of how astrology can be approached. What can I say, I am the type of person who loves board games and mind puzzles. And I have a competitive side – I like to get things right! The ins and outs of practicing various forms of astrology, such as the rich world of traditional, Hellenistic and Jyotish (Indian astrology), not to mention more recent vibrational or Uranian astrology, pose such exciting challenges for my personal passion for figuring out “how things work.”  

But one of the strong bonds of connection we share at the FCEA is our love for Steven’s particular methods of reading charts. Something about that basic common thread we all share strengthens us as a school and in our developing roles as counselors. I respect my colleagues at NORWAC and thrive when I open to the ideas and methods they share. But when I return to my daily work in the counseling office, I am a purist. I practice evolutionary astrology and the Steven Forrest method, because I know it works for my clients. My readings already cover enough material! Astrological “fusion” may have its place in our research and in our shared conference circle, but finding a method that works for you, and applying a focused approach to learning evolutionary astrology through that chosen method, builds a solid foundation as a counselor. 

So, I’ll end with a little summary of my two-cents as the FCEA Dean. The best way forward to become the most skilled and gifted astrologer lies in finding a path, a particular method and sticking to it. Broadening our astrological wisdom is never to be frowned upon. Open doors when they appear; learn, explore, and appreciate the diversity of our astrological family! Yet, recognize, in actual practice, the value of a strong focus and a fine-tuned set of skills.

Happy solstice everyone! Much love to our solstice circle!

Catie Cadge, PhD
June 2022



Learning About Lunar Phases

Learning About Lunar Phases in FCEA-301

Dean’s Update, May 2022

Catie Cadge
Each month, when I write the Dean’s Update, I take a moment to think ahead and look to see what is on the horizon for the FCEA. Once again, I have this summer’s 300-level Moon course on my mind. I am really looking forward to this particular course. It teaches some core techniques about lunar phases every astrologer needs to know. These are fundamental cards in our astrological hand that we include in every reading with our clients. Why have we waited so long to teach these critical tools we use in evolutionary astrology? Steven and I believe patience is required in order to absorb, reflect, and develop our skill sets. Our advanced students are now ready to take in the rich layer of meaning evident when we consider the lunar phase in chart analysis. And what a rich layer it is!

All aspects are about integration.” —Steven Forrest

But there is more to the lunar picture. In addition to learning about and applying interpretation of the phases of the Moon in the natal chart, students also practice working with the progressed lunation cycle, in FCEA 301, The Moon. How can we best speak to the client’s heart in a reading? Where in the progressed lunation cycle, almost three decades in length, is the soul in life’s long journey? The Moon phase by progression captures so well “the mood” of the life at the moment for a client. The sign and house location of the progressed Moon provides the emotional feeling, the core needs and values, while the lunar phase by progression helps us understand possible strategies, ones that are instinctual and attitudinal, for fulfilling these needs. Advanced students already studied the progressed lunar return in FCEA 203, The Biopsychic Script. Now we take on the progressed Moon in all her stages of lunar beauty! Building upon our 200-level curriculum, we hone our practical skills in analysis of the “current sky” to create a full, integrative chart reading.

Summer promises to be fun and engaging as we open our minds and hearts in FCEA 301: The Moon. We are excited to run this course on its maiden voyage. We also look forward to eventually sharing lunar wisdom and insight with all FCEA students at the appropriate level of advanced Craftsperson. What progressed lunar phase will you be in at that time? Let’s hope we all bask and shine in the moonlight!
Catie Cadge, PhD
May 2022

The Scoop on Study Groups

The Scoop on Study Groups

Dean’s Update, April 2022

Catie CadgeApril greetings, everyone! This month we move from fiery Aries into Taurus season. Here at the FCEA, our wonderful staff have been very busy, updating the school’s website with new features and helpful tools. We have taken our social media presence to a new level. Aries helps us put into action our strategies to build a bigger and better school. An exciting time for the FCEA!
Meanwhile, I’d like to share some positive thoughts I have about our fun and engaging study groups, our weekly gatherings where community and connection take place.
These are available for our students in the fully guided program. Under the springtime Taurus Sun, my focus turns to places I can find peace and calm, center myself and relax. Our study groups at the FCEA are the place where the “rubber meets the road.” Conversations provide a means to listen, to absorb, to reflect, to practice and to share what we have learned and how we are building our sacred craft as evolutionary astrologers. But they are also a source of relaxation. A place to connect.
For folks who have not yet joined a study group or for our loyal members, I’ll fill you in briefly about these practical – but fun! – educational group gatherings. Our study groups happen each Tuesday when classes are in session. We hold two study groups, one at 8:00 am and then another at 5:00 pm Pacific time. The 8:00 am time is designed to best reach our students based in Europe, 5:00 pm for our students in Asia. Each is led by two of our tutors or myself, with master wizard, Steven, joining us once a month. We use breakout rooms on the Zoom call to help students feel comfortable working in a small cohort of fellow astrologers enrolled in the same level of instruction. A “mystery chart” or two are shared.
The tutors and I make every effort to visit each and every breakout room and help the group talk through chart analysis. We end by meeting all together and revealing our insights, taking a guess at the mystery person’s identity. In sum, the study groups are a practice opportunity and a great place to just “be” with our work and colleagues, to do our craft, and sharpen our skills.
Steven often emphasizes his wise words, “All aspects are about integration.” Of course, he is describing best practices in evolutionary astrology in this quote. But the same advice applies beautifully to education, the ways in which we best learn, grow and develop our skill set. Integration involves not only sitting at the master’s feet and absorbing each lesson each step of the way. Integration of what we are learning takes active participation and loving engagement as we come together in dialog via the study groups. We get to know each other, listen and respond, and empower each person by mastering the ins and outs of reading a chart.
Catie Cadge presents the mystery chart of "John Cippolino"
Presenting the Mystery Chart of “John Cippolino” at the End of the Study Group Hour
The French use two different verbs “to know.” Savoir – to know a fact – and connaitre – to know through experience. The best education integrates both, ça je sais. This I know! Steven and I and the tutors feel blessed to get to really know each of you and to learn together every week in our study group meetups. Je connais ce sentiment. And I know and experience the feeling. We all work together to make our learning grounded and real.
I hope I provided a little taste of an important part of our school’s educational offerings. I thank the students and tutors who join our study groups each week. The study groups are a great advantage of registering for the fully guided program at the FCEA. It is a time of “rubber meets the road” for me as Dean as well. When we each use our minds, hearts and intuition and articulate aspects and interpretations we see most meaningful. A space we hold for each other. A place to learn and apply our gifts, our talents.
Catie Cadge, PhD
April 2022

Imagination & the Bigger FCEA Picture

Imagination & The Bigger Picture

Dean’s Update, March 2022

Catie CadgeToday’s third birthday of the FCEA is on my mind as I sit writing my monthly Dean’s Update on March 6th. Happy Solar Return, dear FCEA!
What a year it has been. Jupiter by transit is conjunct the school’s Sun and my ascendant at the moment. Lots of hope is in the air. But I must admit it feels as if there is a lot to meditate upon as well. Our Piscean school still seems fuzzy around the edges at moments. Time to get my Capricorn sleeves rolled up once again and reinforce the FCEA’s solid structure, the firm foundation in what it will take our students to reach completion. Does one ever become a “master”?


Strive for something real, a level of achievement, and let perfection be a lifetime journey.  
Capricorns are known to be the type to want a strategy, a goal, a clear mountain path to climb. I always tell my sea-goat clients that it might feel good to have a plan or an orderly approach. Get one’s “ducks in a row” so to speak. I think many of you know that Steven Forrest and I are both Capricorn Suns and we both have natal Mercury in Capricorn as well. From the very start of the FCEA, Steven and I worked to make a school curriculum with clear objectives and a structure that made sense. We were always so careful to not push students into material too advanced or confusing. We both have been trying to gradually open classes at one level at a time and to calculate growth in logical and realistic ways.


So what is the next step for the Dean in growing our school and supporting our students?


This spring, Steven and I are organizing our advanced courses at the 300 to 600-level into possible time frames for completion. In other words, we hope to move toward defining the Craftsperson and Master certification, along with developing electives so our students can choose their own best track of study.
Both Jupiter and Neptune, conjunct this spring by transit, are moving through the school’s 11th house and squaring the FCEA natal Jupiter in Sagittarius. We want a mystical school that honors our sacred craft! Some of those “fuzzy edges” have been a necessary part of dreaming our school into being. Imagining a picture of our changing goals and aspirations. Such Piscean windows into our imagination make the dream happen. But now we also need some Saturnian discipline and structure. The months ahead provide a step toward practical planning and building.
Steven and I will meet this April during the “big” conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in an exact square to our school’s Sagittarius Jupiter in the 7th house. Please wish us luck in creating the BEST degree program in evolutionary astrology—and keep an eye out for our 2022 Course Catalog and Calendar, to be posted by the end of this month!
Long live the FCEA! Happy International Astrology Day, March 20, and many blessings on the vernal equinox!
Catie Cadge, PhD
March 2022

The Wonders of Synastry


The Wonders of Synastry

Dean’s Update, February 2022

Greetings, FCEA community!
Love is in our hearts and minds this month of February, when folks in the northern hemisphere escape the cold, wintry winds by seeking a warm embrace on Valentine’s Day. To our students and members in parts of Asia, we wish you blessings on the Lunar New Year. Happy year of the Tiger to all! But turning back to February’s topic of love, I’d like to share with everyone a little bit of the excitement in my own heart for our next new course opening in early March. I’m working with Steven in the weeks ahead to fine-tune FCEA 204 and 205, our introduction to the sacred art of astrological counseling through synastry: chart comparison and the composite chart.
On one of our recent FCEA Zoom calls, some of us swapped stories about last month’s Venus retrograde in Capricorn. We shared the journey of reassessing and reimagining how we best flow with grace together and with our closest partners. Venus stationed direct conjunct my own south node in Capricorn. It was like the universe offered me a mirror to see my own faults and weaknesses, where I need to grow and change in the cosmic dance I do with others. Learning to balance love, trust and encouragement, while keeping my own boundaries and needs in check, is a challenging step in understanding synastry for this particular Dean. Let’s face it. Synastry is not purely all about romantic love and marriage. It touches every facet of our lives.
As we see throughout the FCEA curriculum, the individual birthchart is the fundamental foundation in all branches of evolutionary astrology. Synastry is no different. Please indulge me for a minute. I want to share one of the ways I have been coming to terms with the mirror of myself I see in those I work closely with, my one-on-one comrades in life’s sacred work. Two weeks ago, I adopted a very sweet and tiny little kitten I named “Vesta.” Vesta is the one who maintains the sacred flame in the temple; she carries a lineage forward into the future. The asteroid is currently conjunct my natal Sun by transit. We will learn about these asteroids later in the FCEA coursework. Let me use my own family dynamics to illustrate my point.
Fuzzy and black, playful and full of zest, Vesta is the “queen” of my home. I love how she bounces into the room with confidence and joy! I watch closely as she rubs up next to my older cat, Io (He is named after a moon of Jupiter). Much larger, Io is the boss in my eyes. I am careful to give him extra love and affection at the time of changing family dynamics. Despite his wisdom of age and maturity, Io, at first, feared Vesta and the little one chased my poor old cat around the house. What a lesson in synastry for me! Why does Io not see his own strength, his size? Claim his own right to be in this universe? Why does he project his own power onto this little, tiny kitten?
“When we observe the things we attribute to the other person, we see our own depth and meaning. Our gold goes first from us to them. Eventually it will come back to us. Projecting our inner gold offers us the best chance for an advance in consciousness.” —Robert Johnson, Inner Gold
Ok, well, I suppose I am anthropomorphizing my poor cats in my feeble attempts to grasp my own life dramas in synastry: How do I see myself in others? How can I grow and learn to assert and declare my own needs and potential, while opening my heart to listen, love and truly see those who, as Steven would say, “venusify” my life? 
This spring, at the FCEA, we venture into the broader territory of synastry in evolutionary astrology, building upon our work with the birthchart and the changing sky. Synastry is about any kind of relationship, not just romantic ones — although of course we’ll pay a lot of attention to those too. For those lucky students ready to dive in, pull your Skymates and Skymates 2 from your bookshelves, get ready to read, reflect, grow and change together in the sacred craft of loving counsel through comparing charts in synastry. Mother and child, lovers, co-workers, even bandmates and cats, form the complex web of astrological connection we all share and need. Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day everyone!

Catie Cadge, PhD
February 2022