Astrology Basics Competency

This course is self-paced, designed for students who already understand the basic vocabulary of evolutionary astrology. This understanding can be from studying previously with Steven or another evolutionary program.

It is based on Steven’s book The Inner Sky.

Students must understand the concepts including:

  • Planets, signs and houses
  • Aspects and rulership
  • Archetypes

Students demonstrate their competency by completing the exercises and passing the exam from The Inner Sky – Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology (FCEA-101) course. Exercises can be repeated, the exam must be passed on the first attempt. Failure to pass will required completion of the associated FCEA course.



The Inner Sky – Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology

This course can be taken self-paced or guided when taken in conjunction with the lab (FCEA-101B). It provides an introduction to the basics of evolutionary astrology. You will learn the core language and key concepts as described in the required course textbook, The Inner Sky. It will contain a mixture of  brief videos and narrative teaching components, as well as tests to gauge your familiarity with and/or grasp of the material covered. You will learn the concepts of planets, signs, houses and aspects. The course will expose you to the symbols used to represent these concepts and how to interpret them in the context of a person’s birthchart. As your proficiency increases, you’ll assemble these into sentences, paragraphs and ultimately a story about the individual whose chart you are interpreting.

The Sky Speaks…Learn How to Listen

The focus in FCEA 101 is developing a fundamental understanding of a person’s psychological nature as reflected in the birthchart. Next in FCEA 102, you will learn how to add the metaphysical, reincarnational perspectives which make evolutionary astrology different from other forms of astrology. That will be achieved by adding two more symbols to your vocabulary, the north and south nodes of the Moon.The final course in the 100 series is FCEA 103, a practicum where you will be doing actual chart interpretations.
The course materials are organized into cohesive modules. Each module may contain reading assignments, videos, PDF handouts and self-directed exercises. The course will complete with the assignment of a final exam. Completion of the self-directed exercises and passing the final exam is required for anyone seeking certification.
Books are not included.
Required Textbook:
  • The Inner Sky

Book by Steven Forrest, available through Seven Paws Press.

Supplemental Textbooks:

These texts are recommended, especially for anyone pursuing astrology as a career. They are excellent reference books and provide deeper understanding of the astrological concepts and symbols.

  • The Book of Fire
  • The Book of Earth
  • The Book of Air
  • The Book of Water
All books by Steven Forrest, available through Seven Paws Press.
Recommended Reading:
  • The Night Speaks: How Astrology Works

Book by Steven Forrest, available through Seven Paws Press.



Nodal Analysis Competency

This course is self-paced, designed for students who already understand nodal analysis using the Steven Forrest Method. This understanding can be from studying previously with Steven or another evolutionary program.

It is based on Steven’s book Yesterday’s Sky.

Students must understand the concepts including:

  • North and South Node of the Moon
  • Nodal Analysis

Students demonstrate their competency by completing the exercises and passing the exam from Yesterday’s Sky – Lunar Nodes, Astrology and Reincarnation (FCEA-102) course. Exercises can be repeated, the exam must be passed on the first attempt. Failure to pass will required completion of the associated FCEA course.



Yesterday’s Sky – Lunar Nodes, Astrology and Reincarnation Lab

The Lab course is taken at the same time as the main course (FCEA-102). It provides a weekly structure, guiding the student through the curriculum. It includes on-line forums where students are engaged by a teacher/tutor, deepening their understanding each weeks material.

Students work together each week using discussions designed to better understand this core material. They will hone their skills in chart analysis by looking at charts together as a group, receiving support from each other through sharing insights and offering encouragement.

Engagement Forum provide a place for the Teacher/Tutor to post a discussion topic. Students respond based on their understanding the weeks materials.

Technical Forum provides a place for students to post questions, getting deeper understanding from their Teacher/Tutor.



Yesterday’s Sky – Nodal Analysis, Astrology and Reincarnation

This course can be taken self-paced or guided when taken in conjunction with the lab (FCEA-102B). It will teach the techniques for detecting the fingerprints of unresolved issues from prior lifetimes, as presented in the birthchart. This is “the chart behind the chart.” You will learn how to decode it, and determine the remedy for the dilemmas it represents. This is the heart of evolutionary astrology.

Understand the Chart Behind the Chart

In FCEA 101, you learned how to understand a person’s psychological makeup. Here you will learn to see why he or she is that way today, facing challenges and possibilities. As these two perspectives come together, we encounter the full analytical power of this system of human understanding.

You will learn nodal analysis, the Steven Forrest Method, the fundamental methods and techniques needed to add an evolutionary astrological perspective, through the Moon’s north and south nodes. You will learn the basic astronomy used to determine the lunar nodes location. Then applying the techniques already learned, interpreting nodes by sign and house placement, refining this through their planetary rulers, and planetary aspects, you will create a nodal story.

As your understanding deepens, you will develop concepts and practices to better reveal the wounds a person carries in this lifetime. You’ll be able to offer possible roads for addressing them. This is the heart of evolutionary astrological counseling. 

The course materials are organized into cohesive modules. Each module may contain reading assignments, videos, PDF handouts and self-directed exercises. The course will complete with the assignment of a final exam. Completion of the self-directed exercises and final exam is required for anyone seeking certification. 

Books are not included.

Required Textbook:
  • Yesterday’s Sky: Astrology and Reincarnation

Book by Steven Forrest, available through Seven Paws Press.



The Inner Sky – Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology Lab

The Lab course is taken at the same time as the main course (FCEA-101). It provides a weekly structure, guiding the student through the curriculum. It includes on-line forums where students are engaged by a teacher/tutor, deepening their understanding each weeks material.

Students work together each week using discussions designed to better understand this core material. They will hone their skills in chart analysis by looking at charts together as a group, receiving support from each other through sharing insights and offering encouragement.

Engagement Forum provide a place for the Teacher/Tutor to post a discussion topic. Students respond based on their understanding the weeks materials.

Technical Forum provides a place for students to post questions, getting deeper understanding from their Teacher/Tutor.



Chart Reading Practicum

This course builds on FCEA 101 (Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology) and FCEA 102 (The Lunar Nodes, Astrology and Reincarnation). It will help you review and apply the core vocabulary and methods needed to continue studying with the FCEA by applying them to actual charts.  Everything that follows in the program is based upon this fundamental language.

Each week you will work with a new chart. Your teacher, tutor and fellow students will participate in a set of forums with specific discussion topics.

Required Textbooks:
  • The Inner Sky
  • Yesterday’s Sky
  • The Book of Fire
  • The Book of Earth
  • The Book of Air
  • The Book of Water

All books by Steven Forrest, available through Seven Paws Press.

Studying with Steven

Studying with Steven

Over the years, countless thousands of people have studied astrology with Steven Forrest. A couple thousand have done it in his flagship Apprenticeship Programs. Those intensives met regularly in California, Kansas, and North Carolina, plus Australia and Italy starting in 1998. He has also taught countless weekend workshops around the world. His annual programs in China, for example, which have run since 2011, have introduced many hundreds of Asian students to the methods of evolutionary astrology. Beyond those face-to-face meetings, there are serious students whom Steven has never met personally. They have been studying with him via his bestselling books or his many videos and recorded lectures. Some have attained high levels of mastery.

All of that teaching has been a good thing, but the problem Steven has always faced was “the little red schoolhouse” syndrome – beginners and advanced students all in the same room at the same time. How could he meet such a wide spectrum of needs? Another expression of the same underlying issue has simply been the inherent potential chaos of such a multifaceted system – astrology is complicated and students have often been confronted with the whole thing all at once. It’s simply too much for most people. It leads to confusion. Maybe, for example, Steven is teaching an advanced program on the solar arcs of the nodal axis. A new student signs up, unsure of exactly how many signs are in the Zodiac. Someone who should buy The Inner Sky goes to his online shop and settles on The Book of Neptune – it’s a fine book, but it is not a good starting place. That, or someone with an established professional practice signs up for a class in which Steven is patiently explaining that the Zodiac contains twelve signs

There are many things we can say about the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology, but probably the most fundamental one would be that it provides the missing catalyst to Steven’s existing work: structure.

Clearly, Steven’s next step had to be bringing some order to the confusion. There are many things we can say about the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology, but probably the most fundamental one would be that it provides the missing catalyst to Steven’s existing work: structure. A student in the FCEA will be guided efficiently, caringly, and often personally, along a step-by-step path leading to astrological mastery. No one will have to go back and pick up any missing pieces. Nothing of importance will be left out. A graduate of the FCEA program will stand on the solid, confident ground of knowing Steven’s full system of interpretation.

Steven himself plans to continue teaching personally, both in live classes and in online formats. Most of his live teaching will be advanced work, available to students who have made progress in the FCEA curriculum. His “little red schoolhouse” material has all been recorded in various media, including the hundreds of videos he has made especially for the FCEA. From now on, he anticipates teaching serious students at a Master’s level in what amounts to “university” format.

So You Want to be An Astrologer…

So You Want to be an Astrologer.

Good choice! It is a good life. But of course it is not the life for everyone. Just as it would be cruel to encourage a tone-deaf person to pursue a career as an opera singer, we need to recognize that certain inborn traits need to be present in anyone if he or she is going to find happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity as an evolutionary astrologer.

Let’s explore these qualities, in no particular order. If you’ve got these bases covered, welcome to the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. We can take you right to the finish line. If you lack any single one of them, making it as an astrological professional will be tough – but let’s underscore that anyone who is drawn to this work simply out of interest or for reasons purely of personal growth is very welcome to come along for the ride.

  • Intelligence. Learning to be a competent practitioner of evolutionary astrology is a serious commitment. It is analogous to attending medical school or becoming a trained mental health professional. Bring your brains – you will need them!
  • Self-discipline. Again, this study is a serious, long-term undertaking. Beyond that, a professional astrologer, like any other self-employed person, has to be a self-starter. If you need someone else to get you out of bed in the morning, this path is not for you.
  • Language skills. Some highly intelligent or very loving people are simply not very verbal. That’s a disaster if you are an astrologer – like trying to be a basketball player if you are notably short of stature. Astrology is a verbal art. That is how we build the bridge between the symbols and our clients. You’ve got to be a good talker – and a good listener too. 
  • Loving Kindness. People sense it, or its absence. They come to you for insight, but sometimes those insights are difficult to digest. Clients are in vulnerable positions. You’ve got to care about them. You’ve got to radiate interest, supportiveness, and faith in them. And you have got to do it day after day. Many truly good people simply cannot take the endless diet of pain,tragedy, and complaint that is the daily fare of any counselor.
  • A Thick Skin. This is becoming less and less relevant as astrology’s star rises, but an astrologer still oten encounters prejudice and judgment in the streets of the world. If you are desperate for universal approval, this is probably still the wrong field for you.
  • Wisdom. That one is hard to define and cannot be taught, only earned. Even though it is a slippery subject to pin down, the simple truth is that we all know it when we see it. The more wisdom you have, the better an astrologer you will be. Balancing all that is another reality: the wisest astrologer draws the wisest clients. The less-wise one draws less-wise clients. Astrologers and their clients seem to find each other. Call it synchronicity or call it magic, but there is an astrologer for everyone. You don’t have to be a saint to be successful in this field.
  • Sanity. If you were abused by a tyrannical father growing up, you are in danger of projecting the resultant anger onto any strong-willed or opinionated client. If you are sexually unsatisfied, sexually attractive clients are likely to be in some peril around you. 

We are all a little crazy –  welcome to the planet Earth. But an ongoing commitment to working on yourself is mission-critical in any astrological practice.

Those are the seven traits we would most like to see in anyone aspiring to become a professional astrologer. If you have them, even in some modicum, we hope that you will take the FCEA course right to their limit, and so become a spiritual lighthouse in your community.

Watch this 17-minute video Steven created emphasizing not only the joys, but also the practical viability, of pursuing astrology as a professional path.