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The FCEA’s Program Structure

Dean’s Update, August 2024

The FCEA’s Program Structure

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Dean’s Update
Greetings, FCEA community! August is the time we set the calendar for the following year. It’s an exciting process of looking ahead and planning each class every month. We welcome a new cohort of students this coming September and then again in January, 2025. “Cohort” refers to a mini FCEA community of students entering the program at the same time and taking the classes in sequence until graduation. We have TEN cohorts on board for 2025! The highlight of their educational journey is the master class, 306, taught by Steven Forrest with myself as an assistant. Every student has a chance to sit in the “hot seat,” sharing their own insights into one of several fictitious clients’ charts. It takes three years to reach this point in the curriculum. Everyone is always looking ahead to this fun — and challenging! — opportunity. 
But we require rigorous study and hard work during the years leading up to 306. For those new members and students, let me review our program structure. Students start by taking our 100-level classes, some through a self-guided version at the very beginning in our introductory courses, 101 and 102. Or the guided classes, led by our talented team of tutors and teachers, 101B and 102B, taken simultaneously with the main 101 and 102 courses. Then all students join 103, a hands-on practicum with tutor support. This class makes a useful guidepost to a student’s skill set achieved so far. Focused upon the essential details of birthchart analysis, FCEA 103 forms the foundation for the advanced work students eventually master. In 2025, we have three 103 classes scheduled with about fifty-five students in each. 
After graduating from the 100-level, students enter the Craftsperson 200-level courses. Again, we provide a self-guided basic transit, progression and solar arc class, 201, with an option for the guided version, 201B. FCEA 202, a practicum similar to 103 but addressing the “changing sky,” gives every student hands-on practice. My personal favorite, FCEA 203, covering the “biopsychic script,” those key astrological events that occur like clockwork for every individual, follows 202. And then we end the 200-level with two courses, 204 (synastry) and 205 (the composite chart).
It is a lot to digest over a two-year period! Our monthly Q and A Zoom meetings with Steven are priceless. They provide a chance for students to ask any questions they may have for Steven to answer and a mini chart reading as well. Check out our indexed library of previous Zoom calls with Steven, which is available to students and members. Members are welcome to join these calls, bringing the whole FCEA community together. Don’t miss these monthly opportunities scheduled throughout 2025! We also offer learning labs, “Z” classes, small group Zoom sessions with a tutor at both the 100-level and 200-level. These “Z” classes are a great way to review the material in a live Zoom setting. At any point, a student can take a break from their path of study to hone their skills or reflect upon the learning process on their own time in more depth. 


Teachers and tutors are available throughout the guided program to offer assistance at any time!
The third year features our popular 300-level advanced classes, each one addressing specific planets in more depth. Modeled after a graduate school seminar, students work in small groups weekly in Zoom meetups with tutors and their peers. This is a great way to learn from each other and fine-tune our counseling skills. Finally, the program ends with 306, the master class, and 401, our counseling course. The counseling class is unique in that any student at the advanced level can register for FCEA 401 during 2025 so to best match the time zone suitable for them to attend. We anticipate having three 401 classes: one in March at 8 a.m., one in June at 12 p.m. and the last one in September at 5 p.m., all Pacific time. The 300-level meeting times are also in process and we will try our best to make times flexible and diverse.
Final adjustments are being made to our 2025 course calendar as I write. Please be patient with the process! As we all know, Mercury was moving retrograde until August 28th and the planet is in its “shadow” until September 11th.  We will post the new 2025 calendar once Mercury can bless our hard work!
Catie Cadge, PhD
August 2024