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FCEA’s Policy on Student Use of AI

Dean’s Update, July 2024

The FCEA’s Policy on Student Use of AI

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Dean’s Update
Happy Leo season, FCEA community! In the spirit of Leo the lion, let’s give a big shout out of appreciation to our advanced students finishing up FCEA 306: The Master Practicum. They all did outstanding work answering questions in the “hot seat” under the guidance of Steven Forrest. A hearty round of applause for a job well done! I have had the great honor of helping to run the 306 calls and learning from each one of our talented students. It has been such a gift for this busy Dean to share the classroom with them. Congratulations, 306 class!
For me, one of the most rewarding parts of attending the FCEA 306 class sessions is hearing each individual’s unique astrological voice and the love and passion they bring to their craft. This point alone makes writing this month’s Dean’s Update a bit easier. You see the topic of this article is our new policy addressing the use of Artificial Intelligence at the FCEA. Since Pluto’s arrival in Aquarius, extensive conversation has been taking place in astrology circles around the world. How do we best use this incredible new technology? And how do we hold onto the “human face” of our sacred craft and maintain the integrity of our work as a unique personal expression of our soul’s intentions and true talents? How do we use AI in supporting our education, while not derailing the important process of learning and developing our own voices as evolutionary astrologers?
Recently, our staff came together as a team with the assistance of Alan Egge, a recent FCEA graduate with a wealth of knowledge about AI and its various ins and outs. Thank you so much, Alan! As a team, we came up with a working policy, which I would like to share with everyone in this newsletter report.
Please take a moment to read the policy and “sign on” in agreement. We trust you will understand why we list each one of these critical points.
Definition: The FCEA defines ‘Artificial Intelligence’ as any computer system, application or digital algorithm capable of performing tasks like those performed by a human being, including reasoning, decision making, complex problem solving, and writing (creative, comparative, persuasive, argumentative, etc.). Current examples include Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and similar industry or user developed AI tools. 
  1. For all of our students, the ultimate aim of the FCEA is that armed only with their own knowledge and an astrological chart in front of them, they become capable of offering helpful verbal counsel to anyone. 
  2. We view Artificial Intelligence as a legitimate study tool, but not as a substitute for personally internalizing the principles of evolutionary astrology. 
  3. On the honor system, none of any student’s written submitted class work can be the work of Artificial Intelligence. 
  4. We understand that students could fool us, but in so doing they would also be fooling themselves, robbing themselves of the chance to really learn astrology or to find their own voice. Such students would not even be able to learn from their own mistakes. 
  5. In the 300 courses and in the 306 master class with Steven and Catie, students are expected to present extemporaneous verbal astrological analysis. If any have relied on Artificial Intelligence up to that point, this will be the moment of truth. 
  6. Positively, we recognize that Artificial Intelligence can play a helpful role in research as students prepare for a presentation in the school or for a session with a client. There is no shame in using it as a tool – that is, unless it becomes a crutch without which students cannot function in helpful ways depending only on their own intellectual and spiritual resources. 
  7. Given the policy points above, we claim the right to deny FCEA certification or continued enrollment to any student found in violation of them. 
Now we ask each of you to let your heart open to the essence of each key point we include in this important policy. We know we can trust you and work together as a community and family to make the FCEA grow and flourish with AI, a good working relationship in an Aquarian age.


Finally, I would like to end with a special reminder. One of the best ways to move beyond the limits of AI is good, old fashioned face-to-face learning in person with Steven. And we know people have been missing these opportunities. I want to remind folks of Steven’s upcoming workshop in Athens, Greece, April 24-29, 2025. Lisa Jones, one of our FCEA tutors, and I will be leading a trip to sacred sites following the conference, April 29-May 7, along with Steven attending. I am so excited to share with you moments of conversation and quiet reflection as our group visits sacred astrological and historical Greek temples and museums. If you have not heard about the workshop and trip, please check out our website and brochure: We would love for you to join us on this special journey with us!

Catie Cadge, PhD
July 2024