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Become the Astrologer Our World Needs You to Be

Dean’s Update, January 2025

Become the Astrologer Our World Needs You to Be

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Dean’s Update
At the FCEA, in January, we open our doors after the holiday season and welcome back to class our students, tutors and teachers. I hope all return refreshed and eager to dive into their studies once again. We are moving full-steam ahead in 2025. It’s been a busy few weeks! Ten classes are now up and running. I am so grateful for our amazing staff who worked closely as a team to get everyone all set in terms of registration, enrollment in Moodle (our online learning platform) and timing of orientation calls. I want to give a special welcome to our new students joining us in FCEA 101B, our guided introductory course. I wish them the best in embarking upon learning our sacred craft. There is lots for us to look forward to in the months ahead!
Let me start the year by sharing some thoughts I have about the current dance between the planet Jupiter, in the sign Gemini, and Saturn in Pisces. I’m going to mention just briefly some of my own transits in recent months, then apply my thought processes to the FCEA community and what we hope to accomplish collectively. Most readers are probably familiar with the ongoing square between Jupiter, “King of the Gods,” and Saturn, “the old taskmaster.” Last year, the square was exact August 19th and December 24th, and we will see one final one this coming June 15th in Cancer and Aries respectively (Neptune also enters Aries this spring). Of course, taking into account orbs, the square has been in play off and on for months (orbs are such a tricky factor, as Steven would say, “when does a kitten become a cat?”) And then we see certain triggers enter the astrological picture. I write this article just a day after quick-moving Venus lined up by conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. 
Here’s my personal connection to this ongoing square: This past year, Saturn crossed my Pisces ascendant three times, while Jupiter formed an exact conjunction with my natal Gemini Moon only once last summer. The exact squares of 2024 fell within a tight orb of both my ascendant and Moon. Yet now, I have to admit, as Jupiter in Gemini slows down in preparation of turning direct February 4th at 11°16’, I feel the “full monty” of Jupiter’s gumption and overloading tendencies, all while the big gaseous giant stops in the sky so close, but not exact, my natal Moon at 11°11’. I’m over-extended, sure. Opportunities abound, sure. But, from an evolutionary perspective, the question to ask myself is what truly makes me happy?   
You see my Gemini Moon falls in my 3rd house, house of communication and perception, of learning and teaching, of the curious mind and data in and data out. I can tell you I have definitely encountered Jupiter “the teacher” with this month’s close conjunction. Where do I need to reassess my role as teacher, how can I rekindle the passion I have for sharing ideas and claiming my lunar “voice”? Saturn on my ascendant wants me to see the path of maturation to be the kind of Piscean “mystic” I hope to be. Where do I need limits and a reality check about boundaries in the last third of my life? There’s Jupiter “the trickster.” Saturn on my ascendant says define what kind of mask I will don.
Thanks for listening while I tried to sum up these impactful transits in my own evolutionary path. But how can we all learn from Jupiter’s upcoming stationary period? How can we make the most of it at the FCEA? Perhaps it might help to remember we have a monumental shift this spring when both Saturn and Neptune enter Aries. Maybe Jupiter sets the stage for us to claim our true voices, to use our curious minds, so we can be the type of spiritual and wise warrior humanity sorely needs. What kind of fresh perspectives or new avenues of learning do you need? In the weeks ahead as Jupiter stations and stops in the sky we can roll the dice on ourselves in Gemini fashion. Where does 11°Gemini fall in your natal chart? 
Returning to the FCEA classroom, each of us works hard to build a repertoire of words, questions and metaphors useful as an evolutionary astrologer while learning the nuts and bolts of astrology. We learn a skill set needed to speak a language that heals, offers compassion and makes real our Piscean intuitive and visionary imagination. Late January and the month of February provide an astrological moment in time rich in educational potential. You simply have to let synchronicity and your curiosity take center stage. Make your mind an open book, absorb, practice, and grab hold of Jupiter “the teacher.” All I can say is let’s hope more and more people learn to understand the language of evolutionary astrology, so we can become those spiritual warriors ready to fight. Make this time one of Jupiterian growth and hopeful dreams and aspirations. 
My heart goes out to those in our community affected by the recent devastating fires in Southern California. A fragile Israel-Hamas ceasefire makes us all yearn more for peace and an end to this brutal war. Democracy seems to slip through our fingers. As evolutionary astrologers, we have much to do to help heal a wounded world. This spring, in class or as you study, work hard to think, learn, expand your mind as we prepare for Jupiter moving into Cancer. Become the astrologer the world needs you to be. With the north node of the Moon now in Pisces, strive to be that healing mystic.


Catie Cadge, PhD
January 2025