New Courses
Here we are on the threshold of spring! March is an exciting month for astrologers, because we have International Astrology Day, March 20th, the vernal equinox, when the Sun enters Aries. Folks around the world celebrate the vast and rich history of astrology, the art of turning to the night sky for celestial guidance and self-reflection. As above, so below!
At the beginning of the month, Sun is still in Pisces, and at the FCEA, we are busy dreaming and imagining new Craftsperson courses. Similar to live programs Steven has done in past APs, these courses focus upon particular planets, exploring each in depth and through chart analysis. Steven is working day in and day out, creating new videos, where he reads a chart from an evolutionary perspective with a special emphasis on the chosen planet. For the Moon, we have Meryl Streep; Sun, it is Jackie Robinson. In each, Steven dives in and paints a picture of the planet’s dance in this soul’s incarnation.
“If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there’s some way to do it.“
– Walt Disney