Steven Forrest
Co-Founder, Master Teacher
Born in Mount Vernon, New York, on January 6, 1949, Steven attended public schools until August 1967, when he moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to attend the University of North Carolina. He graduated in 1971 with a degree in Religion. Steven is the author of several astrological bestsellers including, The Inner Sky, Yesterday’s Sky, and his acclaimed four-volume “Elements” series, The Book(s) of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. His work has been translated into many languages and he has traveled world-wide teaching his brand of choice-centered evolutionary astrology—an astrology which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology and ancient metaphysics.
In 2020, he opened his online school, The Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Robert Downey, Jr. says, “I marvel at the accuracy of Steven’s readings. He insists that nothing is so grave as to be beyond repair, and correspondingly that there is no rainbow that won’t be evaporated by poor judgment in the now.” Of Steven’s work, Sting says that he “. . . manages to disarm the sceptic, as well as debunk the charlatanism that surrounds popular astrology, with language that is as intelligent and cogent as it is poetic.” DELL HOROSCOPE describes him as “not only a premier astrologer, but also a wise man.”

Dr. Catie Cadge
Co-Founder, Dean
Greetings everyone! Welcome to our school. I am co-founder and co-owner of the FCEA with Steven Forrest. My principal role is Dean and writer of the school’s curriculum. I work closely with Steven to provide engaging and thorough course materials, discussion topics, class exercises, and exams. I also oversee the training and scheduling of our team of talented tutors. I lead many of our Zoom meetings throughout the year. I am also a passionate teacher! Working with FCEA students is a constant joy and gift for me on my karmic journey.
I first started studying astrology in the 1980s as a young graduate student. For over thirty years, I worked as a college professor in art history, teaching online classes for fifteen years. I chose to pursue a professional track as an evolutionary astrologer in Steven’s Apprenticeship Program in 2014. I am master-certified through Steven’s Apprenticeship Program. My counseling practice, CARA, can be found at www.caraevolutionaryastrology.com. I am a 10th house Capricorn Sun, conjunct south node, a Pisces ascendant and Gemini Moon in the 3rd house. I wish you all the best in finding your mission and path as an evolutionary astrologer. Please consider joining the FCEA community!

Paula Wansley
Business Manager and Accounting
Paula is delighted to be a part of the FCEA community. She has worked with Steven Forrest for over 25 years, previously helping to facilitate the Southern California Steven Forrest Apprenticeship Program, one of Steven’s prior educational programs. And in doing so, she knows what a wonderful and warm-hearted community of people follow him and the study of Evolutionary Astrology.
Paula has been providing business support services for over 25 years, and is also a subtle energy intuitive, photographer and award-winning motivational speaker. With her Libra Rising and Sixth House Moon, she enjoys being able to help others in whatever way she can and truly appreciates the opportunity to be of service to the FCEA and the FCEA community.

Penelope Love
Communications Coordinator
and Registrar
Penelope landed on the FCEA’s cosmic doorstep a passionate student with a 25-year career as a writer and editor, turned book publisher. After majoring in English and teaching college writing, she completed a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Florida. Since then, she has lived and worked in more than 25 cities across five U.S. states, India and Costa Rica. She is also an FCEA Certified Master Astrologer and author of the International Book Award Winner, Wake Up in Love. Penelope lives in State College, Pennsylvania, with her beloved husband and Pom. With her 9th House Cancer Sun, she enjoys supporting fellow students and members with finding a home in the FCEA Community.
To find out more about Penelope, visit: penelopeloveastrology.com

Carlos Velazquez
Web Systems Administrator
and Technical Support
Carlos is sometimes surprised where life can take you. He’s moved around to various states working in technology as a computer systems administrator and engineer for over a decade and a half at small mom-and-pop shops to large, nationwide telecommunications and media companies known in every household by name.
While taking a year off to recharge, he dove into philosophy, psychology, and esoteric topics, somehow along the way discovering various branches of astrology. Apprehensive at first, he followed his curiosity, eventually discovering Steven Forrest, Evolutionary Astrology and eventually the FCEA. As the website administrator he’s here to assist with any technical concerns.

Allison Simon
Teacher, Tutor
After years of dabbling with Astrology, Allison began a deep dive in 2013 when she had her first chart reading and the Astrologer suggested she look into Steven Forrest to learn more. Within an hour of beginning to read the The Inner Sky, Allison knew she had found her teacher and she quickly signed up to attend his AP program. Since then, she’s been a dedicated student, receiving certifications in Steven’s method of Evolutionary Astrology as well as certifications from Kepler College where she expanded her astrological knowledge to include skills in Hellenistic techniques, Horary, Chart Rectification and Astrological Magic.
She began practicing professionally in 2018 and has found Steven’s Evolutionary method to be penetrating and profound. In addition to working with clients on self-development, Allison loves teaching and sharing what she’s learned through her varied studies. When not obsessing over the heavens she enjoys spending time with her husband and 9-year-old daughter, listening to music, taking long walks in the woods with her dog, playing tennis and holding deep conversations with friends.

Ryan Evans
Ryan is a Certified Master Level Astrologer. A student of 25 years and a Professional for 15, having studied with Steven Forrest, Pat Kaluza, Pattricia Walsh and others, he practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an Organic Flower Farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms.
To find out more about Ryan, visit: ryanevansastrology.com

Joey Paynter
Teacher, Tutor
Joey Paynter has a PhD in depth psychology with an emphasis in Jungian and Archetypal studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute and a Master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has traveled to over 40 countries as a counselor, healer, lecturer, teacher, and photojournalist. She completed a 2- year soul arts apprenticeship program under the guidance of a Shaman, experienced a 3-day vision quest in Montana, and has worked with individuals and groups for over 20 years.
Joey specializes in relational dynamics, reclaiming one’s personal power, and the art of sacred play. She currently offers Sacred Counseling sessions, runs retreats, workshops, courses, and has been a practicing evolutionary astrologer since 2016. Her favorite thing is to use voice dialogue work to uncover the archetypes that live within and to be a mirror for those who want to unpack their story.
To find out more about Joey, visit: joeypaynter.com

Karen Bart
Teacher, Tutor
Karen is a New York City native, where she went to school and majored in Education and Spanish. Speaking another language helped her get hired by legacy carrier Pan American World Airways. When she set out on a quest traveling around the world in her late 20’s, she knew little about Lunar or Saturn Returns, yet she picked up on the universal language that speaks to us once we sense how to listen to its messages. She became interested in metaphysics, eventually astrology and then discovered Steve. His method resonated so strongly, it felt like “coming home”.
She began doing readings and interactive workshops at a NY Performance venue, education center and cafe, on topics such as career, or love in the birthchart. She became Master Certified in 2017. This all co-existed with working as a manager and flight attendant for Delta Air Lines until retiring in 2020. Her practice is Find Your Voice Astrology. She says it’s a wonderful feeling to know she has had an impact on others and helped enhance people’s personal growth.

Aubrey Thorne Carey
Teacher, Tutor
Aubrey fell in love with Evolutionary Astrology in 2011 and began Steven Forrest’s Apprentice Program in 2012, completing his Master Certification in 2016. She has a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and was an acupuncturist for over a decade before transitioning (with many small detours) to her astrological practice. In her parallel life, Aubrey was with the Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles for eight years, wearing lots of wigs and doing improv weekly, and surprisingly, these improv and comedic skills come in handy regularly while doing astrology consultations! She also trained with Michael Neill in his Supercoach program in 2020, which was life-changing, getting certified as a Transformational Coach, working with a perspective known as “The Three Principles.”
When not working with astrology and coaching, Aubrey is doing one of these activities: studying yoga, walking her adorable Potcake (look it up), WhatsApp-ing her 21 year old daughter, having tacos with her husband, needle-pointing and listening to audio books, or planning one of a hundred possible creative projects. Stats: Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Gemini Rising; California Native, Florida resident, Michigan-ophile.
To find out more about Aubrey, visit: aubreythorne.com

Patty Morris-Stebbins
Teacher, Tutor
Patty is New England born and raised, with a deep love of teaching and learning. Having completed two Master’s Degrees, (one in Public Policy and one in Transpersonal Counseling,) twenty years of astrological study, (including almost ten years with Mr. Forrest himself), and 15 years counseling clients, she is excited to bring her knowledge and skills to the FCEA to support others’ connection with the deep material of evolutionary astrology, and is even more excited to learn from students’ own wisdom and knowledge.
When not studying/tutoring/counseling astrology, she works full-time as a cancer research administrator and mama to two amazing children, and is perennially seeking ways to connect with spirit through meditation, music, and nature.

Lisa Gander
I am a passionate evolutionary astrologer and really thrilled to be part of FCEA world. It is a real honour and super exciting to be supporting and sharing astrology wisdom with everyone.
Meeting Steven over 15 years ago, as a modern astrologer, and being fortunate enough to facilitate 20 apprenticeship programs both in Australia and Europe, it felt like finding a key to unlock something that may have been missing. Hence, it wasn’t long before evolutionary astrology became my motivation.
Completing master level with Steven, as well as various studies including Astrosynthesis certification, a diploma in counselling and group work, and my other love, working with Australian bush flower essences, with advanced certification, I creatively nurture this craft in conjunction with evolutionary astrology. I am presently completing my OPA certification and am the OPA Australian Satellite.
With the Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Capricorn, both in the 11th house, it feels like it was mapped out to be working with groups of people, doing something different!
Very family orientated, with five children and six grandchildren (some of my greatest
teachers!) and with a deep appreciation for music, the water and nature, my other love of travel has me creating wonderful astrology retreats in various destinations. When at home, my practice is on the east coast of Australia.
It is a truly wonderful opportunity to meet so many fantastic people.
To find out more about Lisa visit: aquariusrising.net.au

Barb McNemar
My love of Astrology started at about 16. At the same time, I was introduced to Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Records. Little did I know that it would be almost 50 years before I would be able to dive into these passions and really begin to live what I loved!
As I approached my Second Saturn return (which at the time I knew nothing about), I felt like I really needed to begin following my heart and living my true path. I began studying Karmic Astrology, having a lot of Past life regressions (addictive!), became a Reiki Healer, a Crystal Healer and finally connected with a teacher who helped me to become an Akashic Records Practitioner. Now only Astrology was left to jump into!
I began looking into Astrology schools, but nothing really called to me. Then I saw Steven’s video about the FCEA that he posted about 6 months before it was to start and I knew that this was the Astrology I had been looking for. I have been a student, a tutorial assistant and a tutor – loving every minute of the journey.
I graduated in March of 2024 and am now a Master Certified Evolutionary Astrologer. I am now offering Chart Readings.
To find out more about Barb, visit: readingsbybarb.com

Harry Farmer
A lifetime resident of California, Astrology entered Harry Farmer’s life in his mid-late 20’s, soon becoming a source of deep understanding of his life’s journey, as well as providing support and clarity during very challenging times. And while for many years he had a quite active Astrology practice earlier in this century, serving clients, writing columns and articles, and doing a daily radio cosmic weather forecast, other professional opportunities have needed to be addressed over the years, from working in a mental hospital for the criminally insane, to many successful years as a disc jockey/interview host, gardener and environmentalist, to currently serving on the Board of Directors of the local Water and Sewer Services District. He also shares daily walks in nature with his current special canine companion, Jasper.
His first love continues to be astrology, assisting others in having a greater awareness of themselves and their own unique life purpose, providing insight, encouragement, and healing energy, especially in redefining times of crisis as opportunity. He also has very fond memories of many years attending Steven’s Apprenticeship Program in Calistoga, California, sharing joyful and enriching times with fellow astrology students while learning from Steven.
Harry is grateful for the opportunity to be involved with FCEA, and looks forward to teaching and inspiring others in learning and perhaps ultimately practicing the art and science of self-understanding and healing.
To find out more about Harry visit: harryfarmerastrologer.com

Fern Vuchinich
Fern began walking the “astrological path” over 30 years ago after receiving her first professional astrology reading in college. Around this time she also met and started learning from her mentor, Asata Gabriel. Artist, astrologer and all around wise woman, Gabriel taught Fern over the course of 25 years about astrology, intuition, technology, plant medicine and so much more.
She has been a practicing counseling astrologer and teacher since 2003.
In 2006, Fern joined Steven Forrest’s Southern California Apprenticeship Program, which she returned to several years in a row. She received Forrest certification as a Master Astrologer in 2018.
Fern has also received advanced training and degrees in many modalities of healing including: acupressure, essential oils, energy healing, flower essences and bodywork (eastern and western). Her advanced certification as an herbalist from the California School of Herbal Studies is an important part of her work as a healing astrologer.
You can read her writing about astrology, wellness and more in The Mountain Astrologer, The Llewellyn Books Annuals, Well Being Magazine and Organic Spa Magazine. She has been interviewed twice on the Shift Network’s Ancestral Healing Summit and specializes in Ancestral Astrology work. She has been a teacher for all ages and holds an M.A. from Sonoma State University and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University .
As a Virgo Sun, Libra Rising with Venus in Cancer she enjoys gardening, making herbal remedies and nesting. She resides with her partner and dog family in the mountains of Northern New Mexico.
To find out more about Fern, visit: wisestarsastrology.com

Linda Walker
Linda is part of the first pioneering class of FCEA graduates. She began as a working student which naturally streamlined into tutoring. Walking alongside other students on this path deepens and strengthens her own understanding about this sacred craft.
Striving to live an astrologically led life, Linda is constantly seeking ways to awaken the symbols and continues to be a dedicated student, learning from Steven and others that are devoted to their evolutionary journey.
Guided by her love of horses, she found her place on earth in New Zealand. Originally from the US she now resides overseas with her Aquarian husband, superlunary kids and a beautiful Taurean farm full of her beloved animals.
If she’s not doing laundry, checking LILA, or mucking out the paddocks, she enjoys kayaking on calm waters, snowboarding with the family, and quiet time with the rising sun.

Lidia Ranieri
Lidia has a Masters in Coaching Psychology, working as an executive coach passionately focused upon supporting personal growth and the development of purposeful and conscious leadership. Lidia uses both psychology and astrology in her work with clients.
Lidia’s interest in and love for astrology began as a young child absorbed in self-learning through books. This interest was a constant, albeit in the background of an otherwise corporately engaged career, which spanned 25 years in the finance sector.
Although the world of finance might seem removed from that of astrology, Lidia sees her first career as a warm up act, training her ability to identify patterns and symbols, and integrate their meaning in the seemingly complex system of the stock market! It was during her career in finance that Lidia finally decided to formally study Astrology gaining a Diploma in Australia. Following these studies Lidia read Steven’s Yesterday’s Sky and felt compelled to learn as much as she could about Evolutionary Astrology, travelling to attend some of Steven’s AP courses internationally. Lidia’s attendance at 3 AP’s convinced her to study psychology and evolutionary astrology formally and begin her own practice as a coach.
Lidia enrolled in the FCEA’s first cohort in January 2021 and recently graduated as a certified Master of Evolutionary Astrology. Lidia tutors for the FCEA and also holds two bachelor degrees in Business (Finance) and Law from the University of Technology Sydney.
Lidia is a wife, mother to two boys, and has a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon and Pisces Rising.
To find out more about Lidia, visit: www.lidiaranieri.com

Sophie Salaniat
A native of France, Sophie is an Aquarian Sun and Aries Moon, whose Sagittarius ascendant quickly took her all over the world, first for fun, then school, and finally for work. Now primarily settled in Chicago, she still regularly travels between the USA, the French Riviera, and Martinique, usually accompanied by her perfect pair of girl and boy twins. While Sophie has built a successful career spanning the music industry, advertising, and technology consulting, astrology has always been an essential part of her life.
Seduced early on in her teenage years by the mathematical, cosmological, and synchronistic intricacies of astrology, Sophie has pursued it with avid enthusiasm and passion for 30-odd years and likes to consider herself a forever student of the craft and a zealous collector of astrological knowledge.
Through the years, she has studied many forms of astrology but, as a firm believer in the classic saying that the stars incline us but do not bind us and inherently distrustful of fortune telling and superstitions, she has found in Steven Forrest’s Evolutionary Astrology a form of astrology that is experiential, practical, supportive, and anchored in a true desire to be both aspirational and effective in real life circumstances.
A proud graduate of the FCEA’s first cohort, Sophie is glad to be able to continue supporting our growing FCEA community as a tutor.

Jackie Johansen
Jackie Johansen, MA, holds a master’s degree in Jungian Depth Psychology and is a master-certified evolutionary astrologer. She’s worked in the mental health field for over a decade.
Jackie’s approach is rooted in the belief that every individual has innate gifts and a deep soul purpose unfurling from within. She loves to support others along the path of individualization, to connect to the magic of the inner and outer cosmos, and to navigate life’s ups and downs empowered.
Jackie lives in Northern California with her family.
To find out more about Jackie, visit: jackiejohansen.com

Erin Fish
Erin, Leo Sun/Libra Moon/Gemini Rising, first received the gift of astrology from her mother (Uranus in the 4th) who had 70s era astrology books in the house. Always interested in astrology, Erin started studying formally 12 years ago with Anne Ortelee in NYC and through various classes, workshops and conferences. She discovered Steven Forrest 9 years ago when she went to Lilydale to see him with several astrology friends. He was the first astrologer to bring a tear to her eye, something difficult for her SN in Capricorn in the 8th house. Steven’s teachings really touched her soul. She studied with Steven through his AP program and attended workshops at Omega Institute and even Lake Como Italy.
Erin is retired from a 28-year career (Saturn cycle) as a military officer, as well as a career in state government. She speaks French and German and lived four years in Europe in the 80s. She considers her third language to be the universal language of astrology.
As an astrologer, she has always wanted to teach astrology and pass on the gift of astrology. Last year, as her progressed Saturn in Aquarius in the 9th house stationed to go direct, she completed her certification as an ISAR-CAP astrologer. Now she is honored to tutor at the FCEA and wants to help others learn the Steven Forrest method as well as becoming brilliant and skilled astrologers.
Erin lives in Upstate New York and, when she is not tutoring, she is busy spending time with her daughter and granddaughter, traveling, playing pickleball, swimming, knitting or watercolor painting.

Shirley Waram
A bit about me: I live in a small town in Canada in southwestern Ontario, West Lorne located between Toronto & Detroit. I worked most of my adult life in office management scenarios & marketing, keeping things organized & running smoothly for others!
At a young age (less than 10), I found an intriguing book in my mother’s library on Numerology, which lit my taste for metaphysics. My mother had strong religious convictions – but was apparently open to other belief systems. I was always curious about Astrology following Sun sign writings, etc.
In 2005 I had my Chiron Return as well as some major life changes, and decided it was time I looked at astrology in more depth to discover my true purpose, and I began studying on my own. Once I gave it a hard look, it immediately consumed me!
I took a Level 1 course through the Canadian Astrological Association, followed by courses with a private astrologer on Transits, Progressions, Solar Arcs, etc. I soon discovered Evolutionary Astrology via another workshop I took in Denver and then found Steven in 2009. Although my knowledge was still rather basic, I began attending his workshops in North Carolina, North & Southern California, Oregon & Lilydale. The studies filled my world with knowledge and exploration. It seemed like the learning curve with this particular field grew the more I got to know about it. And despite; or likely because of the challenge – I realized this was something I would never tire of – especially knowing that I could help others with it!
I enjoy helping others understand the workings of the chart, and I do readings and rectifications, and now tutoring for the FCEA Astrology School, What an honor!
For the record – I am a Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus rising. 5 planets in 6th house in Libra… it’s all about “teamwork”!
To find out more about Shirley, visit: indaloastrology.com