New Tutor Meet and Greet

New Tutor Meet and Greet

Dean’s Update, September 2024

New Tutor Meet and Greet

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Dean’s Update
Happy equinox, FCEA community! Time to shift into another season as we wind up 2024. Where I live in California, September means “back to school,” and at the FCEA, we, too, return to class. By early October, we will have twelve new classes open. At the start of Libra season, we focus upon the dance we do with others and how good counselors help us find peace and balance in our lives. As evolutionary astrologers, we all benefit from honing our Libra gifts, and what better way than through the counseling room with our clients or in the classroom with our teachers and tutors. With this spirit in mind and heart, I am excited to write to you about our two new tutors at the FCEA, Erin Fish and Shirley Waram. Some of our students may already know Erin and Shirley from their experience this summer in our FCEA 103 class, when they both began tutoring at our school. Let me share a little more about them and welcome them to our growing FCEA team.
A Leo Sun, Libra Moon and Gemini ascendant, Erin Fish first received the gift of astrology from her mother, who had 70s era astrology books in the house. Always interested in astrology, Erin started studying formally twelve years ago with Anne Ortelee and then discovered Steven Forrest nine years ago when she went to Lilydale to see him with several astrology friends. He was the first astrologer to bring a tear to her eye, something difficult for her SN in Capricorn in the 8th house. Steven’s teachings really touched her soul. She studied with Steven through his AP program and attended workshops at Omega Institute and Lake Como, Italy. Erin is retired from a 28-year career (Saturn cycle) as a military officer, as well as a career in state government. She has always wanted to teach and pass on the gift of astrology.  Last year, she completed her certification as an ISAR-CAP astrologer. Erin lives in Upstate New York and, when she is not tutoring, she is busy spending time with her daughter and granddaughter, traveling, playing pickleball, swimming, knitting or watercolor painting. Welcome, Erin! 
We continue to celebrate the Sun’s entrance into Libra with tutor Shirley Waram, a Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus ascendant with five planets in the 6th house in Libra! We are thrilled to have Shirley share with us her gifts of service and mentorship. Like Erin, Shirley was first exposed to metaphysical topics by her mom. But it wasn’t until her Chiron Return, at age fifty, that Shirley began serious study as a professional astrologer. She discovered Steven’s work in 2009 and attended many workshops through his Apprenticeship Program (AP) in North Carolina, North and Southern California, Oregon and Lilydale, New York. Shirley writes about her studies with Steven, “It seemed like the learning curve with this particular field grew the more I got to know about it, and despite – or likely because of – the challenge, I realized this was something I would never tire of – especially knowing that I could help others with it”! Shirley lives in West Lorne, a small town in southwestern Ontario, Canada, located between Toronto and Detroit. She has worked many years in office management and marketing. Now she reads charts professionally with a specialty in rectification. Welcome, Shirley!
Finally, if you have not read Steven’s Master’s Musings, please do! Steven and I are thrilled to be traveling to Greece in April and early May, 2025, and sharing evolutionary astrology together at Steven’s workshop, Astrological Odyssey in Greece, April 24-29, in Athens, and then visiting sacred sites, April 29-May 7, on a Sacred Site Journey. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hear Steven teach in person in Greece, while also going on pilgrimage as a group. Please take a look at our page on the FCEA website and consider joining us on this magical trip!
Catie Cadge, PhD
September 2024

Greece, The Moon and Me

Greece, The Moon and Me


Master’s Musings, September 2024

Greece, The Moon and Me

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Master’s Musings

Half a century ago, for reasons I’ve never understood, the Higher Powers of the Universe shut the door to Greece in my face and hung a Do Not Enter sign over it. Now, fifty years later, they’ve traded that sign for a welcome mat. Suddenly, Michelle and I have been offered an all-expense-paid deluxe trip there with a merry crew of friends, compliments of the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. All I have to do is sing for my supper. 

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I find myself gazing quizzically up at the Heavens, wondering “what’s going on? Why the sudden change of heart?”

Let me begin at the beginning. Way back in September 1973, I was twenty-four years old and sitting in Kennedy airport in New York City awaiting my first ever flight to Europe. Like many of my generation, I had a Eurail Pass and a backpack. I planned to remain in Europe until my money ran out. And my real destination was Greece. I was so hungry to see that country that I had actually memorized a vocabulary of a couple hundred Greek words. For reasons I could not name, to me the rest of Europe was only a sideshow. 

Why was I so passionate about Greece in particular? Beyond a catch-all reference to “some kind of karma there,” I have no idea at all. I have no Greek ancestry – according to, genetically I am 100% northern European – call me Mister Whitebread. My affinity for Greece was a mystery, but just like when you’re falling in love with someone, all questions and doubts were irrelevant. I was going to Greece, come hell or high water. In the back of my mind was the possibility that I wasn’t going to come home again, at least for a long time.That’s how strong my feelings were.

By November 1973, I had made my way through England, down through Spain, and onward to Rome. In those days, the “hippie route” to Greece was to catch the ferry to the Greek island of Corfu from the heel-of-the-boot Italian coastal city of Brindisi. My girlfriend and I were about to head there when word spread through the youth hostel that a violent revolution had just started in Greece. There were rumors of students being shot in the streets after a major uprising on November 17. The evil dictator, Georgios Papadopoulos, was under siege. The border was closed. No one could get in even if they were crazy enough to want to try. 

After a bloody mess, the dictatorship was overthrown a week later on November 25,1973 – but only by hardline elements in the Army. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, in other words. It looked grim. To make matters worse, I was a long-haired leftist hippie, so I might as well have had a bull’s eye painted on my forehead. Looking the way I looked, only a fool would step onto those blood-soaked streets. I badly wanted to see Greece, but I’m also a practical Capricorn. I could do the math. We turned around and went back to Spain and hung out on Mallorca in the Balearic Islands until the money ran out.

Sadly, after all of that planning and dreaming, there was no Greece for me – just a feeling of depletion. All the juice went out of that dream. 

Until now, fifty years later.


So what was happening for me astrologically in November 1973? Can the planets cast any light on my questions? Here’s my chart, plus my transits and progressions for November 17, 1973 – the day the student protests exploded and my dreams of seeing Greece died.

As always, it’s wise to start any analysis of transits and progressions with the birthchart itself. Pluto rules both my Scorpio Ascendant (and my south node) from the 9th house – the “house of long journeys over water.” Clearly there’s some “geographical karma” at play in my life. Any 9th house configuration suggests that a person will be called upon to travel or at least interact with a new cultural framework. Because Pluto also rules the south node, some of the places I’ll be “fated” to visit are certain to trigger past life memories and impressions – feelings of “returning to the scene of the crime.” That’s true whether I did “the crime” or it was done to me. 

At the time of my aborted visit to Greece, those astrological potentials were being seriously activated. My natal 4th house Moon was triggered by an opposition to transiting Pluto. (That lunar house placement adds a particular sensitivity in me to where I live and to location in general.) Pluto was stirring up some kind of repressed “homing instinct” in me – but why was it repressed? Something psychologically threatening was surfacing.

Of course, among other things, Aries – my Moon sign – is the sign of war. War in the home (4th house)? As a kid, I actually had a happy family life – but the streets outside our apartment in New York were mean. I had to fight a lot. But in evolutionary astrology, we understand that everything in your chart is karmic. What prior-life themes underlie that hot Moon of mine? Back to Greece – and here’s where we put two and two together. What had hurt me in Greece long ago in another body?  Remember – transiting Pluto was opposing my natal Moon during that whole period leading up to my failed visit to Greece. Pluto has a particular karmic resonance with me because of its rulership of my south node. 

My last exact Pluto-Moon opposition had occurred just a few weeks before the border closed, but Pluto hadn’t moved very far. What hard memories was I “barely ready” to face?

There’s more. As we have seen, much of this analysis goes back to my natal Moon. But to me, the most dramatic astrological piece of my whole Greek puzzle lies with the progressed Moon. When I was literally “on the cusp” of entering Greece in November 1973, that progressed Moon was only one degree away from entering my 4th house – it was “returning home” too.  Metaphorically, I was “one degree” away from entering a land that in some mysterious way felt like home to me. 

And I was prevented from crossing the line. Something blocked me. What’s the planet that represents blockages in astrology? Everyone knows that the answer is Saturn. I was born with Saturn on my Midheaven, so that same progressed Moon was also opposing my Saturn. That aspect would be exact just six weeks later, so it was very close to precise when the door slammed in my face. 

Meanwhile, where was Saturn itself by transit? I almost want to laugh – it squared my natal Moon on November 26, 1973, one day after the dictator Papadopoulos fell. Once again, everything leads back to the Moon. And with my Moon in the 4th house and both Pluto and Saturn in the picture, the “blockage of home” symbolism is dramatic, unambiguous, and literal. 

Let’s take one more brief step. This one is about Neptune, a planet which can often represent loss or “doing without.”  In a conventional astrological conversation, we would say that during this episode in my life, transiting Neptune was “squaring my Midheaven.” And that’s true – the aspect had been exact just one month before I had to turn around and head for Mallorca. But let’s not forget that “squaring the Midheaven” also means squaring the astrological nadir – squaring the 4th house cusp, in other words. Once again, we see astrological symbolism for loss (Neptune) linked to home (the 4th house.) 

As they say, you can’t make this stuff up. 


That of course is the real question! In a sense, most of what I have demonstrated so far is simply that astrology works. But you already know that. Amazing or not, there’s limited glory in letting astrology tell us what we already know. The factual bottom line is simple: I really, really wanted to go to Greece, but the Cosmos said no. As we’ve just seen, that reality is reflected clearly in the most basic form of astrological analysis.

If I knew zero about astrology, I’d write the whole misadventure off as nothing but bad luck and bad timing. You win a few and you lose a few, end of story. But as astrologers, we stand on a different set of assumptions. We assume that the planets reveal a higher intelligence operating in our lives – that there was a reason that I was blocked from going to Greece. 

  • If anyone challenges us on that belief, here’s something I’d challenge them to refute: while we might not mention Greece in particular, the essence and the timing of all of this could have been predicted from my chart ten seconds after I was born. It’s very hard to reconcile that inescapable fact with any notion of “randomness.”

So why did the door to the Hellenistic world get shut in my face? We’ve already encountered some deeper astrological hints. My natal south node is in Scorpio and on the 12th house cusp, plus it’s ruled by (and squared by) Mars – obviously there’s some painful karma there. Because of these particular events in my life back in 1973, I suspect some of that hurt has to do with prior-life experiences in Greece – a place I loved, but in which I experienced some Plutonian disaster involving loss of home and family. 

Edging a bit beyond the scope of this little essay, let me just add that in astrocartography, I’ve even got a Pluto/Descendant  line running through Greece, which helps put that specific country – and my unresolved karma with it – in the astrological spotlight. 

All of those configurations add some clarification, but the real answer to the question of why the Cosmos barred me from entering Greece is still fundamentally uncertain to me. I suspect that once I get there, some clues will appear. One clue that I can already see coming is that I’ll be traveling with my sweetheart, Michelle Kondos. She’s 100% Greek on her father’s side. Her ancestors were from the area around Kalamata – yes, the famous olives. And it turns out that Kalamata is on the itinerary that Lisa Jones put together for our bus tour after the class in Athens. 

A clue? Maybe me winding up with “a daughter of Greece” has improved the opinion the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus hold of me.

I also speculate that had I been able to enter Greece back in 1973, I would have been pulled into the vortex of Hellenistic astrology, which was reborn just twenty years later. I have nothing against Hellenistic astrology or any other form of our craft, but it just wasn’t the path I was meant to follow in this lifetime. Emotions can cloud judgment though, and “love of home” is high on the Richter Scale of feelings. Could Greece getting into my soul in my mid-twenties have knocked me off the path I was meant to follow? I don’t know, but it seems plausible.

Pluto runs deeper than all of that though. In trying to keep myself as honest as I can be, my best guess is that in 1973 I was almost ready to face the energetic heart of some awful karmic wound, but then something happened to abort the process. Did my guardian angels have second thoughts about my readiness? Did my unconscious mind “change its mind?” Did my soul chicken out – and did synchronicity reflect that? Take your pick.

Bottom line, I was nearly ready – but, with such Plutonian stakes, “nearly” wasn’t good enough.


Our class in Athens is set to open on April 25, 2025. The timing is perfect. Remember how back when the door to Greece closed in my face, Pluto was opposing my Moon? In April 2025, Pluto will be sextile to it. That’s a classic example of “old school” aspects in action – a door once closed (opposition) is now open (sextile), right on schedule.

Even more dramatically, my progressed Sun will be only 37’ away from a perfect conjunction with that 4th house Moon of mine which lies at the center of everything. The “homecoming” symbolism is inescapable. If Greece doesn’t seem “strangely familiar” to me, I will be very surprised.

Going deeper, assuming the lights stay green for this trip, I think the message is that now, in my middle seventies, I am ready to understand something that would have overwhelmed me in my middle twenties.


As we’ve been seeing over and over again, the Moon and the 4th house represent “home,” but home is a word that has many legitimate meanings. It’s all about our roots, however we define them. Above all, the 4th house is about roots that run deeper than geography. It’s the house of your inner self – your inner hero and your inner shadow. And it’s about “your people” too – your family, whether we define that notion conventionally through genetics and marriage, or in the more modern way, as in what we might call your soul family – the people with whom you’ve chosen to share your life.

To me, the FCEA – and my old apprenticeship programs that went before it – are a kind of soul tribe. I say “tribe” rather than “family” because “family” might exaggerate the point a bit –  although definitely some “family” relationships have sprung from those two groups. All the signs in my chart suggest that I’ll be meeting with my soul-tribe in Athens, a long-lost soul-home of mine, in April and May 2025. I suspect that for many of the attendees this will not be their first experience with me in Greece. I wonder how many of them shared whatever nightmare I experienced. I wonder how much healing is at stake, and not only for me.

Of course you’re welcome to join us. That’s because you’re family too. 

And we need to talk. 

Steven Forrest
September 2024


The Precious Meta-Logic of the Eleventh House

The Precious Meta-Logic of the Eleventh House


Master’s Musings, August 2024

The Precious Meta-Logic of the Eleventh House

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Master’s Musings
Evolutionary astrology as we understand it today didn’t really exist when I was young. All of my instincts were oriented in that direction, but the only astrologers I could find who thought in that more purposeful, spiritual way were mostly British ones who had been steeped in Theosophy. Despite their more lofty philosophical orientation, they still tended to be quite rigid in their “delineations” of people’s personalities and fates. At least they provided a hint of something bigger going on. I don’t particularly recommend their books today – astrology has come a long way since then. But I still owe them a big debt for helping to get me started.
One of my favorites was a Scotsman by the name of Charles E.O. Carter. In his 1925 book, The Principles of Astrology, he describes the 11th house as ruling over “our hopes and aspirations.” Sixteen years earlier, in his Manual of Astrology, “Sepharial” – born Walter Gorn Old in England back in 1864 – called the 11th the house of our “wishes and hopes.” Later, Isabel M. Hickey, in her 1970 book, Astrology: A Cosmic Science, associates the 11th house with “goals and objectives.” Hickey wasn’t a Theosophist, but at least she would speak of us as souls rather than simply as personalities. Finally, the late, great Noel Tyl in his 1974 book, The Houses: Their Signs and Planets, refers to the 11th house in terms of  “new, larger goals that are set to receive the energies of full development.”
To be fair, these references that associate the 11th house with development over time tended to be buried under much more extensive references to friends, organizations, and fellowships. However, those nods in the direction of “possible futures” were always there too. Mostly they were left unexplored and undeveloped. Still, somehow this notion of the 11th house having an orientation to the future got me thinking. Like a good Capricorn, I understood that any goal that one sincerely and consistently holds would be virtually guaranteed to bear some kind of fruit eventually. Opportunities would arise, the motivation would be there – and what’s to stop anyone from eating the candy when it’s placed right in front of them? 
  • I reasoned that anything promised in the 11th house would naturally tend to grow in our lives as time passed. That told me that an 11th house planet would very likely blossom more brightly in the second half of life.
Fundamental to the philosophy of evolutionary astrology is the rejection of the notion of “good” planets and “bad” planets, so it wasn’t like if you had a “bad planet” in your 11th house, you were doomed. Ditto, only backwards, for the so-called “good” planets – nothing wonderful was guaranteed. Get it right and it would become one of the guiding beacons defining the purpose of your life. Make “the dog’s breakfast” of it, and you have a formula for becoming a tedious old person. As ever, freedom is inseparable from personal responsibility. Your chart is a tool. You’re the one who is using it.
  • Mercury in the 11th house? Will you actually have something important to say as you get older – or are you just one of those boring older folks who can’t stop pontificating? 
  • Venus? In your fifties and beyond, are you loving and creative – or just bloated, vain, and trying to look younger than you are? 
What about “friendship?” We always hear that word associated with the 11th house. In this case, “friendship” actually means something more like alliances – tribes, organizations, and fellowships. Emphatically, the 11th house is not about your “near and dear.” If we use the word “friends,” let’s remember that we mean friends like you have a thousand of them and you can’t remember half their names. Once again, words such as group dynamics, teams, and networking ring clearer bells. We all have a sea of familiar and semi-familiar faces around us. That’s your 11th house. How do we link “goals and aspirations” with all those faces?
  • Here’s the “unified field theory” of the 11th house in a single sentence: if you want to be a writer, hang out with writers. In other words, defining your goals must come first – only then can you choose the kinds of “associates” who might support you in attaining them. 
Every front has a back, and so there’s a corresponding danger posed by any 11th house planet: if your goals aren’t clear, there will be an element of randomness in your choice of “friends.” You’ll wind up thrown off your natural track by distracting social associations. You’ll hang out with the wrong crowd. Maybe you want to be a writer, but you wind up wasting every Saturday night with a bunch of troglodytes who haven’t read a book since they were forced to fake it in high school. 
And they might be nice people! They just won’t do you any good at all.
Synchronicity always plays a role in astrology. By what we are taught to call  “chance,” we inevitably encounter people and situations that offer us the opportunity to learn what we need to learn. That’s vividly true with the 11th house. The universe wants to support you in reaching your evolutionary goal. You might think of how “fate” magnetizes you into a particular set of soul-tribes. Some of that is simply because you are there to help those same people who are helping you. You’re part of a karmic team. Other people’s futures are riding on your success, and vice versa. There’s a lot of that kind of symbiosis in any healthy response to an 11th house configuration. People who share common goals, interests, and values can often be of practical help to each other as well as providing emotional encouragement. Writers ask each other what they’re working on lately. Painters tell each other when paint brushes are on sale. Musicians listen to each other play.
Even among people who believe that life is purposeful, it’s often hard to prove it based on an honest appraisal of our own actual experience. Life in fact often feels pretty random.

We fall in love. The relationship lasts six years. Now we don’t even know where our former partner lives.

We work in a restaurant for seventeen years. It closes. We find some other way to keep a roof over our head – and we wonder what those seventeen years were all about. 
In the light of all of that apparent randomness, here’s perhaps the most magical and inspiring dimension of the 11th house – one that we’re only able to see retrospectively as we advance into the second half of our lives.
  • Looking back from an 11th house perspective over the seemingly random patterns of our life-story, we recognize 1) an orderly pattern of necessary development, 2) an underlying unconscious strategy, and 3) a core purpose in everything that happened.
A higher intelligence aimed us at fulfilling our 11th house destiny – a truth that was invisible to us at the time those events were actually happening.
As we analyze anyone’s 11th house dynamics, naturally we pay a lot of attention to any planet that happens to fall in that house – and we never ignore the influence of the sign that planet occupies. Mercury in Pisces is a different beast – and represents different goals – than Mercury in Aries.
Second, are there significant aspects to that 11th house planet? They modify, complicate, and further focus its meaning.
Third, remember that the sign on the cusp of the 11th house flavors our goals and aspirations as well – even if you have no planet in that house, you definitely have energy there. 
Fourth – it is pivotal that you never forget to take into account the position of the planet that rules the sign on the 11th cusp. Its importance would be hard to overestimate. That planet, as we will soon see, offers another critical dimension to the unfolding story. 
At a technical level, those are the four pieces of your puzzle. You need to look at all of them and tie their messages together. If you focus exclusively on any planet that happens to be in the 11th house, you’ll be playing a guitar that has only one string.
As befits my own Neptune in Libra in the 11th house, as you read these words, presumably I will have just finished teaching a course in evolutionary astrology at Omega Institute in New York state – hopefully having had a chance to hug a few of you there too! 
So there I am, up on the stage at Omega, doing what I do now that I am older and my Neptune has had time to blossom – I am teaching a large group of people (11th house) about spiritual matters (Neptune) as they apply to counseling techniques (Libra).

In my teens, there was no visible sign of that path opening up for me. In fact, I was an unlikely candidate for such a role. Basically, I was a boring, shy, science-track kid.

By my early twenties, there was just a hint of it – I’d begun to find my spiritual teachers and I was absorbing astrology as fast as I could.

That 11th house path only began to really take off in my late twenties as I got to my lunar and Saturn returns. That’s when I started my astrological practice – and began to overcome my shyness enough to teach.

Ever since then, my Neptune has been like a snowball rolling down a snowy mountainside, gathering mass and momentum. 
So far, all of that reflects the classic development-over-time function of any 11th house planet.  
But at Omega, why am I leading the program rather than simply attending the class? Alone, my 11th house Neptune could support the idea of me sitting in row 7, taking it all in – and indeed I have spent a lot of time sitting in such classes, at least as I was growing up. I majored in Religion in college, for example. Before that, I spent a lot of time in church and various church groups. Since then, I’ve been blessed to sit fairly often with some spiritual teachers who were truly heavy-hitters. 
But now I lead. Why? Where is that indicated in my chart? The answer does not lie in an 11th house Libran Neptune, at least not by itself.
Libra is on the cusp of my 11th house. That makes Venus its planetary ruler. As I mentioned a few lines ago, never forget about the planet that rules the sign on the 11th cusp! It always adds a critical element to the basic message. 
For me, Venus falls late in my 1st house – there’s the signature of leadership. It’s also in Sagittarius, and that’s where we see “religion and philosophy,” along with some of the necessary “Jupiter” skills that go with trying to hold the attention of large groups of people for long periods of time.
Just so you can visualize everything I just said, here’s a stripped-down version of my chart, only  showing the features I just mentioned. You can do the same thing with yours – and remember, even if you have no planets in the 11th house, you always have a sign on the 11th house cusp. Beyond that important clue, you also have a planet (or two!) that rules the 11th house cusp.

Here’s a line you read a few moments ago: Looking back from an 11th house perspective over the seemingly random patterns of our biography, we recognize an orderly pattern of necessary development, an underlying unconscious strategy, and a core purpose in everything that happened – something aimed at fulfilling our 11th house destiny, and something that was invisible to us at the time those events were actually happening.
To me, this is the piece of the 11th house puzzle that puts tears of wonder in my eyes. In this crazy world, we are under such relentless pressure to believe that life is essentially random and without purpose. The major contribution of the 20th and 21st centuries to the world’s treasure house of philosophical thought seems to boil down to “shit happens.” And honestly life really does look like that a lot of the time! Yet, peering through the lens of the 11th house, we can see irrefutable evidence of a guiding higher intelligence at work, creating an objective order in our lives – and again, it’s an influence of which we are generally quite unaware at the time that it is happening.
Quickly, here are some of the ways that this higher intelligence has worked for me. Some of what I’m about to express would require “full biographical treatment” to do justice to the details. I’ll spare you that blather about me, me, me and just offer a few simple hints to illustrate the heart of my point.
  • One of my first memories was wanting a telescope so I could look at the stars. Thank you, Holy Universe, Incubator of Consciousness, for making a man named Marty Bresnick a close friend of my family. He was an amateur astronomer and he helped me build my first telescope – something that linked me to the heavens in a direct way at a tender age. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for introducing me to a German woman who taught me the rudiments of palmistry when I was just thirteen years old. Palmistry uses much of the same language as astrology. And it works. That experience immediately inoculated me against the “scientific” dismissal of the ancient wisdom traditions. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for moving my parents to buy a paperback copy of Thomas Sugrue’s There Is A River: The Edgar Cayce Story and to unwittingly leave it on a bookshelf for me to discover at age twelve. Reincarnation entered my consciousness. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with a good church experience growing up. Until I was about seventeen, the Community Church at the Circle in Mount Vernon, New York, fed my Neptunian soul a diet of love and a genuine search for God. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with a hellishly bad church experience as I was shipped off to a Fundamentalist school for a couple of my teenage years. It gave me a much-needed perspective on the dark side of religion. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for connecting me with my first true spiritual teacher, Marian Starnes, when I was in my early twenties. As I began my astrological work, she believed in me more than I believed in myself. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for making me the pluperfect late-60’s hippie dude. The hippies – that very 11th house Libran social movement – aided by Neptunian psychedelics, blew me loose from the shackles of any kind of conventional life. My astrological identity was hatched in that heady environment. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Thank you, Universe, for letting me spend an hour with Ram Dass. Thank you for letting me sit at the feet of various Buddhist Rinpoches. Thank you, Universe, for letting Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche feel moved to touch my forehead with his forehead. I was guided and I didn’t know it. 
  • Finally, thank you, Universe, for letting me play in rock bands for half my life. That might sound like a side track, but for me it was actually a huge piece of the puzzle. As I’ve mentioned, I was a shy kid. I think I never once spoke voluntarily in a class until I was in my second or third year of college. But you can’t look shy and play rock’n’roll! Praise God that there’s no photo of this, but the first time I played in public was at a church talent show in about 1964. I was wearing a Beatle wig. (Tell no one). The point is that, without my experience with my rock bands, I would not have developed the ability to get up in front of large crowds and “perform” like I do. Even in that seeming dead end in my life, the mysterious Hand of God was guiding me toward being able to fulfill my 11th house “goals and aspirations.” Once again, I was guided and I didn’t know it.
If we play our part, that’s how life works for you, me, and everyone. Once again, you don’t even need a planet in your 11th house for this to be true. You’ve got a sign on its cusp and that sign has a ruler. That’s enough to get you going.
Randomness is an illusion. Our lives have purpose, even when we have no idea what’s happening. You don’t have to take that on faith – all you have to do is to wait fifty or sixty years and look back at where you’ve been and why you’ve been there. 
Your 11th house will spell it out for you. 
One more point – there is a symbiosis between you and your 11th house tribe. Get it right, and you are benefiting them just as much as they are benefiting you. Everyone wins. As I stand there teaching at Omega or anywhere, all of you attending are my fellowship – my sangha – helping me to keep on track in my life, helping me a safe distance from the darker side of my own Neptune.
All I can do is say thank you. 
Steven Forrest
August 2024


The FCEA Program Structure

The FCEA’s Program Structure

Dean’s Update, August 2024

The FCEA’s Program Structure

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Dean’s Update
Greetings, FCEA community! August is the time we set the calendar for the following year. It’s an exciting process of looking ahead and planning each class every month. We welcome a new cohort of students this coming September and then again in January, 2025. “Cohort” refers to a mini FCEA community of students entering the program at the same time and taking the classes in sequence until graduation. We have TEN cohorts on board for 2025! The highlight of their educational journey is the master class, 306, taught by Steven Forrest with myself as an assistant. Every student has a chance to sit in the “hot seat,” sharing their own insights into one of several fictitious clients’ charts. It takes three years to reach this point in the curriculum. Everyone is always looking ahead to this fun — and challenging! — opportunity. 
But we require rigorous study and hard work during the years leading up to 306. For those new members and students, let me review our program structure. Students start by taking our 100-level classes, some through a self-guided version at the very beginning in our introductory courses, 101 and 102. Or the guided classes, led by our talented team of tutors and teachers, 101B and 102B, taken simultaneously with the main 101 and 102 courses. Then all students join 103, a hands-on practicum with tutor support. This class makes a useful guidepost to a student’s skill set achieved so far. Focused upon the essential details of birthchart analysis, FCEA 103 forms the foundation for the advanced work students eventually master. In 2025, we have three 103 classes scheduled with about fifty-five students in each. 
After graduating from the 100-level, students enter the Craftsperson 200-level courses. Again, we provide a self-guided basic transit, progression and solar arc class, 201, with an option for the guided version, 201B. FCEA 202, a practicum similar to 103 but addressing the “changing sky,” gives every student hands-on practice. My personal favorite, FCEA 203, covering the “biopsychic script,” those key astrological events that occur like clockwork for every individual, follows 202. And then we end the 200-level with two courses, 204 (synastry) and 205 (the composite chart).
It is a lot to digest over a two-year period! Our monthly Q and A Zoom meetings with Steven are priceless. They provide a chance for students to ask any questions they may have for Steven to answer and a mini chart reading as well. Check out our indexed library of previous Zoom calls with Steven, which is available to students and members. Members are welcome to join these calls, bringing the whole FCEA community together. Don’t miss these monthly opportunities scheduled throughout 2025! We also offer learning labs, “Z” classes, small group Zoom sessions with a tutor at both the 100-level and 200-level. These “Z” classes are a great way to review the material in a live Zoom setting. At any point, a student can take a break from their path of study to hone their skills or reflect upon the learning process on their own time in more depth. 


Teachers and tutors are available throughout the guided program to offer assistance at any time!
The third year features our popular 300-level advanced classes, each one addressing specific planets in more depth. Modeled after a graduate school seminar, students work in small groups weekly in Zoom meetups with tutors and their peers. This is a great way to learn from each other and fine-tune our counseling skills. Finally, the program ends with 306, the master class, and 401, our counseling course. The counseling class is unique in that any student at the advanced level can register for FCEA 401 during 2025 so to best match the time zone suitable for them to attend. We anticipate having three 401 classes: one in March at 8 a.m., one in June at 12 p.m. and the last one in September at 5 p.m., all Pacific time. The 300-level meeting times are also in process and we will try our best to make times flexible and diverse.
Final adjustments are being made to our 2025 course calendar as I write. Please be patient with the process! As we all know, Mercury was moving retrograde until August 28th and the planet is in its “shadow” until September 11th.  We will post the new 2025 calendar once Mercury can bless our hard work!
Catie Cadge, PhD
August 2024


The FCEA’s Policy on Student Use of AI

FCEA’s Policy on Student Use of AI

Dean’s Update, July 2024

The FCEA’s Policy on Student Use of AI

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Dean’s Update
Happy Leo season, FCEA community! In the spirit of Leo the lion, let’s give a big shout out of appreciation to our advanced students finishing up FCEA 306: The Master Practicum. They all did outstanding work answering questions in the “hot seat” under the guidance of Steven Forrest. A hearty round of applause for a job well done! I have had the great honor of helping to run the 306 calls and learning from each one of our talented students. It has been such a gift for this busy Dean to share the classroom with them. Congratulations, 306 class!
For me, one of the most rewarding parts of attending the FCEA 306 class sessions is hearing each individual’s unique astrological voice and the love and passion they bring to their craft. This point alone makes writing this month’s Dean’s Update a bit easier. You see the topic of this article is our new policy addressing the use of Artificial Intelligence at the FCEA. Since Pluto’s arrival in Aquarius, extensive conversation has been taking place in astrology circles around the world. How do we best use this incredible new technology? And how do we hold onto the “human face” of our sacred craft and maintain the integrity of our work as a unique personal expression of our soul’s intentions and true talents? How do we use AI in supporting our education, while not derailing the important process of learning and developing our own voices as evolutionary astrologers?
Recently, our staff came together as a team with the assistance of Alan Egge, a recent FCEA graduate with a wealth of knowledge about AI and its various ins and outs. Thank you so much, Alan! As a team, we came up with a working policy, which I would like to share with everyone in this newsletter report.
Please take a moment to read the policy and “sign on” in agreement. We trust you will understand why we list each one of these critical points.
Definition: The FCEA defines ‘Artificial Intelligence’ as any computer system, application or digital algorithm capable of performing tasks like those performed by a human being, including reasoning, decision making, complex problem solving, and writing (creative, comparative, persuasive, argumentative, etc.). Current examples include Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and similar industry or user developed AI tools. 
  1. For all of our students, the ultimate aim of the FCEA is that armed only with their own knowledge and an astrological chart in front of them, they become capable of offering helpful verbal counsel to anyone. 
  2. We view Artificial Intelligence as a legitimate study tool, but not as a substitute for personally internalizing the principles of evolutionary astrology. 
  3. On the honor system, none of any student’s written submitted class work can be the work of Artificial Intelligence. 
  4. We understand that students could fool us, but in so doing they would also be fooling themselves, robbing themselves of the chance to really learn astrology or to find their own voice. Such students would not even be able to learn from their own mistakes. 
  5. In the 300 courses and in the 306 master class with Steven and Catie, students are expected to present extemporaneous verbal astrological analysis. If any have relied on Artificial Intelligence up to that point, this will be the moment of truth. 
  6. Positively, we recognize that Artificial Intelligence can play a helpful role in research as students prepare for a presentation in the school or for a session with a client. There is no shame in using it as a tool – that is, unless it becomes a crutch without which students cannot function in helpful ways depending only on their own intellectual and spiritual resources. 
  7. Given the policy points above, we claim the right to deny FCEA certification or continued enrollment to any student found in violation of them. 
Now we ask each of you to let your heart open to the essence of each key point we include in this important policy. We know we can trust you and work together as a community and family to make the FCEA grow and flourish with AI, a good working relationship in an Aquarian age.


Finally, I would like to end with a special reminder. One of the best ways to move beyond the limits of AI is good, old fashioned face-to-face learning in person with Steven. And we know people have been missing these opportunities. I want to remind folks of Steven’s upcoming workshop in Athens, Greece, April 24-29, 2025. Lisa Jones, one of our FCEA tutors, and I will be leading a trip to sacred sites following the conference, April 29-May 7, along with Steven attending. I am so excited to share with you moments of conversation and quiet reflection as our group visits sacred astrological and historical Greek temples and museums. If you have not heard about the workshop and trip, please check out our website and brochure: We would love for you to join us on this special journey with us!

Catie Cadge, PhD
July 2024


Chiron, Pluto & The South Node: The Same Only Different

Chiron, Pluto & The South Node


Master’s Musings, July 2024

Chiron, Pluto & The South Node: The Same Only Different

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Master's Musings
As students become more advanced in their FCEA training, they often raise questions about the differences among Pluto, Chiron, and the Moon’s south node. Let me start by saying that this is  one of those places in astrology where feeling a bit confused is a sign of wisdom rather than of missing something. The simple fact is that these three symbols do indeed overlap considerably in practical meaning. They share the common ground – and the common keyword – woundedness. All three represent, among other things, a place where you hurt. Faced with a chart, if you entered the interpretive process by thinking of Chiron, Pluto and the south node as three separate wounds – and three separate pathways to wholeness – you would be off to a good start. Your words would resonate with your clients, and, more importantly, you could help them along on their own healing trajectories.
Still, Pluto, Chiron, and the south node are not interchangeable. As you become more aware of the distinctions among them, your work becomes more precise. There’s a balancing act here – you want to recognize their differences without losing sight of the blurry places where their meanings actually do run together. In this short essay, my aim is to help you feel the unique ways that these three energies interact with the human psyche and – more importantly – with each other. We’ll aim to keep perspective on them, explore their distinct energetic signatures, and, above all, see how they work in concert with each other as we reclaim our wholeness, our spiritual sanity, and our power.


Everything comes back to the Moon’s south node. It is the root of all our understandings regarding what might hold a soul back in its journey. Whenever you see anything going on that involves Pluto or Chiron, a good guideline is always to try to tie the messages of those two bodies back into the south node story. No aspect involvement is necessary for that to be an effective technique. Pluto and Chiron may bring old unresolved issues to the surface, but what are those issues? Pluto and Chiron themselves will give you important clues, but always the heart of the answer lies with the south node itself.
Here’s the key: most of us forget the mundane details of our prior lives – our names, where we lived, and so on. But we remember what those lives felt like. All the planets have south nodes and they all have to do with the past, but that emotional connection is why the south node of the Moon in particular is so important. The Moon represents the emotional body, and in a sense, that is the part of us that actually reincarnates. The essential idea here is to remember that our emotional bodies are robust enough to survive the trauma of death and rebirth mostly intact, unlike our specific “Mercury memories” – the labels we place on people, places, and things. Those factual memories tend to dissipate as we move into the space between lives – we typically even see that process starting here on Earth as people age. Think of how you wake up remembering a bit of a dream, but it soon fades away – it’s basically the same with the “facts” of your life once it’s over and done.
  • Attitudes and moods are what survives death and rebirth. If we were loving in a prior life, we’ll likely be loving in this one. If we lived a life of fear or of some kind of terrible lack, those feelings survive too.
There are treasures in the south node, but its active ingredient is always a set of blinding emotional assumptions and limiting, distorting attitudes. If you had an easy, indolent prior lifetime – one whose karma has now ripened – laziness might interfere with your journey in this lifetime. If you were badly scared, or shamed, or otherwise traumatized, those emotional wounds will undercut your faith in yourself this time around.
  • Whatever its specific nature, this south node distortion in our underlying attitudes and assumptions about life is our Rosetta Stone when it comes to fully understanding anyone’s woundedness in this present lifetime – and the full interpretive process includes understanding their relationships with Pluto and Chiron.
I would just add two more notes – as most of you know, the first one is that by “the south node,” we mean a complex analysis that includes the message of its planetary ruler or rulers, along with a network of aspects. The second note has to do with how the north node of the Moon works as a remedy for the south node’s blindness and stubborn stuckness. In contrast to the south node which contains no medicine, Pluto and Chiron carry the potential for their own resolution – that is simply the higher meaning of both of those points. Meanwhile, the remedy for the south node does not lie in the south node itself. For that remedy, we look to the north node.
The south node carries strengths of its own, but they are not particularly relevant to the healing process, at least other than the obvious notion that we achieve release from the south node karmic pattern by not doing it anymore, or at least by letting go of being so identified with it and attached to it. But once again, unlike Pluto and Chiron, it’s a separate point – the north node – that supplies the jolt of magic that lights the fuse of insight and transformation on our limiting attitudes, assumptions, and habits.
In a little while, we will sharpen our sense of the differences between Chironic wounds and Plutonian ones. They aren’t the same, but for now let’s just see them both simply as wounded places in the reincarnating psyche. The specific nature of the wounds they represent can be  focused by looking at their sign and house placements and the aspects they make – by the conventional procedures of normal astrological analysis, in other words. Do that, and you are off to a good start in understanding them.
To take your interpretation to the next level, integrate what you have learned about the south node into your understanding of Pluto and Chiron. Say, for example, we have either one of them in the 5th house. One possibility with Pluto or Chiron in that house is that there is a wound in connection with the human need for pleasure, play and release. Such a wound can naturally take many forms ranging from dissipation and excess to a fear of letting go at all. 
Now imagine two nodal scenarios, each one flavoring our interpretation of that 5th house Pluto or Chiron in a different way:
  • The south node is in Virgo and the 9th house, conjunct Saturn. That could easily correlate with unresolved karma relative to the impact of harsh, repressive religion – a self-denying attitude that was brought forward from a prior life “in holy orders” and now negatively impacts our ability to celebrate and have some 5th house fun.
  • The south node is in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune in the 11th house. In a prior life, you were swept along into enthusiastic, hedonistic escapism by a wild crowd. As a result, you might say yes today when you really ought to say no. There’s your 5th house wound. 
As you can see, the south node mood creates a totally different set of issues in each case. This integrative style of interpretation illustrates how we can let the message of the south node inform our understanding of a Plutonian or Chironic wound. 
The flow of insight goes in the other direction too – in these two hypothetical scenarios, the presence of Pluto or Chiron in the 5th house sharpens our understanding of the south node by underscoring prior-life impacts on our capacity for joy in our present life. If Pluto or Chiron had been in the 10th, the south node impact would be reflected in wounds to our career or status. If in the 7th house, it would point to intimacy problems, and so on. 
This is just one illustration. The 5th house has other meanings too. Any of them might also be relevant. The south node distortions might negatively impact our Plutonian or Chironic attitudes toward children or towards our own creativity, for two quick examples. 
My aim here is not so much an exhaustive analysis of all the possibilities as it is an attempt to illustrate how these three related symbols “talk to each other” in a chart.
Start by remembering that these two kinds of hurt overlap a lot!  As we saw earlier, a bit of blur between them in your understanding is a positive sign, not a negative one. As an analogy, just think of all the different ways you might define a “good movie.” In summer 2023, like half of America, I enjoyed both Barbie and Oppenheimer. I’d happily call them both “good movies.” But, like Pluto and Chiron, I would never confuse them. Wounds, just like good movies, come in a lot of flavors. I wouldn’t push this analogy too far, but compared to the Oppenheimer vibes of a Plutonian wound, the Chironic wound is Barbie
And before anybody writes me a mean email about that last statement, let me clarify that my point there is not to minimize Chiron’s hurts – it is more to stand in total awe of Plutonian ones and to bow before those souls who are fierce enough to heal them. 
And remember – Barbie was a serious movie too.  
Thinking about Pluto, imagine a sensitive young man is drafted into the military in the midst of a horrible war. He sees things no human being should ever have to see. Perhaps under the relentless pressures and exhaustion of battle, he does things of which he is ashamed. When he comes home, he is in a state of psychological, spiritual, and emotional wreckage. 
My next line hurts me even to write, but please bear with me. Imagine someone tells that poor, wounded young man “to just get over it.” 
You want to whack them for saying that, right? For starters, it’s grossly insensitive. Worse, it’s simply clueless. People don’t just “get over” things as horrific as that – things like war, or rape, or terrible abuse in their childhoods. Things like spousal abuse. Things like the truly vicious dimensions of racism, sexism, and all the variations on homophobia and the other  shadow-wars around gender identity. There is true darkness in this world. When it touches us, it leaves a deep mark.
Plutonian healing from trauma like that takes time. We may need help too. Let’s also recognize that such healing might require more than one lifetime. That’s how deep these Plutonian wounds can go – maybe one lifetime isn’t long enough to “get over it.”
Let’s add that Pluto also represents the skill-set that we need in order to succeed at that kind of monumental healing. It is the sovereign planet of psychotherapy – and when I say “psychotherapy,” I’m actually thinking of it in the original Greek, where “psyche” means soul and “therapy” means healing. In other words, maybe you have “professional help” or maybe you don’t, but it’s always about the emotionally raw process of dealing with the results of life’s darkness. That’s what our souls are healing from. 
  • Wherever your Pluto lies, if you strive toward its positive expression in terms of its sign, house, and aspects, you are strengthening your greatest ally when it comes to healing all of your soul’s wounds – and that includes your Chironic wounds as well as the emotional wounds reflected in your south node. 
One more point about Pluto work – and this is one that underscores its powerful interdependency with the south node. There may be “Mercury memories” – names, dates, places, people – associated with Plutionian wounds, but the substance of those wounds is purely emotional. As a soul releases itself from the grips of a Plutonian wound, there is typically a powerful explosion of emotional energy. In fact, if we are afraid of strong emotions – especially dark ones – we will never succeed with a Pluto process. 
Hate is a spiritual poison, for example. No reflective person thinks hatred is good for anyone. But perhaps you came to your hatred honestly. Perhaps you were brutalized as a child. Perhaps in a prior life someone you love was murdered before your eyes. You didn’t ask for it, but that hatred is now inside of you. The world put it there. You can pretend it’s not there, but that’s just spiritual posturing. If you are going to truly liberate yourself from it, it must erupt out of the unconscious mind. When it comes out, it won’t look like little pink angels playing harps. 
This is why Plutonian healing processes are so raw – and so difficult, and ultimately so profoundly freeing.
Note how in exploring the Plutonian wound, we encounter two sides of a coin. Pluto is a place where you’ve stored up lifetimes’ worth of dark energy – but it also represents the very set of courageous, instinctive skills that you need in order to get beyond them. 
Pluto is both the problem and the solution.
Chiron is tiny by planetary standards. Astronomers today call Pluto a “dwarf planet,” but even little Pluto makes Chiron look like a pipsqueak. Pluto, with only one quarter of one percent of the mass of Earth, still has ten times the diameter of Chiron. Chiron would easily fit between New York and Boston – or Paris and Brussels. In China, it would just cover the Shanghai-Hangzhou metroplex. 
Size isn’t everything in astrology – again, look at Pluto, which is small but fierce. Still, it is important to remember that no astronomer and no experienced astrologer calls Chiron a planet. We take it seriously and its effects are not always subtle, but we do need to keep perspective on it. 
In a classic example of “as above, so below,” our most telling clue about the astrological nature of Chiron derives from one of its orbital characteristics. It revolves around the Sun between Saturn and Uranus, but it actually crosses the paths of both of those major planets. Its perihelion – when it’s closest to the Sun – lies just inside the orbit of Saturn and its aphelion is just outside the perihelion of Uranus. That last sentence is a mouthful. What it means is that Chiron never reaches the average distance of Uranus, but it does cross Uranus’s closest approach to the Sun. 
  • The key here is that Chiron weaves together the materialistic, logical realities of Saturn and the electrical-magical realities of Uranus.  Half horse and half man in mythology, it builds a bridge between the instinctual, physical realm and the realm of mind-power and intellect.
With Pluto’s wounds, we emphasized the folly and insensitivity of telling someone to  “just get over it.” With Chiron, evolution and healing can potentially move much more quickly – again, more like a flash of electricity than Saturn’s heavy tectonic plates. Forces from the invisible Uranian realm interact suddenly and powerfully with the more plodding realm of Saturn. 
Sometimes all it takes to trigger Chironic healing is a single liberating insight – or a crisis. In medicine, there are many examples of spontaneous healing, even among people who have received medical death sentences. That’s Chiron in action too. People speak of episodes of hysterical strength, where for example a person can lift a car off a trapped child. I suspect that’s a Chironic feature as well – but instead of lifting cars, let’s think of a psychological expression of that same superpower. 
My favorite illustration is how you might forget about your painful toothache if a friend comes to you in tears over some tragedy. You were preoccupied with your pain, but then suddenly you were distracted from it by your friend’s crisis. The mind has more power over pain management than we like to admit when we are busy hurting. The point is that human consciousness has an extraordinary potential for engineering incomprehensible breakthroughs. These are Chironic manifestations. How much of our pain is in our heads? How quickly can we change? 
Bottom line, are there any limits to the power of consciousness to address suffering? My guess is that probably yes there are such limits – but where are they? How firm are they? And might we underestimate our own healing powers?
Miracles do happen and Chiron is often connected with them.
There’s more. Certainly the most common description of Chiron in the world of modern astrology is the Wounded Healer. The basic idea is very simple:
  • Once you have found a way to liberate yourself from a wound sufficiently that it no longer controls your life, you’ve got a map that you can potentially share with other people who are suffering from the same wound. 
In 12-Step programs, there is a tradition of a member having a personal sponsor. That might be someone who, for example, has suffered from the psychic wound of alcoholism – but who hasn’t had a drink for fifteen years. That is a person who can understand your thirst if you’re an alcoholic yourself. Maybe they can help you deal with it “one day at a time.” This idea of mentoring – of guiding and being guided – is fundamental to Chiron. Often, during times of Chironic stimulation, all we need is meaningful contact with someone who has already been where we are hurting today – and not only survived it, but thrived. Such a meeting alone can be enough to trigger a breakthrough.
Pluto processes are slow, Chiron’s are fast – that simple idea is even reflected in their orbits. Pluto takes 248 years to get around the Sun. Chiron’s orbit varies. In the past, it has occasionally been as short as 46 years or as long as 52 years. At the present time, the orbit is close to 51 years. 
By the way, Chiron’s orbital variability reflects the fact that it’s such a cosmic lightweight – the gravity of the “real” planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn, kick it around a lot. 
The point there is that once again with Pluto we need patience, while with Chiron perhaps all we need is faith.
When it comes to understanding the details of a wound represented by Pluto or Chiron, always reflect on the signs and houses they occupy and the aspects they make. Those bedrock astrological techniques are always the heart of the interpretive procedure. Beyond that, each of these bodies has a natural resonance with certain particular areas of life. In other words, it’s exactly like how, when we think of Mercury, we naturally think of communication or when we think of Venus, we think of relationships. 
With Pluto, think of healing the long-term effects of:
Lies. Shame. Violence. Sexual transgressions. Dramatic or tragic deaths. Contact with evil. The abuse of power, given or received. Poverty – or too much money. Toxic psychotherapy. Betrayal.  Corrosive guilt. Tragedy. Collective nightmares such as plague, famine, and war.
With Chiron, think of healing the long-term effects of:
Bad mentoring and misguided guidance. Physical problems, disorders, and diseases. Rejection. Abandonment. A “family curse” – that is to say a dysfunctional pattern passed down from one generation to the next. Chronic, exhausting caregiving. 
So there you have it – the three faces of our woundedness: Pluto, Chiron, and the Moon’s south node. Each has its own story to tell, but the clearest telling is when we listen to all three of them together.
Steven Forrest
July 2024


Astrological Odyssey in Greece with Steven Forrest

Astrological Odyssey in Greece with Steven Forrest 

April 24-29, 2025 Astrology Conference in Athens

“Finding the Heart of the Birth Chart”


April 29-May 7, 2025 Sacred Site Journey

Tour the Sacred Sites of Greece

A Message from Steven Forrest and the FCEA…
In my May edition of Master’s Musings, I mentioned a couple of live events here in the United States and an upcoming one in Beijing. With North America and Asia on the books, I felt bad about leaving out our European family. I even hinted at some “loose talk” about an event there, but until it was clear it would actually happen, we needed to avoid getting anyone’s hopes up. It’s solid now – thanks to our beloved tutor and Sagittarian world-traveler, Lisa Jones, the FCEA will now be sponsoring a class in Greece in Spring 2025. 
We can accommodate as many as 60 people for the four-day class, but fewer for the bus tour of sacred sites that will come right afterwards. (You can book them separately.) We will open sign-ups to our European students first, then to the FCEA family worldwide with preference given to FCEA students and staff, and finally – if seats remain – to the general public. 
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Jones who is organizing the tour. You can email her directly at
DOWNLOAD the brochure for all the details on this exciting adventure!


Contact Lisa Jones directly at
(The FCEA staff won’t have the answers, but we promise Lisa will!)


For more information, or to book your spot:

Master’s Musings – June 2024

Reading Children’s Charts

Master’s Musings, June 2024

Reading Children’s Charts

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Master’s Musings
One of our more advanced students emailed me in a bit of a panic. She was about to do something she had never done before and that was to read the chart of a child. It was a paid professional session and the mother was due to sit with her later that day. What should she tell her? As an FCEA astrologer, the student was very well-grounded in theory. She felt she understood the chart. But how should she go about presenting the interpretation? Breaking it down, she faced two dilemmas. 


  • First, children aren’t adults and so the language she was accustomed to using was going to need to change. What career advice do we give infants? What about any complications they’ll likely encounter in their sex lives?
  • The second dilemma was that understandably most parents tend to be protective and easily rattled by anything they perceive as a threat to their child’s wellbeing. What should the astrologer say if the child is an Aries with an 8th house Pluto squaring her Moon?
Our student suddenly realized that she was stepping into a potential minefield, or at least into uncharted territory. I’m glad she reached out to me. For one thing, it gave me a fine topic for my column and a chance to write a piece that will serve double-duty.  We’ll integrate this essay into our school curriculum too.  
What follows is a longer version of what I told her.




The first point I want to put in the spotlight is very simple – we read a child’s chart in very much the same way that we read the chart of an adult. There are some differences and we’ll soon get to them, but essentially it’s the same process either way. Underlying this guideline is a salient metaphysical point: the age of the soul and the age of the physical body are unrelated. Every saint took birth as an infant. Young or old, when we look at a natal chart we are looking at the same two things: first, a symbolic representation of the soul’s karmic predicament and, second, a sense of how to get on with one’s evolution. 
The aim of evolutionary astrology is to support that soul-growth. To do that, we have to look at everyone through wiser, more conscious eyes than the world does – young or old, they’re souls on a journey. We make that philosophical approach clear to the parents right from the start. As we read the child’s chart, we’re not talking to a baby, we’re talking to a soul. Just like the mom or dad, this ancient being has now launched its boat on the stormy seas of life. As astrologers, we cannot protect anyone from that reality, but we can help them to navigate it in the most painless way possible. Meanwhile, we won’t let “baby talk” blind us to any of these deeper truths.
To make that perspective clearer, there’s a simple riff I almost always use at the beginning of a chart presentation to the parents of a youngster. (And as with all of my riffs, feel free to use it yourself without attribution or, even better, to create one of your own.) 
As usual, I am recording the reading – a fact which takes on another level of practical importance, as you’ll soon see. 
Let’s say the chart belongs to an infant rather than to an older kid. As I start the recording, I address the child directly by name, then I add, “as I say these words, you’re still in diapers and therefore little young to understand me. I still want to honor the fact that this is your chart and no one else’s. That’s why I am addressing you directly. My hope is that someday, decades down the road, you’ll find this recording and listen to it. I hope that you’ll derive some help and some spiritual encouragement from it. Until then, out of respect for you I will aim my words directly at you – but I may make a few side comments to your parents from time to time about how they can help you get off on the right foot in this life.
“That’s just a hundred words or so and it only takes a few seconds to say them, but of course even though we purport to be speaking directly to the child,” the parents are actually the ones who are listening. This little speech helps to create the right mindset in them and that’s the whole point. We’ve helped them see that this isn’t a baby we’re talking about, it’s a soul. 
And of course, whether or not it ever actually happens, we are sincere in our hopes that the child will hear the reading one day. That wasn’t a lie. Let’s just call it a convenient truth.


There are certain basic needs that all children have. Presumably any parent engaged enough with their son or daughter to be having a reading in the first place will be aware of them. These are obvious things, with love always topping the list. Add a reasonable sense of security, some training about safety and the social customs that govern society. Discipline of some sort is mission-critical in child rearing. We need to convey the idea that actions have consequences or that kid will be in serious trouble later on in life. 
All of that is pretty obvious and so there’s no pressing need for the astrologer to spend much time banging those drums. Where it gets more interesting is when we wrestle with some of the tougher questions that all parents face, especially ones that do not have clear answers. That’s where astrology – and the child’s chart – enter the equations. For example, let’s say a nine-year-old boy wants to camp overnight in a tent in the suburban backyard of his best friend. Should the parent give permission or not? On the downside, in that kind of unsupervised night time situation, a pair of nine year olds could potentially face some dangers that they were not equipped to handle. On the other hand, adventures can build character, self-confidence, and maturity. 
What’s the right parental call? Are we being too protective – or not protective enough?
Here I’ll simplify astrology like crazy just to make my core point as clearly as I can. If the boy is an Aries, go ahead and bless the backyard camping trip – that child is here on Earth to learn about courage and nobody learns much about it without facing a spot of danger. 
On the other hand, if the boy’s Sun is in Cancer, it’s quite possible that deep down he is hoping that you’ll say no – that way, he can save face with his bestie by blaming you for blocking the trip, and still be safe at home in his bed that night. 


  • In that situation, in the eyes of the Aries child, granting permission for that backyard adventure might seem like an expression of faith in him and respect for his autonomy, while to the Cancer, it might feel like abandonment – or you just “not caring.”


The essential point is that each soul needs different kinds of experience in order to grow. That’s true whether you’re an infant, you’re at the height of your powers, or you’re living in a rest home. All kids need love – but not all of them need to spend a night in a tent in the backyard. 


  • When it comes to reading the charts of children, it’s in these kinds of parenting gray areas – places where judgment calls need to be made – that astrology really shines. 


Here’s another example, one that brings us right into the raw heart of life. Say the parental marriage encounters a threadbare patch. Mom is feeling neglected while dad is feeling exploited and misunderstood. Maybe they’ll work it out, maybe not. Either way, because of that intimate tension there’s a bad vibe in the house. 
Just try keeping that truth from a Plutonian child! You will surely fail. 
Guaranteed, kids who are wired in that Plutonian way will sense those tense undercurrents – and there’s a good chance that they will overreact emotionally and misinterpret what’s going on, perhaps making it even worse in their minds than it actually is. Worse than that, those kids may very well bottle up their feelings. All you’ll see is a cryptic mood and a bad attitude.
In such a case, it would be far better for mom to speak honestly to the kid, “Sometimes your father drives me crazy. We’re having a hard time. Life sucks sometimes. We’re trying to work it out.” Put the truth on the table, in other words. That’s healthier for everyone, kids included – at least for those children who are born into that Scorpio/Pluto/8th house tribe.
Just as with those two boys contemplating a night in a tent in the backyard, in this situation the parents are faced with a tricky judgment call. If our marriage is on shaky ground, is it best to hide that from the children in order to avoid scaring them or to be honest about it? With questions such as any of these, beware above all of any paperback writer trying to sell you one-size-fits-all answers. A specific understanding of the children’s charts helps us know what’s ultimately best for them as evolving individuals. 
Perhaps even better, such astrological understanding can help the parents avoid the trap of “their best intentions” actually damaging a child. For example, parents could blunder by lying about the actual state of their marriage “so little Tracy doesn’t feel insecure or get frightened.” That might possibly be best if “little Tracy” is a Libra or a Taurus, but not if there’s much Scorpionic energy in the kid’s chart.




When kids get into their teenage years, the ethics around whether we should be doing readings for them directly or doing them for their parents begin to get murky. Confidentiality is naturally a cornerstone in all counseling work, but there’s a general consensus that, while the principle is sacrosanct with adults, it’s more flexible with children. That’s for the obvious reason that children benefit from adult protection and guidance, at least until they are ready to launch themselves into independent life.
But when are they “ready” to have a private reading with you? There is no clear answer to that question. Maybe the only thing that is actually clear is that the answer is not a specific age. It’s not a number. Everything depends on the particular child.
In my own practice, here’s how I’ve handled it – and I wouldn’t “legislate” any of this in terms of how you or any other astrologers might practice. Basically, I’ve had “an official policy” – and I’ve also been willing to break my own rules whenever that intuitively felt like the right course. 
“Officially,” I’ve had a kind of blackout age-range in which I would not do any kind of reading for the young person. That range starts around puberty and lasts until age twenty-one. Before that, I’d gladly do the child’s reading for the parents. After that period, I’d gladly sit with the young adult. In between, I’d simply say “let’s wait.” This policy is entirely based on my utmost respect for the principle of confidentiality. 


  • When I was a teenager, there were all sorts of things about me I would not have wanted my parents to know. If I respect that boundary in myself, I feel I have to respect it in others too.
What about breaking my own rules? 
I’ve known some people in their mid-teens who I sensed were advanced souls. They were already a lot more mature in every way than some folks in midlife. If they – not their parents – ask me for a reading, I am honored to do one. The key here is obviously that I have to have a personal acquaintance with the child.




Note that underlying all of these suggestions is a piece of practical strategy for the presentation of a child’s reading to the parents. You toggle back and forth between two linguistic orientations:


  • You address the child directly “for listening down the road,” presenting essentially a normal adult chart interpretation. The parents are actually the ones listening, but by speaking directly to the child, you are compelling them to step out of the “this is our baby” paradigm. You are also actually creating a kind of “time capsule” for when the kid has crossed the line into adulthood.
  • You make “side comments” to the parents about how to best support the child’s development based on the child’s unique psychological and evolutionary situation. That’s how you compensate for the otherwise-adult language of the reading.
Rhiannon is ten years old. She’s a Pisces with the Moon in the 12th house and Neptune on her Ascendant. You’re her mom. You sit down to meditate. Rhiannon pipes up and says she’s hungry and would like to have her lunch. You open your eyes and gently say to her, ”I promise I’ll fix your lunch soon. First I need to have a little talk with God.” You close your eyes again – not for long, just a minute or two. Then you get up and make lunch.
You’ve just normalized “having a little talk with God” and demonstrated to Rhiannon what such a process looks like. In this agitated, materialistic world, you just gave your daughter a supportive foundation for taking care of herself throughout the rest of her life.
That’s one example of how parents – especially parents informed by knowledge of their child’s chart – can demonstrate positive, helpful behaviors, and do it at the optimal time. That’s when the child is young and still learning how to be human, mostly by watching mom and dad. This is also a good example of the kinds of “side comments” I make to the parents in the course of a presentation.
Let me take this “role model” idea further with three quick personal examples. Here’s a photo of my father landing a biplane that he and a friend of his built with their own hands.
If you know your old movies, while I was growing up I thought of my dad like Errol Flynn in Dawn Patrol. I never got my own pilot’s license, but having a father like him really helped me get off on the right foot with my 4th house Aries Moon. I needed a hero and I had one. Dad had an Aquarian Mars on his Midheaven, so he played this role naturally. The universe often works that way – you have the parents you have for a reason.
I’ve got a Sun-Neptune square. One of the wisest things my mother and father did when I was growing up was occasionally to serve me a small glass of wine at dinner. It didn’t happen often – only, as I recall, when mom had made spaghetti. But they modeled social drinking for me. I’m afraid that if I had been raised by tea-totallers, when I hit college my naïveté about alcohol might have gotten me into trouble. Again, they were helpful role-models.
My third personal example is of a way my parents failed me, even though they were trying to do what they thought was best. Only one time during the entirety of my childhood did I see them have a tiff – and as tiffs go, it was practically nothing. I just remember the four of us – I have a younger sister – sitting at the dinner table and my father getting up and stomping out of the kitchen. I have no idea what happened between my parents, but obviously there was some kind of emotional disagreement. 
Why do I view the nearly-relentless domestic harmony I experienced as a child as a failure on my parents’ part? I believe two things – first, that some degree of honest conflict is part of any deep relationship and, second, that there is a necessary skill-set for handling such negotiations productively. (I’d be the first to admit that my own Aries Moon, Mars in the 3rd house, and Scorpio Ascendant perhaps further “underscore” that need in me.) 
Because of the apparent equanimity of my parents’ marriage, I learned nothing about what healthy conflict looks like. I wish my parents had taught me a few things about it by the example of them working through their issues in front of me. I wish I had seen them angry and frustrated with each other – but still able to listen and work together toward balanced, loving answers that worked fairly for both of them. 
But they never showed me how to do that. 
Is that all just about me and my own nature? Probably. Maybe if I had seven planets in Libra and the rest of them in Taurus, it would be different. And that’s the point: each child has different needs and a different nature. An astrologer can help the parents sort out the slippery questions of child rearing in a way that’s actually supportive of that particular child’s ultimate evolutionary aspirations.
Meanwhile, always remember that many years after you sit with a newborn baby’s parents, that grown-up child will be faced with some kind of crossroads in life. Maybe they find the recording of that long-ago session. Maybe it will make a difference. Maybe they’ll smile at the subtle wisdom you displayed in actually doing an adult interpretation of their chart, all the while letting the parents think that you were talking about their little kid.
Steven Forrest
June 2024



Our Solstice Gathering & Scholarships

Our Solstice Gathering & Scholarships

Dean’s Update, June 2024

Our Solstice Gathering & Scholarships

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Dean’s Update


Scholarship Opportunities at the FCEA - Apply Now I want to wish everyone a joyful solstice celebration, FCEA community! Please join us on Zoom, Thursday, June 20th, at 5 pm Pacific time, when we come together just after the Sun’s entrance into Cancer. Steven shares a brief presentation on the importance of this season at the beginning of our monthly student Q and A call. This is an open invitation to attend our gathering. We welcome all to our celebratory call! Please see information on how to attend this event on Zoom.

Meanwhile, I have some other important news to share this month. We are at the beginning of our yearly official process of choosing scholarship recipients. Whether you are a new student looking to start the FCEA Program or a seasoned student already enrolled, and you are in need of financial support for your studies, why not apply? Current students can start by applying award money to the next classes they take (a scholarship isn’t retroactive, but it will help you continue). Perhaps transiting Jupiter in Gemini is asking you to take a chance on your next step in your educational journey. Or maybe Neptune is asking, do you have a vision for your life? We only have a limited number of awards, but we try our best to be fair and supportive. We do encourage all interested to apply!


You might be asking, “How might I improve my chances of receiving scholarship support?” Read on and maybe I can help.


Two years ago, Steven and I worked together to plan two types of scholarships offered by the FCEA. Both provide a tuition waiver to cover the costs of the chosen students during the entire length of their educational studies under the scholarship, provided they remain in good academic standing and stay actively involved in the FCEA Program. One is a needs-based award, the other a scholarship to increase diversity at the FCEA. Let me share with you our two current descriptions:


The FCEA Needs Based Scholarship

The FCEA recognizes that in order to create the best in an astrological education, a student body must be inclusive of those with limited resources or financial support. This full scholarship will be awarded to the person whom our scholarship committee deems to be the most promising aspiring student who is in need of financial assistance in covering tuition at the FCEA.


The FCEA Diversity Scholarship

The FCEA is committed to promoting diversity in our student body in terms of race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender preference, sexual orientation and the inclusion of other underrepresented groups in education and in the professional field of astrology. The scholarship committee seeks to award candidates with a full scholarship who contribute to a diverse student body and who help build a more inclusive learning experience at the FCEA.


On our FCEA website, you can find posted instructions to apply for a scholarship under the Learn tab at the top of the main page.  Be careful: The window for application submissions is only from June 15th through July 15th. Make sure to cover each of the three bullet points listed in order to help you write the strongest personal statement. We carefully read through each and every submission. We know getting an award might make the difference in whether a student can join us or whether they can continue at the FCEA, so we take this job seriously! 

Here’s what I would suggest if you are applying: give some careful thought about what information you choose to share with us about you. In what ways can you demonstrate to us your particular needs or how might you best expand upon why you make a good candidate to help us diversify our growing student body? Sometimes, a student crafts a beautiful and detailed personal essay as their submission, but fails to explain which scholarship they are applying for and, most importantly, why? I felt in awe of the many talented astrology students who applied last year and the vast experiences so many of you shared in your personal statements and letters. Well done! But in the end, we chose applicants who clearly described how well they matched the criteria asked in each award and who took the time to edit and compose a solid and convincing application essay.

I am hopeful that this year we will read and review outstanding scholarship applications. Believe me, the selection process is never easy. But I know in my heart we try our very best. For those preparing your applications, I wish you wisdom and grace as you write. Don’t hold back. Listen to your inner voice and tell us who you are!

Solstice blessings to all!


Catie Cadge, PhD
June 2024


What Makes an FCEA Tutor or Teacher?

What Makes an FCEA Tutor or Teacher?

Dean’s Update, May 2024

What Makes an FCEA Tutor or Teacher?

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Dean's Update
I can’t believe it is mid-May already, FCEA community. It seems like yesterday we were starting our new classes of 2024. We celebrate the FCEA 103 graduating class and the hard work they have done these past several weeks in finishing the practicum. Congratulations, apprentice graduates! We want to acknowledge your effort and achievement. And let me also say how impressed we are with the dedication and love all our students are showing as they advance through the FCEA curriculum. The path is not an easy one! But we are certain the rewards of being actively engaged and completing homework and posts will pay off in the long run. Don’t give up! Be stubborn as Taurus the Bull and focus upon calming down and finding a rhythm and peace with daily practice and study. 
As I write to you, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus form what we like to call a rolling conjunction, all in Taurus. But with the newsletter’s publication in a few days’ time, we enter Gemini season with the excitement and curiosity of what is to come with Jupiter’s arrival in the sign of the twins. But meanwhile, I can’t help but wonder what little babies born now, with this metaplanet in Taurus, might make as a high road in response to such a fixed, Earth energy in a sign ruled by Venus. Creative juju perhaps? Authentic and radical artistic expression? Or maybe we will see innovative souls seeking radical opportunities to save Momma Earth. Some may grow up to serve as counselors or healers enlightening the people they serve as they strive to find a Taurus sense of inner calm and peace. We shall see. I know for myself, the planets fall in my second house, so I have been asking, what is it in my current life that I truly value? What resources or gifts do I have or need to develop? What perhaps do I need to let go of? By synchronicity, my process of training and hiring new FCEA tutors seems to echo some of these questions I hold inside myself. Let me explain.


We might start by asking: what qualities and skills make for the best FCEA tutor or teacher?

Everyday, I manage a large group of talented and wise tutors (over a dozen now!). I am always amazed in what I see as their compassionate, loving gifts as counselors. I am talking about the kind of counselor needed to be a great teacher. Our current Taurus planetary placements trigger soul growth by bringing such Venusian potentials in a person to light, helping others to center themselves, find serenity, and ease into a comfort zone that is truly constructive in guiding another with love. It is these qualities I am most moved by as I watch and learn from our tutors. Taurus energy manifests through the healing, grounded counselor. This is a side of the sign I feel is often overlooked. 
And how appropriate it is to discuss the need for a calming, soothing Taurus energy when I transition into what I wish to announce and celebrate in this month’s update. I want to introduce our brand-new tutors, Jackie Johansen, Sophie Salaniat and Lidia Ranieri. We are thrilled to have these three outstanding tutors join our FCEA team. Recent graduates of the FCEA program, they clearly demonstrate to us their mastery of the nuts and bolts of evolutionary astrology. We had an outstanding group of graduates, overall, and we want to recognize the many gifts and sharp minds and loving, caring hearts of this class of top evolutionary astrologers. Jackie, Sophie and Lidia bring to the FCEA the astrological skill set our students need. But, perhaps most important, they embody that Taurus sense of calm and ease, establishing a rapport of comfort and support so helpful when acting as an FCEA tutor. We feel blessed to have them on board! 


Let me briefly introduce them to you.


Jackie Johansen, an FCEA master-certified evolutionary astrologer, holds a Master’s Degree in Jungian Depth Psychology. She has been a mental health professional for over ten years. I have had the pleasure to work with Jackie throughout her studies and recently as she transitioned into tutorial instruction. Jackie brings such a loving, caring heart-centered approach to her work with students. Always gentle, always positive and encouraging, Jackie embodies the soul of a true teacher. We are so pleased to have Jackie expand her skills in mentoring by serving as an FCEA tutor. 


Sophie Salaniat is equally wise and talented and we are blessed to have her join our FCEA team. Sophie has had a passion for astrology for thirty years, bringing a practical skill set so important as a tutor. She, too, is an FCEA master-certified evolutionary astrologer, grounded in Steve Forrest’s methods. I have read Sophie’s nurturing and supportive feedback, always revealing a love and commitment to our FCEA students. We feel so fortunate to have her gifts of wisdom and her nurturing support in the difficult work of training choice-centered and caring evolutionary astrologers.


Finally, I welcome Lidia Ranieri as she joins us as a tutor in our FCEA team. Lidia has a wealth of professional experience as a counselor and coach, having earned a Master’s Degree in Coaching Psychology. Lidia is an FCEA master-certified evolutionary astrologer talented at integrating the details of chart analysis, while also bringing to her work the heart of a loving counselor. A former AP student of Steven Forrest, she is thoroughly grounded in his methodology. I have been most fortunate to follow Lidia’s work as a student and tutor and I am very excited to have her wisdom and skills in the FCEA classroom.
I am so grateful to be able to manage such a gifted group of tutors in the FCEA! Please look for their involvement in our classes in the months ahead and join me in congratulating them in choosing to take on such important work.
Catie Cadge, PhD
May 2024