Light-years from fortune-telling
Evolutionary astrology is a celebration of human freedom, choice and imagination. We believe that it is your “fate” only to face certain questions and certain possibilities in this lifetime. Beyond that, we have no use for the word. Skilled evolutionary astrologers are coaches, not prophets. They help you find your own path and they support you in having the faith and the confidence to navigate it. Whether you come to the FCEA for reasons of personal growth or with an eye on becoming a professional astrologer, we have a place for you.
The FCEA is a “trade school” rather than a university? That just means that our focus is purely practical. There are many forms of astrology. In the FCEA, we teach you one proven method based on techniques developed by master astrologer Steven Forrest. Throughout the program, we keep our eye fixed on the prize: learning to practice the craft of evolutionary astrology.
Our Vision and Mission
Vision: Accelerating the growth of individual souls through evolutionary astrological counsel.
Mission: Training a global community of evolutionary astrological counselors and teachers.
Our Values
Acknowledging and celebrating free will in all aspects of life.
You were born for a reason, your chart illuminates a purposeful, meaningful path through life. You are free to live it or sleep through it.
We do not predict the future, we help you create it.

We act with respect toward ourselves, others, and the planet.
We celebrate human diversity, supporting each soul in its unique path towards resolving its karmic predicament, causing no harm to others.