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Meet Our Four New Tutors

Dean’s Update, September 2023

Meet Our Four New Tutors

Catie Cadge
Greetings, FCEA family! I write to you on equinox, the start of our fall season here in California. The Sun’s ingress into Libra sets the stage for us to work closely one on one and help each other calm down and find peace in learning our sacred craft. The south node in Libra and north node in Aries ask us to move beyond superficial pleasantries and have the courage to take the initiative in forging our path. In this spirit of both collaboration and stepping into new frontiers in bold Aries fashion, I am thrilled to announce that we have hired four new outstanding tutors to join our growing FCEA team. We welcome Fern Vuchinich, Lisa Jones, Harry Farmer and Vernon Robinson. They began serving as tutors at the end of June. This month, they officially come on board, so expect to see them in several classes this fall and in 2024.

Let me take a moment to briefly introduce them to you.


Fern Vuchinich

Fern Vuchinich and I met through the Southern California apprenticeship program (AP) with Steven prior to the opening of the FCEA. I am so happy to have her working for us. Fern began walking the “astrological path” over 30 years ago after receiving her first professional astrology reading in college. Around this time she also met and started learning from her first mentor Asata Gabriel. Artist, astrologer and all-around wise woman, Gabriel taught Fern over the course of 25 years about astrology, intuition, technology, plant medicine and so much more. In 2006 Fern joined Steven Forrest’s Southern California AP, which she returned to several years in a row. She received Forrest certification as a Master Astrologer in 2018. Fern has been a practicing counseling astrologer and teacher since 2003. She has published widely, specializing in Ancestral Astrology work. Fern has also received advanced training and degrees in many modalities of healing including: acupressure, essential oils, energy healing, flower essences and bodywork (eastern and western). She has been a teacher for all ages and holds an M.A. from Sonoma State University and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University. As a Virgo Sun, Libra Rising with Venus in Cancer she enjoys gardening, making herbal remedies and nesting. She resides with her partner and dog family in the mountains of Northern New Mexico.


Harry Farmer

I learned about Harry Farmer’s skills from our tutor, Ryan Evans, who knew Harry from the Northern California AP with Steven. A lifetime resident of California, astrology entered Harry Farmer’s life in his mid-late 20’s, soon becoming a source of deep understanding of his life’s journey, as well as providing support and clarity during very challenging times.  And while for many years he had a quite active astrology practice, serving clients, writing columns and articles, and doing a daily radio cosmic weather forecast, other professional opportunities have needed to be addressed over the years, from working in a mental hospital for the criminally insane, to many successful years as a disc jockey/interview host, gardener and environmentalist, to currently serving on the Board of Directors of the local Water and Sewer Services District. He also shares daily walks in nature with his current special canine companion Chiron. His first love continues to be astrology, assisting others in having a greater awareness of themselves and their own unique life purpose, providing insight, encouragement, and healing energy, especially in redefining times of crisis as opportunity.  He also has very fond memories of many years attending Steven’s Apprentice Workshop in Calistoga, California, sharing joyful and enriching times with fellow astrology students while learning from Steven. Harry is an 11th house Leo, a Capricorn Moon and has strong Virgo placements. A hardworking and passionate teacher, I look forward to working with him.


Vernon Robinson


Vernon Robinson and I have crossed paths over the years first through Steven’s AP, then at numerous conferences. I am excited to have Vernon sharing his many skills with our students. He has been studying astrology for over 30 years and involved in Evolutionary Astrology for the past 20 years.  Vernon has been counseling clients for 15 years. He has a Masters Certification in Evolutionary Astrology from Steven Forrest. He attended the last public class taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green in Boulder, Colorado in April, 2004.  Vernon has presented at Rocky Mountain Astrology (ROMA), Denver Astrology Group, Northwest Astrology Conference (NORWAC) and the San Francisco Astrology Society (SFAS). He is currently working on research for a book about the astrology chart of the First African Slave Ship coming to Hampton, Virginia in 1619. Vernon is an 8th house Capricorn Sun with a Pisces Moon in the 11th and Taurus ascendant. Surely, he will take FCEA students to a deeper level in their studies with his hard work and caring soul.


Lisa Jones


Lisa Jones is last to be introduced, but certainly not least! Lisa and I met “down under” in the Australian AP in 2016 and I immediately sensed Lisa’s passion for evolutionary astrology and Steven’s methods. She shared with me that “she is really thrilled to be part of FCEA world; it is a real honor and is super exciting to be supporting and sharing astrology wisdom with everyone.”
Lisa met Steven over 15 years ago as a modern astrologer. She was fortunate enough to facilitate 20 apprenticeship programs (AP) both in Australia and Europe. Completing master level certification with Steven as well as various studies, including Astrosynthesis certification, a diploma in counseling and group work, and her other love, working with Australian bush flower essences with advanced certification, Lisa creatively nurtures these skills in conjunction with evolutionary astrology. Lisa is presently completing her OPA certification and she is the OPA Australian Satellite. With the Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Capricorn, both in the 11th house, Lisa feels it was mapped out to be working with groups of people, doing something different! 
Very family orientated, with five children and six grandchildren (some of her greatest teachers!) and with a deep appreciation for music, the water and nature, Lisa’s other love of travel has her creating wonderful astrology retreats in various destinations. When at home, her practice is on the east coast of Australia. 
Please join us in welcoming Fern, Harry,Vernon and Lisa when you meet them on our Zoom calls or in the classroom online. We are so lucky to have them share with us their astrological wisdom and many talents at the FCEA. 
Catie Cadge, PhD
September 2023