Join Us for Sacred Counsel Sooner

Join Us for Sacred Counsel Sooner

Dean’s Update, March 2025

Join Us for Sacred Counsel Sooner

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Dean’s Update
Happy equinox, FCEA community. Here in California, our clocks “spring forward” so now we have more hours of light and longer days. To me, Aries season always says it’s time to spring into action! We see lots of new growth and excitement at the FCEA. Everyone is doing a fine job finishing up their classwork before spring break. We are about to start up our second round of 2025 classes in late March and April. Steven and I want to give a special thank you to cohort 5 for their great contributions to 306-05, The Master Practicum. We were so impressed by the level of insight and skill this group demonstrated in class! Next up, this group will be taking our counseling course, Sacred Counsel. We listened to our students’ requests about this class. We expanded it to two-hour Zoom sessions a week. We are also excited to announce some changes in scheduling to better assist students in different time zones. Let me explain.


First, the big news: we are now opening up the Sacred Counsel class to any student currently enrolled in the 300-level curriculum. We changed the numbering of the class to reflect three different offerings at three different times a year. Times may vary one year to the next, so please consult the school catalog when published the year before. You can now take Sacred Counsel along with another 300-level class if you wish. FCEA Sacred Counsel is now FCEA-300SC. This year the class will be held according to the following dates:
  • FCEA-300SC-25A — March 25 – April 15, 2025 (Tuesdays 12:00 – 2:00 pm PT) 
    First Priority to Cohorts 5 & 7
  • FCEA-300SC-25B — June 25 – July 16, 2025 (Wednesdays 8:00 – 10:00 am PT) 
    First Priority to Cohort 7 & 9
  • FCEA-300SC-25C — September 18 – October 9, 2025 (Thursdays 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT) 
    First Priority to Cohorts 9 & 11

Priority registration will be given to the cohort (class of students) who has finished FCEA 306: The Master Practicum or the cohort next in line to take it. 
Students in cohorts 5, 7, 9 and 11 can register starting on March 19th when they read this in the newsletter.
Once cohort 13 successfully finishes the 200-level curriculum in June, they, too, may register for FCEA 300SC-25C or wait for one of the 300SC offerings next year.
This new series of FCEA 300SC will allow students to choose a time and day of the week suitable for their unique schedule. We are hoping this will help students find a class that works for them. 
Meanwhile, we also made some changes to the graduation schedule in light of the new dates of completion of FCEA 300SC. We will hold two graduations a year: one in late July and one in late November. Because students will complete the FCEA curriculum at different times of the year, two graduation ceremonies will best accommodate all. We realize this biannual event may bring together students from different cohorts, but we hope we can support each other and share student achievements as a community with Steven. We will announce these graduation dates in the weeks ahead. Students would be listed in the directory on our website as soon as they successfully complete both 300SC and 306.


Finally, I look forward to seeing some of you soon in Athens, Greece, for Steven’s program, “Finding the Heart of the Birth Chart,” April 24 through 29th, followed by our Sacred Sites Journey, April 29th through May 7th. This is our first FCEA-sponsored live event with Steven! We are thrilled to share time together in person in class and to experience the wonders of the sacred landscape of Greece. I also recognize many would like to see other opportunities to meet in person as the FCEA community. Penelope Love and I will attend Steven’s class at OMEGA, in Rhinebeck, New York, this summer from August 17th through the 22nd.  The topic is an exciting one: synastry! Although this is not an official FCEA-sponsored event, we love to see students and staff at OMEGA. Please consider joining us!  As Neptune prepares to enter Aries, let’s dream big!
Catie Cadge, PhD
March 2025

2025 Live Events with Steven

2025 Live Events with Steven


Master’s Musings, March 2025

2025 Live Events with Steven

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Master’s Musings

With three planets in Capricorn and a Virgo Saturn on the Midheaven, still being able to work at my age is a blessing beyond all measure – and something that I plan to continue doing as long as my mind and my body are in agreement. In this edition of Master’s Musings, I want to give you a rundown of all the public astrological show-and-tell that I’ll be doing this year outside of the strictly in-house teaching within the school’s curriculum. 

Three of the events I’ll be tooting here are “live, in person.” As always, it’s a joy to see any of you in the flesh rather than just on a Zoom screen, so I hope you can attend at least one of them. Two are here in the United States and one is in Europe. 


This will be part of a weekend event sponsored by Astrology University called “The New Air and Fire Era.” In it, I’ll be offering a webinar about Neptune’s entry into Aries. Here’s my description of the talk:

Warrior talk: imagine the sheer emptiness of having nothing in your life that was worth dying for. So many of our greatest heroes – Jesus, Joan d’Arc, Martin Luther King – have walked that talk. But then how many human beings have been bamboozled into giving away their lives for almost nothing – a political theory, a worthless king, or even a banking system. Neptune in Aries is a volatile, passionate energy – powerful, but not easily kept on a healthy track.

Here are the keys to getting it right: what was the sacred gift you were given while Neptune was in Pisces? What are you going to do about it now?

If you’re interested in attending, here’s the link for signing up or learning more about the whole event:

My Neptune talk will also be available separately on my website shortly after the summit.


I was approached by Sam Liebowitz who emcees the popular podcast, The Conscious Consultant Hour, about doing a show. He and I had a lively Zoom chat about the possibility. I liked him and I decided to go for it. Here’s the link to his show where I suspect that sooner or later you’ll find the details about my time with him:


Bestselling author, former champion hotelier, and emerging Elder, Chip Conley, has been a pal of mine since the days of tape cassettes. He now runs the Modern Elder Academy with campuses in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Baja California, Mexico. On April 18, I’ll be enjoying a Zoom Fireside Chat with him as we talk about the changing culture and psychology around an event that lies ahead for just about every one of us: getting older.  Interested in experiencing my talk with Chip? Information about tuning into our chat will soon be available at 

LIVE 4-DAY CLASS IN GREECE, starting on Friday, April 25

I’m really excited about this event! This one is actually sponsored by the FCEA and run by our very own Lisa Jones, along with our hardworking Dean, Catie Cadge. We’re giving priority to our students, but others will be allowed to attend, provided that we have the space. It will be a very practical four day master class in Athens, followed by a six-day bus adventure.  Limited space is still available for this class and the unique sacred journey following. Please join us! Hit this link for the details:


A few lines ago I mentioned my Fireside Chat with Chip Conley. That will be a Zoom event. In June, I’ll physically be returning to his elegant Modern Elder Academy to teach. The campus is set on four square miles of magical land south of Santa Fe. Last year we had a wonderfully warm and friendly group of about twenty-five people. Some were experienced with astrology and some were not, but they all “got it” quickly. This year, I plan to talk about the current sign changes of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and how each of us can best work with these fresh new energies at a personal level. For details, here’s the link:



I’ll be offering this talk with the help of the inimitable Tony Howard who has run my business for a couple of decades. When Uranus enters a new sign, the shocks, surprises, and breakthroughs start coming from new directions. Want to be prepared? Join us! Sign up (or watch the program later on) at



This will be my third year in a row returning to Omega, a truly sacred space that always leaves me feeling a lot more hope for humanity. In the last two events, we had huge crowds of over a hundred both times, with a large minority of them FCEA students. It was a delight to finally meet so many of you in person. This year, our topic is synastry. We’ll cover the whole spectrum of techniques, and we’ll be using the charts of volunteer class members as examples. Here’s the link: 




England is too far away for me to travel just to offer a short talk. This year, they’ve offered me a chance to attend their conference via Zoom. My presentation is entitled, “Sharpening Our Vision” and here’s the description: “There is a chart behind your chart. Whether the information hidden there reflects prior lifetimes or something else, it makes itself felt in the present tense – sometimes in such a fashion that by not knowing it, our work founders. Want proof? Join Steven for this brief introduction to evolutionary astrology.”  I’ve not found any details on their website yet and that includes the exact time of my talk, but I’m sure everything will be up there before long. Here’s the link:

Other than my FCEA classes and my private work, that’s everything I have booked for the rest of this year, at least as of this moment. I’m sure various other podcasts will appear. They tend to be set up fairly spontaneously so it’s hard to give much notice, but afterwards I almost always post links to Facebook and elsewhere. 

For later in 2025, China is the wild card. My trip there this past October was a huge success. I have lots of fun and good, warmhearted friends there, but I’m getting a bit old for twenty-four hour airline journeys. Bottom line: I’m not yet sure about China.

In any case, I hope that some of you feel drawn to attend some of the events I just listed, especially the live ones where we can make a human connection. Those are so precious, especially now with the world in such turmoil.

Steven Forrest
March 2025