Every twelve years or so, Jupiter returns to the sign and degree it occupied when you were born. For obvious reasons, that represents a time of intensified Jupiter energy for anyone who experiences it – and we all do, pretty much like clockwork when we turn twelve years old, or twenty-four, or thirty-six, or forty-eight, and so on.
Naturally, seeing a peak in Jupiter energy, all the fortune-telling astrologers jump for joy. They’ll tell us that it’s time to buy a lottery ticket or ask the boss for a raise. And it is! When “dumb luck” knocks on your door, there is a good chance that Juptier is knocking too. We evolutionary astrologers recognize that fact – but we also recognize Jupiter’s darker potentials. The familiar cliche, “all that glitters is not gold,” pretty much summarizes them. To that cautionary note, I always like to add a happy rider: but gold glitters! Any Jupiter time is an excellent opportunity to add some of that glitter to your life.
As ever, with Jupiter the real questions are always how have you been underestimating yourself? How have you been settling for too little? It’s time for a victory – or at least some significant improvement in your life. And because of the laws of synchronicity, when Jupiter steps into the spotlight the opportunities for those improvements are all in place. It’s your job to recognize them – and meanwhile, to be wary of the kinds of fool’s gold opportunities that merely glitter, but will never feed your soul.
All that I’ve just written applies to any kind of Jupiter event. To those of you who have been studying evolutionary astrology for a while, it’s all familiar territory. In this essay, I want to explore one dimension of our understanding of Jupiter returns, specifically – one that applies to everyone, rarely fails, and generally does not appear in the astrological literature.
By the way, Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun takes 11.86 years, so calling it “twelve years” isn’t exactly spot-on. And of course, like the rest of the planets, Jupiter turns retrograde from time to time, and so putting a date on your personal returns is a bit complicated. Your first Jupiter return might not occur when you are exactly 11.86 years old. Because of retrograde motion, it might also involve three hits on the exact conjunction rather than just a single hit. As always, to nail the precise timing, you need to turn on the computer or open up the ephemeris.
For our purposes here, let’s keep it simple and say we all have Jupitier returns like clockwork every dozen years. That means that they are part of what we call the biopsychic script in the FCEA – that subset of transits and progressions that hit everybody at the same age. Because of that universality, they are woven into human culture, generally stripped of their obvious astrological signatures. In other words, you’ll see plenty of “common knowledge” in what we are about to explore.
What I want to reflect on here is how each subsequent Jupiter return is unique, with its own signature set of issues and opportunities. They always represent a chance to “estimate yourself” more positively, but in each case the breakthrough they offer is different. The delightful heart of the matter is the way each of these Jupiter returns is mirrored in that fabled archetype that underlies every cycle that impacts everything that comes into existence: the astrological houses.
The key here is to start with the first Jupiter return and relate it to the first house. I missed this whole connection for a long time by thinking that birth should be the first house, with the first Jupiter return then being relegated to the second house, and so on around the circle. That might make a kind of logical sense, but as you’ll soon see, it doesn’t work that way.

The first house is about autonomy and freedom. It’s about making our own choices – and dealing with the consequences. As we turn twelve, we are beginning to “grow up.” Civilized behavior is expected of us. We’re now expected to know the difference between right and wrong. We are also starting to operate outside the protective context of family – and beyond its watchful eye. We start to feel touchy about our independence. Sexual energy begins to impact us, drawing our attention to the wider world. We start to become conscious – and probably self-conscious – about our appearance: another classic dimension of the first house and how we “dawn on people.” We start to feel motivated to find our own “style.” We no longer assume that we will automatically be loved or remembered. We have to earn it.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Step out confidently into the wider world with all its dangers and possibilities.
Traditionally, the second house refers to money – and there are obvious connections with financial matters at this crossroads. Individual stories vary, but around this age there is a general assumption that we will begin to be self-supporting – or that we should be. Failure in that regard tends to feed back negatively into our self-image. In classic second house fashion, it is time that we begin to “prove ourselves.” Who are we and what’s going to be our place in the eternal pecking order? The hungry drive – and the attendant personal insecurity – of just “starting out” dominate our lives. The dramas of rejection and acceptance around mate selection accentuate second house questions of self-worth and confidence. Marriage and the birth of the first child are common around now, further raising questions around our ability to “provide.”
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Trust and value yourself and have faith in the future that you are starting to create.
The third house is related to speech and around this time two developments are happening in that communications arena. First, we are simply finding our adult voice. Second, what we have to say is beginning to be taken more seriously by people of all ages. When we express an opinion, we’re not seen as “the kid” anymore. We have reached an age where we can speak with a kind of authority which people older than ourselves find plausible, natural, and legitimate. The third house is also about sheer, frantic busyness and the general buzz of life, which are typically reaching a crescendo around this time. How many balls can we juggle?
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Speak up confidently and expect that you will be taken seriously.
The fourth house has a strong connection with home and family and so our focus naturally shifts in that direction. Generally by this age, we’ve put down some kind of roots in both of those categories – home and family. While we may be very busy with our work in the world, there also arises a stronger sense of the importance of our primary domestic relationships. In eternal fourth house fashion, psychology calls us – whether it takes the simple form of more introspection and reflection, or some actual “crisis of meaning” in our lives. Aging parents often begin to loom large in our lives at this stage too, further emphasizing familial themes.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Make your stand in the world, taking appreciative responsibility for your home, your family, and your community.
As we come to our fifth Jupiter return, we are also experiencing our second Saturn return, so this is a particularly momentous existential turning point. The fifth house is associated with joy, creativity, and playfulness – and more importantly, with seizing the moment for the expression of those kinds of values. Most of us are still reasonably healthy and active at this age, but we are also vividly aware of getting older. There’s less satisfaction derived from imagining good things that will “come tomorrow.” Fifth house fashion, we want them right now. It’s not unusual for people to become grandparents around this time and thus we see the traditional fifth house focus on the joy that children can bring, except in this case it’s our children’s children.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Be generous with yourself. Do something big for yourself. Do it right now.
One traditional focus with the sixth house is health and illness. We may still be fine physically as we approach age seventy-two, but we’re generally becoming more aware of physical issues and limitations, even impending ones. Those health concerns are part of the sixth Jupiter return, but the heart of it lies in that often-forgotten dimension of the sixth house: mentoring. Much joy derives from passing on our gifts of knowledge and wisdom and having them received gratefully by younger people. We now often find ourselves “passing on the torch” in terms of our life’s work. Meeting needs that are essentially egocentric becomes less of a motivator for us. There’s humility in the sixth house – and a lot of generosity too.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Take better care of your physical body starting right now – and keep your eyes open for younger people who could use some skillfully diplomatic, respectful guidance from you.
As we come to our seventh Jupiter return, we are also experiencing our Uranian return, so once again as with the fifth return it is reinforced and thus it is a particularly momentous time. The seventh house is all about relationships in general, not just marriage. Ask anyone at age eighty-four what they think is the most important value in life and there is a good chance that you will hear something about the quality of their human connections. Worldly success and glory are losing their grip on us. It’s the people we love that matter now – and with that Uranian signature in the mixture, the people we love are the ones who accept us as we are. The rest can take a long walk off a short pier.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Say “I love you” to the people who deserve to hear it. Be yourself – and be grateful if anyone who doesn’t like you being who you actually are chooses to go away and leave you alone.
For obvious reasons, only a few of us make it to the eighth Jupiter return. Traditionally, the eighth is the house of death and naturally mortality looms large and imminent at this point. We know that we don’t have much time left in this world. Younger people might find those words ominous, but never forget to add the nature of Jupiter itself. This is the planet of exuberant faith. A joyful sense of “going home” is trying to arise in the psyche now – and trying to break through the cultural walls of fear around end-of-life matters. Most of our peers – old friends, lovers, and partners – are gone now. We know that we will soon follow them. Often a sweet feeling that we will see them again begins to loom in us.
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Face your own passing from this world in a spirit of faith, surrender, and gratitude.
It happens sometimes! But clearly a ninth Jupiter return is a rare event. What is the meaning of the ninth house? “Long journeys” is one – and anyone who makes it this far is contemplating the longest journey of them all. Another meaning of the ninth house is religion or philosophy. Either one of those subjects can become quite central in the mind of anyone who makes it this far. It’s time to figure out what your life has meant. What did you learn? What will you take with you?
Claiming Jupiter’s Gift: Reflect on what you have learned from your long years in this world. See if you can put it into ten words or less. That’s the essence of what you’ll bring through the gateway we call death – and out the other side.
So there it is, the cycle of Jupiter returns, each with its own unique signature.