The Blessings of Jupiter in Pisces
Greetings FCEA community!
2022 has arrived and we usher in the new year with several new classes opening in January, along with some fun and engaging Zoom calls planned with Steven and the FCEA tutors. Jupiter in Pisces is moving through the 10th house of our school’s chart, headed towards the 11th house Sun and Moon. The FCEA was “born” on a New Moon in Pisces in 2019 and with this year’s Pisces New Moon in early March, Jupiter joins up as well. So much to aspire to! A time for us to set our goals as a community of learning and a community of friendship and love.
When discussing birthcharts of individuals, Steven so often describes 11th house planets as being “on a long fuse,” taking time to develop in the life. Does this useful aphorism apply to the FCEA’s stellium of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune, all in Pisces and the 11th? Where does transiting Jupiter ask us to take a chance on ourselves as a school and roll the dice in the months ahead? Certainly, it is time for a gradual expansion. But I would say perhaps the most meaningful growth we can do now is to build a compassionate community of support with a solid sense of what we can accomplish together, a generous Jupiterian spirit of “We CAN do this!” We are a family, a team. Do we need a Jupiter mascot?
We are thrilled to say we are ready to begin our next 100-level program with the opening of 101B, our guided introductory course. A brand-new cohort of students will become apprentices to Steven’s methods throughout the year! I want to offer them a heartfelt “welcome” as they embark on a new journey in evolutionary astrology. Throughout last year, I loved to watch and listen to each class of apprentices. It is so moving to see such love and camaraderie! May Jupiter in Pisces bring creative minds and open hearts as our new 100-level apprentices form a bond together as fellow students in our sacred craft. Please greet them and welcome them when you meet them on a Zoom call!
On New Year’s Eve, Teal Rowe, one of the FCEA tutors, and I were discussing the changing night sky and how Jupiter, with the planet’s faster speed, is pulling away now from its sacred dance with Saturn, a constant theme in 2021. Jupiter so often presents a picture of a glass half full, to envision possibilities. Earlier I mentioned a Jupiter mascot. Is it time to find creative ways to expand our collective spirit as a school? Let’s plant some seeds in the month ahead together by sharing ideas and dreams of how we might make our school the BEST in learning and applying Steven’s masterful skills as wizard. A Hogwarts we can be proud of; compassionate and loving “winners” on the Quidditch field of the FCEA.
“There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.” —Robin Williams