Where's Steve?
Proof that I remain alive and well is reasonably abundant in the FCEA – at least I show up a couple of times a month for the big Zoom calls. But of course most of the time, you are only seeing my pre-recorded face in our instructional videos. When it comes to actual human interaction, you are mostly looking at Jeff and Catie, along with our three able tutors, Joey, Marie, and Teal.
So where’s Steve? What am I up to? Maybe lying on some tropical beach, basking in those big FCEA bucks?.
Alas, no . . .
Actually I shouldn’t say “alas.” Lazing on a tropical beach even for a week would blow all my Saturnian fuses. I’m not there, and wouldn’t really want to be, at least not for a whole week. I am actually at home in Borrego Springs, working hard, and much of the time it is for the school. My FCEA efforts are just all a bit more “behind the scenes.”
When Catie, Jeff and I sat down and began planning how to create the school, one of my own major personal agendas was that I wanted to shift my “live, in person” teaching in a more advanced direction – essentially, I wanted to stop teaching the same fundamentals over and over again, and instead mostly offer “master classes” in holistic chart interpretation. It wasn’t that I was tired of teaching the basics – I actually enjoy that process a lot, even though naturally it tends to be rather repetitive. My motivation was really more an awareness that I was growing older and that I wanted to use the time I had left as wisely and as efficiently as I possibly could. That meant recording myself teaching all of those core astrological techniques once and for all, and thereby freeing up the time for me to focus on presenting more advanced work in a live setting.
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved on stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.“
– Pericles