Our Community Is Our Family
Our Community Is Our Family
Dean’s Update, July 2023
Our Community Is Our Family
Greetings, FCEA family! August is around the corner and Venus is slowing down and about to turn retrograde. The obvious message we might glean from this introspective Venusian time is a reevaluation of our closest partnerships. Are we fully cherished for the gifts of love we bring to the table? Or do we strive too much to be seen or go overboard in our need for applause and approval? There are many ways to contemplate Venus’s backward dance through Leo. But one way we might consider this transit as FCEA students and staff is the all-important role we play as counselors, always in that delicate dance of Venusian rapport we develop with our clients. How can we best creatively express a generous Leo heart, letting our soul shine as “leader,” in the counseling room as we work one-on-one with our clients in Venusian fashion?
As we all know, in evolutionary astrology, we use the perceived backward motion of retrograde planets to reassess or reconsider how we work with the planetary archetypes. What Venusian questions of a Leo-like nature do we ask of ourselves now? Of course, in order to make the strongest response to Venus’s placement at the moment, we look to the planet’s placement in the natal chart. Moving through the 6th house of my own chart, I ask myself how can I reconcile the need to be of service, both as “mentor” and as “mentee” (I am Steven’s apprentice myself) and step into the leadership role I find myself playing as Dean. How can I revel in the joy and playfulness of Leo in all the dimensions of my 6th house?
Bear with me here. I mention Venus’s retrograde passage through my own chart only as a means to dive into the topic of the FCEA’s next step in curriculum development.
In the months ahead, Steven and I will create the master practicum and counseling courses. Both classes are so critical in honing our skills and supporting a successful astrological practice, one that honors every client in a respectful and professional manner. In part, Leo is about taking center stage, but Venus is about negotiation, about relating to one another and about collaboration. How do we shine as evolutionary astrologers, letting our inspiration, creativity and intuition flow in practicing our sacred craft, while using care and discernment in choosing our words and guiding our clients through a positively affirming and choice-centered reading?
In true 6th house fashion, I want to be of service in writing the FCEA 300-level counseling course. In this spirit, I ask FCEA students and staff to please feel free to share resources, topics, or useful strategies we might add to the counseling course in the months ahead. If you have particular strengths in this area, reach out to me when you have a moment by emailing interest@forrestastrology.center. I have been serving as a faculty member in higher education for over thirty years and one of my own strengths lies in support of student diversity and equity. My “door” is open and I appreciate the wisdom you are willing to share. Venus is traveling through the FCEA’s 4th house this month. Our community is our family. We all bring unique gifts to our school. I cherish each of you and I’ll listen with an open heart.
Catie Cadge, PhD
July 2023
Monthly Student Q&A Call – June 2023
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